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12oz world travelers I need some advice


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definitely be careful when trying to score drugs in other countries, particularly if you dont understand the language fully.


any situation can potentially get real fucked up real quick.


i posted a story on another thread about a time a friend and i almost got robbed by some doo doo head at a bar in mexico.


as well as many other times things have gone to shit, quick.


Honestly I am not worried about scoring drugs, most of the stuff I would want to do is fairly specialized and depending on where I went it might actually be part of the tourist economy (IE: ayahuasca in the amazon)

Also whats the worst that could happen I die a horrible slow death in some foreign prison for a small amount of marijuana.

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I've been to Sao Paulo. I wouldn't go unless i had a nice place to stay, blackouts were rampant, and kids were a little trife running in packs down streets. I stayed in Alphaville just above the city, kind of a well to do area. if your french snatch has the hookup then use it. Clubs out there were similar to here, but i was there before everyone hated the US of A and it was a little rockstarish. now probably not so much.

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

no you get gang raped by some cholos then your family receives "the call", you know the one. the one where you have been kidnapped and these fuckers are demanding ransom.

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Be careful over seas/drugs


definitely be careful when trying to score drugs in other countries, particularly if you dont understand the language fully.


Don't fucking buy drugs in foreign countries unless they are fucking first world European nations that won't throw you into a cell for the rest of your life. Especially if you end up in Thailand. You'll get ripped off and possibly set up buy the dealer and cops for HUGE bribes and/or sent to jail if you don't have the money, which you most certainly do not. Drink booze. Enjoy. Or don't listen and have fun living Midnight Express in a 3rd world prison.


What croc tears said, a lot of people will try to argue with you about the US and its politics


This only happens when you encounter Canadians.


P.S.- Philippines is better than Thailand.

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This thread has really sparked my intrest, its made me consider moving to another country for a couple months after my next semester ends in about may.


So far out of this thread Czech Rep. seems to be the closest to what im looking to do.

Aside from any advice provided does anyone else have any inside info on this country, how much money id need to make it there for a few months. etc etc.

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sounds like fun. just remember to take a lot of pictures to share with us.

Prague/Budapest/Berlin/Krakow/Ukraine are on the top of my list for my next destination.


Speaking of Poland, here's a link to special VBS did about Poland which initially sparked my interest.



that girl in the video is so nice. I think I could deal with the cold with hot girls like that.

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Shit, every one of these types a threads reminds me I need to travel more. Love it too much not to do so.


Got a mini trip comin up in May to NYC. Gunna be taken a train with a pal and crashin at our mutual friend's place in BK. So that will get me right for now. Then Austria in November of next year.


VBS has rad documentaries

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more about Brazil and India?


India is filled with filth and hippies looking for spiritual enlightenment.

Every Indian person I know that has lived there for any amount of time fucking hates it.

Crowded, dirty and polluted.

The food and the fact that elephants walk around freely are the only things they ever talk favorably about.


3rd world all the way


That's assuming this guy isn't a sucker when it comes to buying shit.

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Brazil is a good place to get jacked up (Sao Paolo in particular) if your not hooked up with someone local or speak Portuguese. When I was in Colombia I stayed in a hotel the first couple nights till I felt I wouldn't impose on some friends (there dirt poor) and my bell hop when I arrived had a sawed off shot gun slung on his back with a rope, wish I flicked it.


Anyone catch the segment about Brazil on 60 minutes just now, Lula Da Silva says they have a shortage in skilled labor such as welders and they're having to import workers from the US...

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Travel by train. Best way to do it in my opinion. 3k is definitely enough to just travel and move around, stay at peoples places and paint or whatever. From my understanding though you just want to live somewhere until you get a job. If i were you i would go to Eastern Europe and then down to the Mediterranean.

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