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my fucked up new situation


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Depending on the level of dementia involved I think that this should be viewed as a opportunity more than anything.


I would contact DSHS or whatever the social services branch of the local government is called out there. There are Medicaid programs that pay family members to be care takers, I looked into it for my gf's grandmother. The money is pretty minimal, in the neighborhood of minimum wage, but given your history being a state certified caregiver who took care of a elderly gentleman to work your way through college might help balance out your history to employers.


My stepsister runs a home for old folks/retards out of her house and makes pretty good dough. She never has any time off but is pulling around 170K and the property is like a big tax write-off.


If his dementia gets too severe however I would look at calling it off unless you really have the personality for it. The Alzheimer's patients I have been around had me wanting to run in the opposite direction after about 2 min.


On a side note I like threads like this that are about real life more than 12 pages of seeing who can try to make the word nigger funny.

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Use your situation to pick up girls:


"Oh hi, what do you do?"

[dramatic pause]

"I quit working so I could take care of my elderly grandfather."

"OMG...that's so sweet, let me slob your knob!"


a bizarre yet promising new angle. ^^^


His son, my uncle said something to him years and years back. First off my

uncle is a stiff. Straight laced no fun textbook definition of nerd but whatever.

It couldnt have been too bad or disrespectful. Maybe a little sacrastic but the

old man NEVER forgave him. He will call me sayin some shit like Bob was

over and stole something or other. Bob took my iron or bob stole my pants.

bob stole my ladder. I just don't want to be the new Bob. The guy is loaded

but reeeeeal cheap. To justify bringing my computer over there i will have to

chip in on the electric bill. I will have to keep a store of my own food and

pretty much go out of my way to not be the bad guy.


The real real of it. He wants to stay at his house thats fine. He is just no

longer capable of being there by himself. He wont go for a live in nurse/stranger.

Sure i'm being paid but i'm giving up a lot. I will probably have a curfew or

some shit. End up sitting around listening to Rush Limbaugh all damn day. Im

still gonna be broke as all the money will be funneled to the court and the state.

Its certainly not situation conducive to getting laid. You kno when they are talking

about an alcoholic sneaking drinks out of their closet. Well.... Fuck

Seriously im going to have to do the maximum in the minimum amount of

time there and be at school alot


I'm really hoping me being there makes him less crazy. Ya kno... so i can

defuse shit before he blows it out of proportion in his mind. Just having

someone to talk to should be healthy for him atleast. I shouldnt make

it out like hes a bad guy. I love the guy (nh) but its kinda overwhelming

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waite..you're getting paid 2 grand to do shit most people to on a day to day basis?

what the fuck is wrong with you.


I didnt read past this response, i think it was number 6. Quit fucking crying to pussy. You aint got shit else to do, youre getting payed, and you crying about helping your fucking grandfather?



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I owe in the neighborhood of 20K.

Im on probation

no job

no car

I wont be able to have any visitors

Im gonna be stuck

I cant just sit around and get drunk, cant drive


This seems the the same problem everyone in the Detroit metro area has, it is a depressing cauldron of fail. At least you are in school though.






Still think Detoilet is better than my situation in AZ?

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I mean this is all well and good until winter hits, you get stranded, and he kills you with a roque mallet.


Also to all the people talking shit think about it...I find it hard to believe any of you would *immediately* jump at the opportunity to leave all your friends and acquaintances to take care of an elderly grandparent who is going insane as it is. Shit's gonna be an exercise in solidarity 24-7, it's not like he can just call up his boys whenever he's bored and go out for the night.


Still though, 2,000 bucks a month for everyday shit is a VERY good deal, especially if the guy hangs on for a while. Get your debt paid and stack some money.

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if you owe 20k you only have to do this for a little under a year to pay that off, and that year could easily be his last. quit being a pussy faggot and help your fuckin' grandpa.


also do the picking up women with the "I quit working so I could take care of my elderly grandfather." line because then you and him could double team her.

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really this all depends on how good he is. Good in terms of capability and

presence of mind. If hes chill then it should be fine. If it devolves into

suspicion or resentment then i dont kno. If im able to step out for a few

hours of leisure and hit the local tavern occasionally its good. The way my

mom was talking tho.... Shes like hes going to be real possessive of his

food so you may want to keep some stashed away in your room... and

trying to micromanage the electrical bill. Hopefully i can just throw money

at any type of issue thats not a big deal and squash it like that.

i hope i can get him out and about some. Nobodys forcing me to do this.

I'm just trying to have an open mind and be positive but theres more

to it.

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