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my fucked up new situation


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I've been there, it was 2005.


Grampa used to bring in wet clothes off the line from the backyard because "people will steal them"

Tried to set his son and daughter on a date, he had forgotten they were siblings. It's just keeps getting worse and you want to punch things, until slowly they just sit and stare out the window or at the wall, and continue losing weight to the point that you can not only see bone but ligament as well. They lie in bed, start communicating with people who have already died then they just never wake up.


I'm getting kinda emotional thinking about it, what's worse is that we'll all be there one day but probably more severe with all the weed/booze/general partying we've done in our 20's.

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I've only read the first page. Since this is channel zero and the thread is over 5 pages long, I assume we are now talking about something drunken asshole oner knows nothing about, juggalos or its random picture posting free for all ---



But here --

Take this time to learn how to fix things around the house. I'll assume you'll have the internet. You can look up how to fix ANYTHING on the internet. Fix stuff.

Take this time to go to school as well. Perfect. You're getting paid to do chores, basically and you have no rent. Do that shit. Full time school = not so lonely. You'll also get to meet people at school.



edit: thread still on topic? the fuck? is it 2005?

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Not too long ago my grandpa went to the hospital for a very foggy reason. All i know is when i showed up to see him, he told me this insane story which consisted of the hospital staff had rubbed his own feces gently around his mouth while the rest of the staff was in the hallway dancing around a fire and laughing like indians. He insisted that he was not confused and that this was absolutely real.


I hear you yo. Old and confused people can be funny for 2 minutes, then it becomes utterly sad...

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Never run out of these:




SO FUCKING TRUE. Just buy costco boxes of em. And hey, if your grandpa doesnt need em anymore because, you know, he DIES, you can always give em out at his funeral. Thats what we did last week for Great Grammy. Haahahha.


Aww i made myself sad.

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my grandmas a little over 80. just got prescribed her potcard to help sleeping and such. she doesn't get out of her house much so ive been getting her edibles and some healing salve massage oil./nogrannyruboner. shes diggin it. says its been working and seems very pleased. for an older person to find simple relief at an old age fucking win! getting granny high on the reg. why not eh?

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  • 3 months later...

See what i said. People catch feeling when i spread the negs.

This isn't a new situation anymore. I been here 4 months almost.

I got a thousand dollar a month raise and im 43 days away from

being able to pay off probation and get discharged. The assisted

living people wanted $ 5500 a month. Nobody in their right mind

woud do this work for free.

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