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no bullshit answers from the oontz

Ski Mask

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Ok instead of making a thread about it I'll just ask here...



Long story short: hooked up with this chick on friday, since then been chillin and drinkin and bangin her all weekend, she'd been staying the night every night, she went home finally monday but comes back for swimming and beers later that day, then we kick it on some romantic type drinkin wine type shit later that night, after that I take her back to her place, end of date night.


Everything is going fine.


Last night, tuesday night, we go out to steak house double date style with my roomie and his girl, had like a $200 tab, bought several bottles of wine, great fucking night ensued. We get back home to my place. She has a smoke and says she wants to go to bed. I say lets. We go to bed.


DISCLAIMER****Now I'm not gonna hold back from the story, because a key detail may be needed to fully understand what the fuck is about to happen. I'm still fucking confused that's why I'm here***


We hit the bed. I start going down on her after about 5 minutes of laying there knowing that I'm not about to miss an opportunity to smash on this 20 yr old hottie I've just wined and dined up all proper. So I'm goin down on her right, and she's into it. One thing leads to another and I stick my dick in her. At first it's all slow and gentle, then it speeds up, then right when I start to go smash n grab bananas (go faster as to procure a nut) she says STOP. She has to pee. She runs to the bathroom.


And there I am with my dick in my hand... waiting.


After what seemed like forever she comes back and crawls into bed. Lays down like she's going to sleep. I do what any guy would do and try and start things up again. That's when she says "I CAN'T SLEEP HERE, I WANT TO SLEEP IN MY BED, TAKE ME HOME".


At first I'm like, "Are you serious it's 1:30 and im still kinda drunk and tired.... and..."


So she pulls out her cell phone and says she's calling a cab.


I go "Whoa whoa whoa, you're not calling a cab, I'm taking you home."


Get dressed get in car... 15 minutes drive with music turned up just past the point of possible conversation (for the awkwardness I felt) until we get to her place...I asked what was wrong and she kinda mumbled about having a lot of shit going on in her head and shit in her life right now .... mumbles I didn't quite make out because they're fucking mumbles. I pull up to her place and turn off the music. I asked her if we were done? She said no, that's we're good. And she'd call me later. I told her good night.






TLDR: mid smash chick wants to go home... claims she can't "sleep in my bed, she needs to sleep in hers"




of the people I asked: 2 said she probably started her period and wasn't prepared and was embarrassed, 1 said she started feeling guilty cuz she got a man (i call bullshit, maybe on night 2 but not night 4)



girls? this make any sense to you crazy bitches?













EDIT: my phone rings, it's her. on hold as i type this actually. just gonna drop it. but not deleting this as proof if anything else crazy drops.


reason for sudden freak out mid-coitus: apparently, she was feeling all "weird" last night. she's fine now.


case closed.




fucking women.


Be careful with that one:



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TLDR: mid smash chick wants to go home... claims she can't "sleep in my bed, she needs to sleep in hers"




of the people I asked: 2 said she probably started her period and wasn't prepared and was embarrassed, 1 said she started feeling guilty cuz she got a man (i call bullshit, maybe on night 2 but not night 4)



girls? this make any sense to you crazy bitches?













EDIT: my phone rings, it's her. on hold as i type this actually. just gonna drop it. but not deleting this as proof if anything else crazy drops.


reason for sudden freak out mid-coitus: apparently, she was feeling all "weird" last night. she's fine now.


case closed.




fucking women.


ur other friends are right. she probably has a dude, long distance thing going, she dont see him often, felt comfort hanging out with you, she felt guilty after u put it in her. went home, broke up with dude, now does not feel guilty.

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I hate meeting new people, too. The last person I met was Twinky, but that dudes super sick. The last friend I made, too. Not good at this social shit it seems. BUT when it comes down to it and have to be in a social situation I'm definitely the life of the party. fakers gonna fake.

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Faking it and raining on the parade since birth holla


I have this ability to become the crowd favorite fast. Throw me in a group of people I don't know and I'll get them laughing and willing to buy me shit.


Inside though, they can all get hit by a buss for all I care. I'm not anti-social either. I dont become the favorite with the intention of them getting me shit.


Its swell I tell ya

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Faking it and raining on the parade since birth holla


I have this ability to become the crowd favorite fast. Throw me in a group of people I don't know and I'll get them laughing and willing to buy me shit.


Inside though, they can all get hit by a buss for all I care. I'm not anti-social either. I dont become the favorite with the intention of them getting me shit.


Its swell I tell ya



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My boss mentioned a position for my trade opening up in Japan. Haven't been able to get it off my mind. Would be a 3-5 year contract. I'll be 30 when I get back to the states.


I'm not sure though. I'll be working w a bunch if old dudes (read: I'll be doing the work while they watch). Mostly working on aircraft carriers (read: I'm 6'4 220 and those bunks aren't made for that). I have no wife, no kids....


Srsly considering taking it.


What worries me is that my dad has been having heart trouble for te last year or two. I don't want to be out of the country of something happens. I would want to be there. His shits pretty jacked from years of drug use and eating fast food 3 times a day. I'm also worried about being too old to find a good wife when I return. I know that thought process isn't BSM but it's very real to me. I work with a lot of old dudes who have never been married and have no kids. They are 'those dudes' who have nothing but thier job. In the 3 yrs I've been there, becoming one of those guys has become a big fear of mine. Shit is wild depressing to see day in and day out.


Fucking a. Venting. Seeing my thoughts in text kinda helps. I think I'm gonna let him know I'm considering it. Opportunity for acquisition of wicked tat zaps is drawing me in....


What should I do?

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