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The show in detroit was crazy. Detroitred it was smart thinking staying

in the back, the moshing was out of control. They started late, and shitty

it had to end early...but it was definitely a great show.


that was no mosh pit....however it was hectic as fuck up towards the stage. i care too much about my sneakers to be up in that crowd. the last time i was at that venue..was for a gorilla biscuits show...niggas was wild'n out at that shit.

agreed..it was a great show..and anyone saying anything less has no clue.

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I really dont know shit about these guys but all that free Earl shit is fucking gay... I was flipping through the friday entertainment section of the paper and read that Earl got sent away by mom and dad to reform school after they gave his music a listen and were shocked by his lyrics.

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read an interview with tyler the other day. it was in response to tegan and sarah criticizing them for being homophobic, constantly saying 'faggot' etc. tylers excuse was 'hey, im 20 years old, just having fun, i dont hate gays, i just think its funny to call people faggot'. hmmm.


while i completely buy that, i wonder how well it would go over if some white kids came out calling everyone 'nigger' then saying 'we're not racist, we just think it's funny to piss you off'. would that be as easy to just write off ass teenage hyjinx?


not that i'm really kept up late at night thinking about this, but i do find it ironic that black culture as a whole seems to completely miss the parallels between their struggles for equality and the gay struggle. less than a hundred years ago, the couldnt vote. now a days, gays still cant get married. we look back on rosa parks with disgust as to how a society could be so unfair towards one group, yet it's still happening today.


anyway, the moral of post, which i realizing is waaaaaay too intellectual for this group, or this thread, is 'dont call me faggot, nigger'.

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I dont think it was way too intellectual. The struggles that black people faced here in America the past 200 years was a lot different than the struggle for gay rights. Where as the black population was oppressed physically and publicly, yet the struggle for gay rights is more about a legality for a group of people who do things differently:same sex marriage. They're both valid causes but I dont see how one an other can really find any common ground in thier struggle for rights except that they both want to vote. So i guess what im trying to say is that I could understand tyler using the word faggot the way he does just because he can, not because he hates em or anything.as an artist nowadays, with the internet at hand, why not, excercise your first amendment everyday, thats why we live in America. idk man, just my two cents.

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so am i just flexing my 1st amendment rights by calling people niggers? is it funny when i do so?


i think you greatly underestimate what it's like to be gay. just because no one is sicking dogs on them and they can get jobs, that doesnt mean they dont deal with just as much prejudice as minorities, it's just different, in the same way that racism is different now than it was 100 years ago. its more ingrained, more institutionalized. the fact that people even feel that they can argue that 'faggot' is not harmful to say, yet 'nigger' is, just kind of proves that completely. or that there arent parallels between the struggle for equality. it's not about who has it 'worse', it's about the fact that everyone should have it the same.


just something that's been on my mind lately. increasingly many of my friends are gay, so ive become a lot more conscious of the things i say 'in jest' and how they could be taken offensively by some. it also makes me more aware of what others say. ive always been critical of jewish organizations because they seem to put the struggle for jewish rights above those of other people, a fact i feel lessens their effectiveness - all oppressed peoples should band together and look out for one another, not put eachother down like crabs in a barrel only concerned with themselves. on a local level, i often see blacks doing the same. they want to be treated as equals (as they should) but at the same time see no issue with insulting gays, asians, etc. not only see no problem with it, but argue that it's ok. i cant help but assume it's the same shit whites were doing 100 years ago.

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http://hypetrak.com/2011/05/earl-swe...by-new-yorker/ <- this is a fake, XXL proved it was. they were saying they think earls mom did it. yinz can talk shit on them but they're out there doing something while your sitting on your ass. OFWGKTA is the only rap ill listen too, its better than having lil b calling himself a pretty bitch and gucci screaming burrr in your ear through out the song.
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seeks dropping knowledge on people!


I agree with what you are saying, I dont call people nigger, I don't call gays faggots, I know plenty of blacks and gays, most of the black people I know wouldnt use the nigga word either but I really think that is more of an American thing.


Only thing I am happy to discrimate against is peoples ignorance and stupidity.

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so am i just flexing my 1st amendment rights by calling people niggers? is it funny when i do so?


i think you greatly underestimate what it's like to be gay. just because no one is sicking dogs on them and they can get jobs, that doesnt mean they dont deal with just as much prejudice as minorities, it's just different, in the same way that racism is different now than it was 100 years ago. its more ingrained, more institutionalized. the fact that people even feel that they can argue that 'faggot' is not harmful to say, yet 'nigger' is, just kind of proves that completely. or that there arent parallels between the struggle for equality. it's not about who has it 'worse', it's about the fact that everyone should have it the same.


just something that's been on my mind lately. increasingly many of my friends are gay, so ive become a lot more conscious of the things i say 'in jest' and how they could be taken offensively by some. it also makes me more aware of what others say. ive always been critical of jewish organizations because they seem to put the struggle for jewish rights above those of other people, a fact i feel lessens their effectiveness - all oppressed peoples should band together and look out for one another, not put eachother down like crabs in a barrel only concerned with themselves. on a local level, i often see blacks doing the same. they want to be treated as equals (as they should) but at the same time see no issue with insulting gays, asians, etc. not only see no problem with it, but argue that it's ok. i cant help but assume it's the same shit whites were doing 100 years ago.

I agree with your points stated....I also agree that his response was a bit immature. However you also have to take the greater majority of what these kids say with a grain of salt. In one of his songs he says that he is "...the blackest skinhead since India Arie." as well as draws swastikas on shit. Does that mean dude is trivializing the struggle Jews have faced? The same argument could be made for all of his lyrics about raping women. I think they all say fucked up shit in they're lyrics because like Latarian Milton, "it's fun to do bad things".

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