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A realistic solution to a realistic situation.

Gat Bush

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A pretty girl sitting/walking/drinking coffee has caught your eye. Granted context is everything, but context aside--how do you approach?


Wife'd up oonzters feel free to share how you met your lovely lady. Haters feel free to post pictures of frogs.

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A smile goes a long way




I met my girlfriend of 5yrs. when she was 17. I told her that i thought she was hot and that when she turned 18, i was going to try and fuck her. She hated me at first..but things worked out in the end. Im a lucky guy.

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i agree that compliments go a long way.

just being friendly is good.


i used to work as a cook but one summer i was a waitress.

i occasionally got massive tips.. lots of guys hit on me there.

i had a man at the time but if i hadn't i may have taken a couple up on their offers of a date.


once on an airplane a guy struck up a conversation and was just really sweet

he ended up giving me a lift home from the airport and i even gave him my number

he was much younger though and i think i intimidated him a little bit.


a repair guy from the phone company once hung out at my house for about 4 hours. we watched tv. he also was really trying to get me to go out with him but i just wasn't into the dude.


just talk to girls.

what's the worst that's gonna happen? she rejects you. fuck it.

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Alright all kidding aside, just be yourself and be nice...i usually try to get a feel of who she is... if shes shy just be slow with the come ons...and if shes a fast one then you know the deal.


And realistic if you got your shit together like have your own house, car and some okay clothes, and some cash to spend on her...then you should be able to take her out.

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Jokes, get em laughing, and get the endorphins flowing. It lowers their defenses, makes them less guarded and more likely to be receptive to your advances,. Whether those advances are getting the digits, or the standard "wanna go grab a cup of coffee?"


*when I say lowered defenses, I'm not saying "Her defenses are down, attempt insertion!" I am just saying that in public people in general and women in particular tend to be more guarded.

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Don't use 'lines'.


Ask questions, find out what she likes and relate to it. Don't say you like something just because she does, have an opinion but don't say you dislike something just to be contrary.

In the past I've dated guys I wasn't necessarily attracted to just because they were smart, interesting and genuine. Most importantly, be respectful.


Unless all you want is a quick fumble after the club, in which case, agree with everything she says. Tell her she's hot and that you've never met anyone like her and buy her lots of drinks.



As a female, I don't get why guys holler shit like "dat ass" from across the street in the middle of the day. Do you honestly think we're gonna turn around, look at you and think 'My God I MUST have him, NOW'? And PLEASE don't make that psss psss noise you make to attract a cat as we walk past. It will not get you your dick sucked.

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Making a girl laugh is definitely key, but you need to have shit to back it up. I generally have good luck with that, but it's easy to drop the ball if you're not layering your scheme (drunk and just going for lulz thinking head is imminent).

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Just try to spark up a conversation. About ANYTHING. If she seems receptive keep at it, asking her about herself etc.

If she doesn't seem into it at first just drop it and don't be a creep/dick head.

Not rocket surgery, but I'm not gonna lie, getting a conversation flowing at first can be brutal,

unless youre devilishly handsom like myself.;)








Just whip it out.

Bitches love that shit.

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