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IN love but not loved back


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aight, maybe not love, but one of my sisters friends came over here and we all went out to see a movie, last year this chick was sorta plump and we hung out and cuddled and stuff a few times, today i look at her and she is absolutely beutiful, she changed so much since last year for the better while i changed from an alright guy to a slob acne infested dumbass, now i want to go out with her but my self esteem is gone to shit, somebody tell me something so i dont go out and jump off a bridge .

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I don't know about that.. I'm sorry. Do something that makes you feel good. Wash your face every night.. go shape up a little.. (not saying you have to.. but it would make you feel better) and just be happy.


but what I was going to say is.. I know how it feels to love and not be loved in return.. which of course.. this topic really has nothing to do with.

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Originally posted by VANDALISTIKO

aight, maybe not love, but one of my sisters friends came over here and we all went out to see a movie, last year this chick was sorta plump and we hung out and cuddled and stuff a few times, today i look at her and she is absolutely beutiful, she changed so much since last year for the better while i changed from an alright guy to a slob acne infested dumbass, now i want to go out with her but my self esteem is gone to shit, somebody tell me something so i dont go out and jump off a bridge .


if you are actually considering said bridge jumping....do me a favor and introduce me to this girl before you do so.


any help is appreciated.

thanks in advance...




im bored, sorry if i wasnt much of a help.

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