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MLB 2011.. never to early thread!


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I'm assuming that was sarcasm, but I have to agree with MLB's policy of guilty unless proven beyond a doubt that you're innocent, if you fail a test. He failed the test, then they did a second test which showed it wasn't naturally occurring testosterone.


The positive result was triggered by elevated levels of testosterone in Braun's system, the sources also told "Outside the Lines." A subsequent, more comprehensive test revealed the testosterone was synthetic -- not produced by Braun's body.


Every individual naturally produces testosterone and a substance called epitestosterone, typically at a ratio of 1-to-1. In Major League Baseball, if the ratio comes in at 4-to-1 or higher during testing, a player is deemed to have tested positive. The sources did not indicate how high above the threshold Braun's sample tested.


To affirm the results and strengthen its case, MLB asked the World Anti-Doping Agency lab in Montreal, which conducts its testing, to perform a secondary test to determine whether the testosterone spike resulted from natural variations within Braun's body or from an artificial source. The test indicated the testosterone was exogenous, meaning it came from outside his body

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I'd be a very happy man if Doumit spends a lot of time at DH, since that would more than likely mean that Mauer and Morneau were healthy.


And that would also mean we would have an every day RF. Which doesn't look like it is going to happen.


Cuddyer unhappy with the negativity surrounding the team last year, has no confidence if we will be contenders in near future. Not looking good.


Willingham is in pursuit by the Indians and M's. Rene Tosoni everyday RF baby, here we go.


"QUICK - somebody get Jason Repko on the phone! NOW!"

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Gardy has said it would be an outfield of Revere, Span and Plouffe if we don't sign someone. I'd like to hope we'd put Revere in LF and Span in center to at least minimize on the damage from Revere's noodle arm. With him in center, runner is going from 1st to 3rd 100% of the time, and 1st to home if they're semi fast and it's a reasonably decent hit.


And yeah, we are more than likely fucked. Bullpen is still a total mess, starting rotation is very very mediocre at best (and still unknown on our 5th starter), we have absolutely no power hitting, etc, etc. Even if we do sign Cuddy or Willingham, we're going to have no money for pitching. If we spend our money on pitching, our most threatening power hitters are going to be Doumit and Plouffe. I like to try to be positive, since it's certainly possible that Mauer, Morneau, and Span could bounce back, but the chances of all 3 of them coming back to their pre-injury form is next to nil.


Even though I'd prefer a right handed hitter, I think a semi reasonable option may be to go after Kubel, since he should be significantly less than Cuddy or Willingham. That would leave us some money to pick up another starter and a bullpen arm. Hopefully not another 4.50+ ERA, 4-6 innings a start, pitch to contact starter, though I'm sure thats what will happen since the Twins love that type of pitcher so much. Problem is, I don't think Kubel wants to be here, and the chances of us signing a pitcher who isn't a 5 spot guy are pretty much zero.

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I feel like I'm reading supermarket celebrity tabloids with some of these Ryan Braun stories. There are now conflicting reports that it wasn't a PED that caused the positive test. In this day and age though, if you're a professional player, you should know exactly what is in everything you're taking, from supplements, to over the counter medications, to vitamins, to whatever. It will definitely be interesting to see some concrete information instead of ESPN ruffling feathers with information from anonymous sources, but I really can't imagine a situation where Braun manages to clear his name.

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as much as i would like to believe he is innocent for the sake of being a true fan of baseball from what i have read there is no way. plus the testosterone was mad from "outside the body".

also to note not a single player has EVER won an appeal of the test result....

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^agreed but I get the vibe from braun's statements that he has some sort of legal dispute gameplan, which points to his guilt, but the immediate request for a second test seems like a pre-planned move. and the 2nd negative doesnt nullify the initial positive, but they have a plan to use the results in some way to point to some anomaly or some shit. I think he took some PED's, and he was waiting with some team of lawyers for this shit storm. I might definitely be tripping, though.

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Especially considering MLB knew about the positive test before he was awarded the MVP, but didn't release the info since he's appealing. Matt Kemp has gotta be pretty pissed off, but we still gotta see how it plays out, what the cause of the positive test was, etc, etc. As I said though, I can't imagine any situation where he gets off clean. A second test coming back negative or not knowing what was in a medication he was taking sure as shit isn't going to save him here.

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Twins sign Willingham. No word yet on the actual figures in terms of years/money, but I'd have to imagine it's less than the 3 year/$24m we offered Cuddyer. Now hopefully we can turn our attention to our pitching staff.


Edit: It's a shame our FO seems to have burned our bridges with Kubel. I wouldn't mind an outfield of Willingham, Span, and Kubel. I still have this terrible feeling that they're going to try to trade Span for bullpen pitching too.


Edit x2: About Willingham: "The Twins figure to use him in left field." Outfield of Willingham, Span, Plouffe? Ain't no way Revere is going in right field, unless Gardy has completely lost his mind. Though he'll probably move Span to right and let Revere play center and our outfield will still be all out of whack.

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Or, I guess the Twins haven't signed Willingham yet. mlbtraderumors is deceiving me.


"7:11pm: The Twins say they're still talking to Willingham but no agreement has been reached yet, reports MLB.com's Rhett Bollinger (Twitter links). Bollinger says it sounds like the deal could be announced tomorrow.


5:43pm: The Twins have agreed to sign Josh Willingham, reports ESPN's Jerry Crasnick (Twitter links). The multi-year contract is pending a physical."

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Or, I guess the Twins haven't signed Willingham yet. mlbtraderumors is deceiving me.


I was listening to the radio when they said that there was an agreement on a contract. Then not much later MLBTR reads "Twins Agree To Sign Josh Willingham?"


The question mark is kind of funny because they agreed in earnest I guess, but are still pursuing Cuddyer. But Joe Christensen tweeted not too long ago that the tentative deal is 3 years, $21m.

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I still have this terrible feeling that they're going to try to trade Span for bullpen pitching too.

Ugh, rumors that the Twins might be trying to sign Willingham and Cuddyer and then trade Span. Probably not a legitimate concern of that happening, but it still bothers me that the Twins are so open to trading Span. Ben Revere is not a valid replacement for Span at all. I have no idea why they seem to think so. Worse outfielder, worse arm, worse bat, worse OBP, bit more speed. I enjoy watching him play, but his OBP is not good enough to be our every day leadoff man and teams are going to run on us like crazy with his weak arm. Span has such a team friendly contract too.

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Somebody has to be making the shit up about trying to trade Span in order to keep the door open for Cuddyer while still getting pitching.


I think it is evidence enough that Cuddyer won't come back when we put the offer (and only offer) on the table almost NINE DAYS AGO and nothing came out of his camp.


Just let the man fucking walk. I don't think public backlash will be much of an issue.

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And, really, the outfield should be LF - Willingham, Revere - CF, Span - RF.


Gardenhire doesn't see it that way, though.


And I really hope that somebody in the Twins' organization doesn't think that Revere will make a great lead-off guy in lieu of Span. Infield singles all day. It sure as hell isn't Terry Ryan. Span is a part of Ryan's legacy.

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I'd prefer revere in left, span in center, willingham in right. Revere's arm will be less of a liability in left, in my opinion. We'll have to see how it plays out though. As long as we don't trade span, Ill be relatively content. I'm definitely still more concerned with our pitching situation than the outfield. Hopefully we expand the payroll a little bit and go after Edwin Jackson and a serviceable bullpen pitcher or two. a rotation of pavano, Jackson, baker, Liriano and Blackburn wouldn't be too bad if baker and frankie can stay away from extended DL visits.

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