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Real Adventures

Milk Grenades

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Our first holiday away, just Zara, myself, the van and the open road. We're off to to visit some friends of Zara and I, spend some alone time and see some sights up and down the east coast. I'll add photos every week or so of what we got up to and who we met.


Packing the van for the trip invovled more issues than I had first thought. Packing for Zara meant packing for two and she needed more room for her gear than I did. Additionally there was her stand. Luckily I had found the time to build the new light-weight one prior to leaving. Her old photo stand was far too big to consider taking along and would not have fitted in the back of the van in any case.





Travelling through central New South Wales we passed the radio telescope at Parkes





At the visitor's centre Zara decided to get out to stretch her legs and have a look around




After arrival at out destination Lubov and Zara unloaded the van - check the CoverDoll blog




Then Zara, never having met any of the girls, got to know them over the next few days





Zara also got some alone time to relax.




Its tough being a doll.

And no - At no time was an unlicensed doll allowed to drive. The roads are scary enough. icon_eek.gif




While on holiday there's ample opportunity to sleep in.




But when the weather cleared there was a general stampede to the pool icon_biggrin.gif





There was a lot going on in and around the pool, not all of which was photographed. icon_wink.gif



Yes, we had a lot of fun with four (plus 2 - Nete and Tina) dolls around the house.

Quite a few pics and themes to come after we get around to processing them.


In the meantime the girls ganged up on Tash prior to entering the pool, led by Zara of course, and started to undo her cossie to reveal her white pointers.







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^What really got me is that there's a forum that caters to all this...provided it isn't fake like that Christian one posted a while back where people were still trying to register to troll like 2 weeks after it was revealed as a joke




Either way, what beauty.

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