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Genital Herpes....bummer.


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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


You not supposed to have sex when you have a herpes outbreak...so you'll be getting down with a girl you just met at the bar and you'll have to stop because "you can't"....just like a girl with her period. You'll have to make up lame excuses like "i'm just not ready" or "we shouldn't, we just met"


Essentially what I'm saying is you're a woman. A woman with herpes.

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


herpes and warts are not prevented by wearing a condom. They may be helpful preventatives but its that skin to skin contact that gets ya.....

what a cunt. Do you got any girl cousins, or sisters that would beat that ass for you?

if not hire a couple streetwalkers

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


I commend you for having the guts to come clean to a bunch of retarded fools who in their spare time like to jock people for no good reason. I approve if you knew what was gonna happen & did it just for the entertainment of others.

If however you came here in hopes of medical advice, compassion & get-well cards (which would be fucked up since you can't get rid of it.... ever) you, sir are a dumbass.


have fun with your first outbreak


look at it this way, you're like a venomous snake...with herpes

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


what's kinda funny to me, is that we have already discussed herpes and who's got it at length.


http://12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96232 (at greatest length)











anyway don't be the douche who doesn't tell the next person.

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


I thought that I had it once, my research at that point revealed one detail about herpes transmission which I think is important to bare in mind. It is often pointed out that Herpes is only contagious during a outbreak but I learned that right before a outbreak it is also contagious.


Not to be harsh, but maybe now you will realize that your need to protect your body and respect both yourself and your sexual partners by practicing safe sex with women who are worth your time and not just any old bitch that will undo her belt.


Heard Lycine helps.


A couple songs to help you in your time of distress:






Anybody know which Slick Rick song has the "Stepped out the house, stopped short ouch ouch" Lyric. Google is letting me down here.

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer



Anybody know which Slick Rick song has the "Stepped out the house, stopped short ouch ouch" Lyric. Google is letting me down here.



Stepped out the house stopped short, oh no

Went back in I forgot my kangol

Then I dilly, dally, I ran through the alley

I bumped into this homegirl named sally from the valley

This was a girl playing hard to get



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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


Then I met Sin,

Sweating the viking

A brown skinned fox, slim just like I like them

"What? Sweating you? Picture that, nerd. Please"

Anyway, the bitch had herpes! (you know)


hahaa slick rick, a love that's true part one.


dude had issues with the herp. :haha:

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


Just got over an incident where I thought I had HPV.


Good news though, I didn't have it and even if I did it'd go away eventually.

You however though, are fucked.


Don't be one of those ''I have it so now everyone will'' kind of people, if all you infected assholes just kept to yourselves this shit would die out and go away.

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


so I just foround out I got herpes from this dumb bitch who didn't even tell me she had that shit. Apparently this shit stays with you life-long (in your fucking spine!)...super pissed about this right now, anyone else got this shit?:mad:


You trusted a female? You think she'd say "oh I got the herp" before fucking? Always wear a raincoat mayne. I once worked with a girl who loved that she had it. She'd fuck random dudes and be like "haha they have herpes now!" like it was the funniest practical joke... She even gave it to the singer of Guided By Voices!:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


yea, i guess whats weird is that that shit "hides" in your spine until you have an outbreak and then shit gets real, not looking forward to crust-dick, but thats what I get for meessing around with those ne'erdowell women....

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


dodged this bullet so far. got kinda worried after some shit with my ex (who was the epitome of a sheisty individual). test said i'm clean, though.


be careful. theres people who fuck partners indiscriminately and will neglect to tell you about some shit like this. assholes.

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer



This one's simple: Don't fuck anyone with sores on their genitalia, not even with a condom. Most of the time, the sores are down around the bottom so a condom isn't going to do shit. Oh, you fucked someone with sores and now your area hurts? OK, relax, that means you have herpes, but it's not such a big deal. Everyone has herpes. Back in the 70s you had oral herpes (which you have if you've ever had so much as a canker) and genital herpes (the horrible one that made you part of a "community"). Today, "herpes simplex A" and "herpes simplex B" don't mean shit. You get people with oral herpes (simplex A) that have painful sores on their genitalia twice a month (wasn't that only simplex B?). You see, everyone is so into eating pussy and sucking cock these days that there is no longer any difference between "oral" and "genital." Today it makes more sense to say H1 or H2 or, um, H10. You have H1 if you have a genital outbreak and never see it again, and you have H10 if you get outbreaks, like, six times a year. It's totally contingent on your immune system. Doctors don't know shit. The only way you know which kind of H you have is by how many outbreaks you have. Fuck the blood tests. And no matter how bad your outbreaks are now, they are going to be half as bad next year and half as bad the year after that. If you had six this year, you'll have three the next, and 1.5 the next, and 0.75 the next, and so on. That's not so bad, is it? Also, it's only contagious when you have sores, so if you don't, you don't have to tell anyone (sure, doctors talk about "asymptomatic carriers," but doctors are all idiots who have no idea what they're talking about). Unlike with AIDS, plenty of people marry people with H10 herpes and never, ever get it. People with sores don't want to fuck anyways—they're in pain. Besides, they say it's incurable and blah blah blah, but they said that about venereal warts back in the early 90s, and now all you have to do is take some over-the-counter pills for warts and they're gone.


Read the rest at Vice Magazine: BIG WHUP - The Vice Guide to STDs - Vice Magazine

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