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12 Things To Be More Aware Of, Going On NOW


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Although Im not afraid of (radical christians) or even the idea of them "overthrowing the governement "or anything of the sort...When your parents grow up christian, and they have several children, can barely afford to pay rent or scrape by and put food on the table, but their faith is so strong that they truly believe jesus will make things work out so its ok to give 10%of your monthly income (OR MORE) then yes. I do have a fucking problem with christians(as well as other close minded foolish believers of religion). I believe that being able to pay rent and have enough money to provide necessities to your family is much more important than spending a portion of your money on offering for the church or a trip to the church's coffee shop or bookstore for some propaganda. As well as wasting time in church siting in front of a snake in pastors uniform brainwashing you into LOVING JESUS and having no boundaries with how much you can give to the LORD and his CHURCH. FUCK that shit. ruins people and turns them into zombies I can attest to this myself for a majority of my family are these fucking zombies themselves. Even the youngest members of my family are brainwashed this way and its fuckin ruthless. Time for religion to get the fuck off this planet.

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What you're saying about control is very true, but that isn't religions fault, it's peoples. .




jesus was a representative of a philosophy, not a religion

christianity is an invention of people,

it is not an institution separate from people, it is completely made up of them and their ideals.


it's funny you postulate that christians are good people

there are literally millions of them and to make a generalization like that is really short sighted

i see you are disregarding the history of the religion (e.g. witch trials, the crusades, the spanish inquisition)

and even current, relevant topics like child molestation, anti-civil-right-activists and the westboro baptists



this tells me people only see what they want to see in this arena. and it's even more dangerous since most people arguing about this shit see themselves as infallible





thecrooked.. word.

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I am in an astronomy class right now and there are a few people that insist that the bible is a fact to use in their discussion. They keep arguing that their faith is to be used as a fact when talking about the beginning of the solar system.


Very annoying.

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jesus was a representative of a philosophy, not a religion

christianity is an invention of people,

it is not an institution separate from people, it is completely made up of them and their ideals.


it's funny you postulate that christians are good people

there are literally millions of them and to make a generalization like that is really short sighted

i see you are disregarding the history of the religion (e.g. witch trials, the crusades, the spanish inquisition)

and even current, relevant topics like child molestation, anti-civil-right-activists and the westboro baptists



this tells me people only see what they want to see in this arena. and it's even more dangerous since most people arguing about this shit see themselves as infallible





thecrooked.. word.



Christianity is a religion. A religion with all kinds of people that belong to it. They follow scriptures written in a 2,000 year old book. It is interpreted differently by each and every individual.


Is is the fault of the entire group of Catholics that some priests molest? No. Is it the fault of the restrictive nature of the Vatican? Yes, most likely.

It's also the fault of the Vatican for not bringing these things to law enforcement and instead trying to deal with it internally. That's wrong on many levels, but it's still not the fault of Joe and Mary Catholic.


Do you feel this way about Muslims? I doubt you'd say it openly if you did. Why? Because you want to maintain this "I'm so open minded, maaaaaaaan".


Do you know what the Catholic church does for the people? It's quite Socialist. You'd love it.




The Westboro Baptist Church is anything but Christian. They are a scam to make money off of law suits. People like you get angry at them and hit them at a rally, they sue the fuck out of you civilly and win. You fell for it by being angry and giving them the attention they want. They like that. That's how it works. You got trolled.


Witch trials don't happen anymore. They were a product of ergot infected bread.


No inquisitions in America. That happened a long time ago and was the product of a corrupt Vatican and corrupt king.


You have bad examples.

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jesus was a representative of a philosophy, not a religion

christianity is an invention of people,

it is not an institution separate from people, it is completely made up of them and their ideals.


it's funny you postulate that christians are good people

there are literally millions of them and to make a generalization like that is really short sighted

i see you are disregarding the history of the religion (e.g. witch trials, the crusades, the spanish inquisition)

and even current, relevant topics like child molestation, anti-civil-right-activists and the westboro baptists



this tells me people only see what they want to see in this arena. and it's even more dangerous since most people arguing about this shit see themselves as infallible





thecrooked.. word.


I have to say I kind of agree with this.

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Christianity is a religion. A religion with all kinds of people that belong to it. They follow scriptures written in a 2,000 year old book. It is interpreted differently by each and every individual.


Is is the fault of the entire group of Catholics that some priests molest? No. Is it the fault of the restrictive nature of the Vatican? Yes, most likely.

It's also the fault of the Vatican for not bringing these things to law enforcement and instead trying to deal with it internally. That's wrong on many levels, but it's still not the fault of Joe and Mary Catholic.


Do you feel this way about Muslims? I doubt you'd say it openly if you did. Why? Because you want to maintain this "I'm so open minded, maaaaaaaan".


Do you know what the Catholic church does for the people? It's quite Socialist. You'd love it.




The Westboro Baptist Church is anything but Christian. They are a scam to make money off of law suits. People like you get angry at them and hit them at a rally, they sue the fuck out of you civilly and win. You fell for it by being angry and giving them the attention they want. They like that. That's how it works. You got trolled.


Witch trials don't happen anymore. They were a product of ergot infected bread.


No inquisitions in America. That happened a long time ago and was the product of a corrupt Vatican and corrupt king.


You have bad examples.



its not religion or lack of religion that is bad, its when these bodies either use the state to their advantage to enforce their will or act as the state that we had these inquisitions, witch trials, etc.

in a free society, no one holds any coercive force over another. the government is a night watchman state that does not have the power to exercise these extraneous powers in the first place. let us not forget, in a free society, no one is forced to go to church nor fund it and the church holds no power over anyone, unless they use the force of the monopoly called government.


the common denominator is the state. as always. democide to the tune of 262 million people just in the 20th century alone.

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Do you feel this way about Muslims? I doubt you'd say it openly if you did. Why? Because you want to maintain this "I'm so open minded, maaaaaaaan".


see, this is why arguing, or even having any kind of interaction with you is fucking totally pointless

you are so haughty, so fucking presumptuous, think you know what i think, REGARDLESS OF WHAT I SAY


guess what casek, you don't know it all. i can see you think you do.

you don't know where i've been, who i interact with, or what experiences i've had with the various religions of the world.

so get down off that high horse.


i got 'trolled' by the westboro baptist? or you are too naive to see that they represent a faction of the religion you claim to be so benevolent? i see it as the latter.


anyway, i guess it's time to add another name to the ignore list

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see, this is why arguing, or even having any kind of interaction with you is fucking totally pointless

you are so haughty, so fucking presumptuous, think you know what i think, REGARDLESS OF WHAT I SAY


guess what casek, you don't know it all. i can see you think you do.

you don't know where i've been, who i interact with, or what experiences i've had with the various religions of the world.

so get down off that high horse.


i got 'trolled' by the westboro baptist? or you are too naive to see that they represent a faction of the religion you claim to be so benevolent? i see it as the latter.


anyway, i guess it's time to add another name to the ignore list



No, I don't know it all. I do know that you're a liberal atheist, though. Yes, you got trolled by Westboro. You think they represent religion when all they represent is a paycheck via civil suits. You thinking they are doing it for Jesus is why you got trolled. You get angry and that is exactly what they count on.


Add me to that ignore list. I'm done with 12oz.



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casek don't let that bother you lol. i see your points and i see his also, religion is a very touchy topic hence why there are so many wars being waged in the world right now. i agree that Christianity has been used to justify malicious action in the past, as is with every religion. aod made the best point imo on the argument.


its when these bodies either use the state to their advantage to enforce their will or act as the state that we had these inquisitions, witch trials, etc.


very true. whether or not you believe Jesus Christ was actually the son of God is your own personal choice, but I believe he did preach against the state (Rome at the time) as being utilized to enforce laws or behavior that was reprehensible and threatening to humanity. that and the general nature of sin and temptation that humans are susceptible to because we aren't pure, etc. etc. i'm really not a big religion buff i just know that organized religious institutions have always been utilizing the state to their advantage as aod said, and this is still occurring today. it's another example of corruption.


but honestly, calling someone all of that and than saying your going to ignore them on a forum where debate is encouraged is "haughty" to me. it's really contradictory and a bit hypocritical to come off that way towards someone who is simply engaging in the debate. might want to check yourself.


Here is an interesting conversation about humans having spiritual experiences and what could be at the root of human spirituality between Alex Jones and Joe Rogan discussing the effects of DMT.

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This is why I do not talk religion with most people. I believe what I believe and also do not try to force anything on anyone else. I am a firm believer of everyone is free to believe what they want, not just in religion, unless it hurts someone or they are forcing it on someone else.


With religion, my main problem is that rarely can you have a open honest communication with someone about it. People take it sooooo personal. I would think that someone who is so strong in their faith would not be shook by having a conversation about the 5 W's of their religion. But almost as soon as someone starts talking, a majority of people get on the defense and are not able to even talk about it. I am really interested in honestly talking about it, without any attacking or putting down, just straight facts, but I so far have not been able to find that person. I really want to talk to a Mormon about their religion, but that is going to be impossible, because they do not talk to outsiders about their religion.

So in the end, I do not talk to someone about it because, as in this thread, no one can be objective enough to really talk about it without taking it as a personal attack against their faith.


The only time I will forcefully inject myself about religion is when someone is forcing themselves on me or someone else with their religion. Then I will be happy to shoot them the fuck down with facts. Everyone should be able to believe what they want and not be forced to believe something because of someone else.

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I hold a very similar view CILONE, but I have been cast inlife as someone who is against all religion and will argue, but that isnt the fact, I am against religion but as long as you dont force it on me I dont mind but I would just like some straight answers (particularly from Christians as they are who I generally have most contact with) but they always bypass or change the question matter and I then get frustrated because it is like getting a straight answer from a politician.

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The point I was trying to make with the whole christian thing, has nothing to do with their faith at all. Just that for the government to throw such a vast group into a "threat" category should alarm people. Granted this was already done with Islam, but that's the point. Now every country on the planet with an Islamic based law system or culture has reason to fear a NATO bombing or an invasion.

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