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casey anthony trial ..


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As you may know, Judge Belvin Perry sentenced Casey Anthony to four years in prison on Thursday for lying to investigators, which she was convicted of. Because of time served and so-called good behavior, Ms. Anthony will be released next week. Judge Perry gave Ms. Anthony the maximum sentence because I believe he believes she's guilty as hell. I also think the judge did an excellent job in a very frustrating case, as the defense team tried every trick in the book to confuse the jury. Of course, no proceeding is perfect and the judge made some mistakes, but overall Judge Belvin Perry is a patriot.


- Bill O'Reilly

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It seems like there could be too many circumstances that would end up fucking over an innocent person with a felony. Not to mention, "a reasonable amount of time" isn't defined. If there was an actual proposal law written out with everything covered and it looked good, I'd sign it. Until then, no.

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YO heres the thing I could careless the fuckin jit died- what i care about is that these fucking barbie dolls get away with everything in this country... it aint about morals its about a pretty fucking bitch who obviously grew up with a silver spoon in her trap, and now she getting away with this shit.


And I know from fucking experience - i went to jail cus I was with a bitch who wouldnt stop crying cus I forgot her birthday, and she was making so much noise - my neghbors called the cops cus they thought i was beating the shit out of her. - and the pretty little bitch never spoke up when the cops showed up to defend me.




I say we bring back Hammurabi's Code

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Of course, no proceeding is perfect and the judge made some mistakes, but overall Judge Belvin Perry is a patriot.


- Bill O'Reilly


I hate when someone like Bill O'Reilly calls someone a "Patriot" . It usually implies someone else is not. For instance, I took this as calling the jurors unpatriotic. The jurors in my opinion, very much did what they were suppose to do to the letter of the law. The laws we have in the country are one of the things that set us apart from other countries. They are not perfect by a long shot, but they are still leaps and bounds better then alot of other countries out there. The pure fact that they found her not guilty because there was not enough evidence, should be a reason to hold our legal process up high. Would it have been better if people are found guilty and put away for life on shitty evidence? How about if they are actually innocent and a group of people just want to get rid of them?


The main people at fault for this screwed up trial is the prosecutors. They should have waited until they had enough evidence.


"That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved."


Benjamin Franklin 1785 A real patriot!!

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And? It is all the same office. The prosecutors, DA, SA, are all the same office.


In many jurisdictions in the United States, a District Attorney (DA) is an elected or appointed government official who represents the government in the prosecution of criminal offenses. The district attorney is the highest officeholder in the jurisdiction's legal department and supervises a staff of assistant (ADA) or deputy district attorneys. Similar functions are carried out at the local level in other jurisdictions by officers named the Commonwealth's Attorney, State's Attorney, County Attorney, or County Prosecutor.

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You obviously are not understanding that they are in the same office. An ADA is not going to do shit unless the DA says so. They are all considered "Prosecutors".


But I do agree with the below that you said.


"And, the defense didnt need to do shit, at all. You cant establish beyond a reasonable doubt an intended homicide without a cause of death. People saying old girl from the block woullda got locked up are on that bullshit. It just doesnt happen where theres no cod and no real evidence, but manslaughter was a slam dunk, and anyone who was facing man 1 on that would be convicted."

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You're not even using the phrase correctly.


Step back and open a dictionary already.




You're playing yourself by overdoing your own antics.

You're over-juicing "LOL'S" to the point where the pulp is drying up.


I'm pretty sure that if it's even in a dictionary at all, that it would at least describe something along those lines.

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Yo DAO, you do know every minute of the trial was televised, right?!

People at home saw everything the jurors did.


Sadly I know because my wife has the luxury of staying at home to raise my kids and she got sucked in. I'll never forgive her for that, but she's a thin white wealthy mom, so there is more than one demographic that wasted time on this crap.


I'm not commenting on the trial, I could give a fuck except for the jokes.


Where, on fucking CSPAN???

Where the fuck was every minute of the trial televised without it being occasionally muted to make room for some opinionated ass commentator butting in and spouting off?


Your wife most likely watches Nancy fucking Grace thinking that she's watching the news like how most of middle America watches "Fox News" thinking that they're actually watching the news.

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So now every time a "child" (16 year old) runs away it should be a felony for their parents to eventually stop calling the cops who are in turn going to tell them that their kid probably just ran away and to stop bothering them?


Fuck you and whatever police state hole you climbed out of.

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