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you cant replace an existing element with another existing element silly.


you must replace it with something new. something simple but at the same time used unconventionaly & refined into something great, spawning far away from its original intended use. something creative. something that envokes a literal tidal wave of people wanting to be a part of it. something that the same ones wanting in the club can communicate with via message that others outside of the club cannot understand. do not want to understand. shun the thought to understand.






















































































































































































































































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i was told by my friend who works at native industries that the reson is there's a part which for some reason can't be produced anymore... and that's the reason that they have stopped producing them


and technics have fucked up by just letting them run on without ever even think aboot finding a suitable alternative for said part.


but someone with big money can buy the whole technics brand as it's up for sale...

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so you mean to say that a tawainese sweat shop is gonna buy the brand, model and specs, reissue them under the same brand, model and specs but with shitty, cheap breakable parts already deemed so insuffitient by its predessesor and original manufacturer so much so they decided to call it a day on perhaps the single most long standing untouched mechanicly, physicly and cosmeticly piece of electronis in history!?!


































































































































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This is how I type when I care a lot about a single model of record players being discontinued.


i dont own a single jazz record, musical instrument or remember the last time i purposley listened to anything im acustomed to hearing other than sports radio.


that however, does not mean i wouldnt be pissed off, annoyed or even just flat out disrespectful about an occurance such as this or for arguments sake a saxiphone becoming null n void and/or outright production of the instrument discontinued.


not only is it a sign of the times its slap in the face from corporate bigger/cheaper/easier.


give a fuck about music created or contributed by the turntable this is fairly signifigant to the generations from fish tank platform shoes to yes, the all mighty all cityonsmash shelltoe to the now throw back step on your own foot for the dirty look hipster who have now may as well have turned the internet and social networking sites into some sort of botched consumer driven ficad of a culture and the bite EVERYTHING you project yourself to be, want to become or plain just accesorise not just yourself but community as a whole.


throughout time and history creativity has blossomed far beyong any art school degree bought and sold by big pockets, a claim to be this overnight claim to be in an hour society and keeping up with the jones's but as time goes on, and technology continues to rapidly infrastruct the world to albeit amazing heights these sgnifigant leaps of CREATIVITY embryoing out of nothing into something huge from the shadows of never never land and the year sant clause forgot your crib im speaking on will have less and less opportunity to become.


its fuckin signifigant.


and kids from the house that santa forgot will just continue to sit around and do nothing rather than finding that spark one day that turns them into ocd genious's enveyed and pedastilled by the rich kids down the block wanting to posses what they posses yet willing to throw it away at the drop of a hat for the next best/cool thing.


im not a tech hater, shits vast. and wild. and kool. but at what humane cost will we pay years down the road when the planet is nothing more than a sheep herd of cloned labrats chasing the governments cheese.


tell you one thing, it aint gonna be on my buck my vote, or my acknowledgment.

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its the symbolism of the situation thats important, interesting, or even just a moment of wrecognition.


maybe like when tv went from b&w to color


*edit: if i had a bigger voice in society i would breed my own sheep and herd them into individualy and really actually make a difference in and on society. thats how legit i am in my speakings. thats how intelegent i am when it all boils down. straight up.

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nah i'm pretty sure it is real man...


the price of them has fuckin' rocketed... i was also told that there was some guy somewhere in america at some big chain guitar shop or something who said he could continue to sell them for four years... and that technics decided to carry on production based on this because he was obviously a huge customer.



but all technics done was give him enough stock to sell for your years...

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i dont own a single jazz record, musical instrument or remember the last time i purposley listened to anything im acustomed to hearing other than sports radio.


that however, does not mean i wouldnt be pissed off, annoyed or even just flat out disrespectful about an occurance such as this or for arguments sake a saxiphone becoming null n void and/or outright production of the instrument discontinued.


not only is it a sign of the times its slap in the face from corporate bigger/cheaper/easier.


give a fuck about music created or contributed by the turntable this is fairly signifigant to the generations from fish tank platform shoes to yes, the all mighty all cityonsmash shelltoe to the now throw back step on your own foot for the dirty look hipster who have now may as well have turned the internet and social networking sites into some sort of botched consumer driven ficad of a culture and the bite EVERYTHING you project yourself to be, want to become or plain just accesorise not just yourself but community as a whole.


throughout time and history creativity has blossomed far beyong any art school degree bought and sold by big pockets, a claim to be this overnight claim to be in an hour society and keeping up with the jones's but as time goes on, and technology continues to rapidly infrastruct the world to albeit amazing heights these sgnifigant leaps of CREATIVITY embryoing out of nothing into something huge from the shadows of never never land and the year sant clause forgot your crib im speaking on will have less and less opportunity to become.


its fuckin signifigant.


and kids from the house that santa forgot will just continue to sit around and do nothing rather than finding that spark one day that turns them into ocd genious's enveyed and pedastilled by the rich kids down the block wanting to posses what they posses yet willing to throw it away at the drop of a hat for the next best/cool thing.


im not a tech hater, shits vast. and wild. and kool. but at what humane cost will we pay years down the road when the planet is nothing more than a sheep herd of cloned labrats chasing the governments cheese.


tell you one thing, it aint gonna be on my buck my vote, or my acknowledgment.


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