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The most fucked up thing you've ever seen


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Saw this video of these two guys (pretty sure they were somewhere in south America) walk into a store and begin to rob the place. One guy was sitting down like a normal customer while the other guy was telling the clerk to get the money, go in the back to the safe, etc. After a few minutes 2 cops came in and start to restrain the guy, put him against the wall and what not. All of a sudden the nonchalant guy gets up from behind the cops and shoots them both in the head, then dudes dip off with all the cash. I dnt usually give a shit bout cops gettin popped, but watching them just drop like flies was pretty fucked up.

shit was fucked up i know what one your talking about

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I've been living in Indonesia for about 5 years now and the amount of road accidents i've witnessed is quite scary.


Seen 2 people killed in motorbike accidents at the intersection in front of my house on separate occasions. Brains and other horrible shit.


About 2 weeks ago I heard a crash outside my place.

Went to see what was going on. An older western lady was laying in the middle of the intersection, I ran over to help. Saw her bone sticking straight of her ankle as I was running to her. she was laying with her face to the hot ground. she was conscious and trying to get up as the road was obviously burning fucking hot. I try to help her lift her head of the road. From what I could see, her ear was no longer attached to her face. The whole side of her face is a complete mess. They put her in an ambulance.


That's just one of the many stories.


I hear accidents from my house all the time. once or twice a week. shit's nuts.


I was going to ask about painting in Indo, I've heard it's a good place for that.


You should make a thread for your rail bike here instead of in the yard.

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hey br0ski, this is for the most fucked up thing you've ever seen..not for the most awesomest thing you've ever seen.




2 year old defiantly chainsmoking while reclining in his wifebeater, he's the epitome of kickassery.


little br0 and you wonder why god decided to tie your nuts together. (n/h) haha


really though good luck with the surgery (n/h)

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Not me........but when my sister was 20 she witnessed a murder, she was sitting in a drug store parking lot and three stalls over two dudes were trying to sell a 1/4 pound of bud.....the guy in the back seat was a tweaker that had no intention of buying it, he pulled out a handgun and straight blew the guy in the driver's seat's face off, she heard gunshots and turned and saw this guy catch like 5 bullets to the face....the other guy jumped out and ran and got lit up in the back....he survived, but his screams were the worst thing my sister has hear in her life....whole thing fucked her up bad for a while.....20 years old, fresh out on her own and she got a cold dose of how fucked the world is.....


crazy thing is too, the guy who pulled the trigger ended up being charged with another murder the week before, shot some guy sitting in his driveway with a rifle,......that guy was her best friend's dad...

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Took my brother to the ER when he sliced a 3" gash between his fingers...


In the ER, there were gurneys lining the hall, full of kids who were burned, skin hanging, peeling off in slabs, pink/black/melted, scorched from head to toe from some lunatic who threw a molotov cocktail into a video game arcade in the middle of the afternoon. Cops, nurses, people scrambling. Every time I turned around I saw something worse.


Lost my brother. Went peering into rooms...there was a guy with DT's trying to rip bugs out of his arms screaming hysterically & bleeding. Kept having to pass by the burned kids with faces no longer human.


Found my brother just as they stuck a huge syringe right into the bloody gash between his fingers. UGH.


For some reason, this was the 1st worst event to pop into my head...along with the time I was driving with my son when he was 7, car in front of us hit this old man with a bag of groceries. Shit went flying up like 20' in the air & he looked like a rag doll flapping around...my son freaked & had nightmares for weeks.

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was driving to georgia from texas with an ex girlfriend.


we had been on the highway for hours, going through louisiana.


i wake up from a nap and see my girlfriend is waking me saying




(the following happens in a matter of five or so seconds)

i look directly at the passenger side mirror and for a split second see a cute little black kittten hopping across seven lanes of traffic and immediately get sucked under the front wheel of an 18 wheeler. surreal and fucked up.

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Saw a lady get shot in the face on the 4th of july while on a few tabs. I thought it was a firework or something like that. Turned around to see a lady holding her face, blood all over the ground. I guess her drunk-ass husband had gotten into a fight with her, and she walked outside down the street, and he rolled up in his truck, and took a shot at her. Thankfully it didn't hit anything important (somehow??) and she was still standing and talking. I didn't stay to watch, if a guy was gully enough to try to shoot a woman on a busy street, he was gully enough to come back and do it again a few minutes later. People were already dialing 911, and i lived a few apartments over. I didn't need any gun toting mexican dude around here taking a shot.


That, and 3 dead bodies in a wrecked/burnt car on the side of the road. Pointed on the wrong side of the high way in broad daylight.

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I was 7 or 8 and i was going to the YMCA during the summer..they decided to take some of us canoeing down the creek behind the Y. It was fairly low tide so the oyster beds were visible somewhat.Chubby black kid proceeds to FALL on said oyster bed trying to get into the canoe.Every time he moved/yelled/screamed i imagine...he was getting sliced the fuck up.I can STILL see that shit in my head like it happened yesterday.

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pizza delivery man getting shot on my block the day before christmas. These negros tried to rob him. Not one of our neighbors helped besides my mother and I. He died and all he had was $26...His family visited us on christmas to thank us for trying to save his life. twas very sad =(

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I once saw a bum pooping on another bums head. I was like" wtf you doing?" hes like " shitting on his head why do you care?" me: " I dont, but I am going to take a picture, I hope you dont mind" bum: " hahahahahahaaaaaaaa...., you...haha you needa send me that pic guy" me : Ill bring you one in a few weeks".....eventually I was arrested with that camera....stupid film, damn 90's

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