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casey anthony trial ..


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Above average mom for a murder trial i guess..


It's like if you're on bus or an airplane. A chick who might be a 5 in real life can easily get a 1.5 to 2 point bump if you're in a very limited area with her. As soon as you're off the bus or plane though, she goes back to being a 5.




I think he thought you were talking about "above average mom" as in parenting skills.


I knew what you meant, but I can see how somebody would read that wrong.

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Johnny Cochrane | July 6, 2011 at 12:42 pm

I would totally bang this broad and let me tell you why…


1) No kid to worry about anymore. When you sleep with single mothers or when you have kids of your own it is hard to view the women as a sex object when you see her dealing with her kids day to day. One minute she is changing a diaper and kissing a boo boo and the next she is supposed to be your naughty nurse, it is hard to clear the first thought with the second. With Casey you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.


2) She is bat shit crazy. As we all know crazy girls are better in bed. Sure I might have to worry about her googling things like “neck breaking”, “shovel”, or “chloroform”… You know come to think of it I just might password protect the computer.


3)She is kind of hot. I’m a guy to a need more of a reason? She kind of looks like that chick on the Real World that became a cage dancer during the Las Vegas season who was continually upstaged by Trichelle’s drunken antics.


4) She falls into that “she lives in Florida not the cool part but the trashy part” category. There were people that I grew up with that fantasized about living in Florida, which I never understood. The warm weather there is shitty warm weather, there are a ton of old people, and like 80% of the state is beyond redneck. The cool thing about the redneck part is that they are hard drinking, undereducated, and think Jacksonville is an awesome city. This means that you can pretty much talk the people around there into doing anything kind of like using a Jedi mind trick but without the training.


5) She has a tramp stamp.Who doesn’t like tramp stamps?


6) No matter what happens between us I can never be the bad guy in the relationship. When you can end every argument with, “well at least I didn’t (allegegly) kill my kid” you win every time. I could cheat on her with her friends on a weekly basis, steal her car, and get caught peddling naked pictures of her on the internet … none of it would be worse than what she (allegedly) did. I never thought it was possible to have an upper hand forever in a relationship but this seems to be the only way.


Call me Casey.

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Johnny Cochrane | July 6, 2011 at 12:42 pm

I would totally bang this broad and let me tell you why…


1) No kid to worry about anymore. When you sleep with single mothers or when you have kids of your own it is hard to view the women as a sex object when you see her dealing with her kids day to day. One minute she is changing a diaper and kissing a boo boo and the next she is supposed to be your naughty nurse, it is hard to clear the first thought with the second. With Casey you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.


2) She is bat shit crazy. As we all know crazy girls are better in bed. Sure I might have to worry about her googling things like “neck breaking”, “shovel”, or “chloroform”… You know come to think of it I just might password protect the computer.


3)She is kind of hot. I’m a guy to a need more of a reason? She kind of looks like that chick on the Real World that became a cage dancer during the Las Vegas season who was continually upstaged by Trichelle’s drunken antics.


4) She falls into that “she lives in Florida not the cool part but the trashy part” category. There were people that I grew up with that fantasized about living in Florida, which I never understood. The warm weather there is shitty warm weather, there are a ton of old people, and like 80% of the state is beyond redneck. The cool thing about the redneck part is that they are hard drinking, undereducated, and think Jacksonville is an awesome city. This means that you can pretty much talk the people around there into doing anything kind of like using a Jedi mind trick but without the training.


5) She has a tramp stamp.Who doesn’t like tramp stamps?


6) No matter what happens between us I can never be the bad guy in the relationship. When you can end every argument with, “well at least I didn’t (allegegly) kill my kid” you win every time. I could cheat on her with her friends on a weekly basis, steal her car, and get caught peddling naked pictures of her on the internet … none of it would be worse than what she (allegedly) did. I never thought it was possible to have an upper hand forever in a relationship but this seems to be the only way.


Call me Casey.




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I dont give a fuck what anyone else thinks


Fingers crossed some vigilante type shit goes down and she gets sprayed in a drive-by or someone puts this bitch in a trunk and takes her for a ride.


I feel that the reason she wasnt convicted was:


1. As stated the prosecution failed to provide concrete evidence and had too much rhetoric and circumstancial evidence, which no matter how damning or mind numbingly obvious it makes it to the public in court you must present blood stains, murder weapons that sort of shit, reasons for a motive and duct tape arent enough to get someone on a homicide.


2. Someone on the jury had a plane to catch so they werent trying to get caught up in this shit for weeks/days like other high-profile cases. Thats America folks, fuck justice I have a cruise in 2 days lets hurry this shit up.


Regardless of what they say or what others think im convinced she did it, or had her boy do it which in my eyes makes her just as quilty.


Wish I would of seen the bitch fry, but I guess I forgot what country im living in.


Now let some kid go in the same courtroom with a lb. of weed, and its done son.

Fuck the justice system.

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I feel that the reason she wasnt convicted was:


1. As stated the prosecution failed to provide concrete evidence and had too much rhetoric and circumstancial evidence, which no matter how damning or mind numbingly obvious it makes it to the public in court you must present blood stains, murder weapons that sort of shit, reasons for a motive and duct tape arent enough to get someone on a homicide.



And that's the way it's supposed to be.

You open the floodgates to innuendo and gossip to being legally permissible in a court of law, and next thing you know we have shit like this:



Whether you personally THINK she is guilty or not is beside the point.

The fact is that there was not enough actual evidence to convict her.

And thanks to the US Constitution, we don't have a legal system that convicts people off of gossip.


Personally I think the kid died in some fucked up accident due to horrible parenting and that her and her fam panicked and tried to cover it up.

And that she should have been convicted of some kind of manslaughter or aggravated child abuse.

But what I THINK is beside the point.

I wasn't on that jury.

And neither were you.

And the only trial any of us got to see was the one put on by the media.

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2. Someone on the jury had a plane to catch so they werent trying to get caught up in this shit for weeks/days like other high-profile cases. Thats America folks, fuck justice I have a cruise in 2 days lets hurry this shit up.



That's actually the reason why a lot of people get convicted.

Rarely if ever does that work the other way around.

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Johnny Cochrane | July 6, 2011 at 12:42 pm

I would totally bang this broad and let me tell you why…


1) No kid to worry about anymore. When you sleep with single mothers or when you have kids of your own it is hard to view the women as a sex object when you see her dealing with her kids day to day. One minute she is changing a diaper and kissing a boo boo and the next she is supposed to be your naughty nurse, it is hard to clear the first thought with the second. With Casey you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.


2) She is bat shit crazy. As we all know crazy girls are better in bed. Sure I might have to worry about her googling things like “neck breaking”, “shovel”, or “chloroform”… You know come to think of it I just might password protect the computer.


3)She is kind of hot. I’m a guy to a need more of a reason? She kind of looks like that chick on the Real World that became a cage dancer during the Las Vegas season who was continually upstaged by Trichelle’s drunken antics.


4) She falls into that “she lives in Florida not the cool part but the trashy part” category. There were people that I grew up with that fantasized about living in Florida, which I never understood. The warm weather there is shitty warm weather, there are a ton of old people, and like 80% of the state is beyond redneck. The cool thing about the redneck part is that they are hard drinking, undereducated, and think Jacksonville is an awesome city. This means that you can pretty much talk the people around there into doing anything kind of like using a Jedi mind trick but without the training.


5) She has a tramp stamp.Who doesn’t like tramp stamps?


6) No matter what happens between us I can never be the bad guy in the relationship. When you can end every argument with, “well at least I didn’t (allegegly) kill my kid” you win every time. I could cheat on her with her friends on a weekly basis, steal her car, and get caught peddling naked pictures of her on the internet … none of it would be worse than what she (allegedly) did. I never thought it was possible to have an upper hand forever in a relationship but this seems to be the only way.


Call me Casey.


someone listens to o and a

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And that's the way it's supposed to be.

You open the floodgates to innuendo and gossip to being legally permissible in a court of law, and next thing you know we have shit like this:



Whether you personally THINK she is guilty or not is beside the point.

The fact is that there was not enough actual evidence to convict her.

And thanks to the US Constitution, we don't have a legal system that convicts people off of gossip.


Personally I think the kid died in some fucked up accident due to horrible parenting and that her and her fam panicked and tried to cover it up.

And that she should have been convicted of some kind of manslaughter or aggravated child abuse.

But what I THINK is beside the point.

I wasn't on that jury.

And neither were you.

And the only trial any of us got to see was the one put on by the media.


couldn't have said it better.

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Personally I think the kid died in some fucked up accident due to horrible parenting and that her and her fam panicked and tried to cover it up.


If that was the case, what explains her partying, getting tattoos, and clubbing in the days after? She didn't act like a grieving mother.

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I actually fully believe this kid either killed her kid or had one of her bro boyfriends do it. But sometimes people get away with it...


Im not saying I KNOW she did. Because i don't believe my opinion is right above all others.


But for real though, getting away with murder and subsequently becoming a millionaire for it?



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