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The California missile


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I'm not sure if anyone on this board has heard of it but I think it was yesterday where a contrail was seen in the sky going straight up, it seemed to be from a missile.


Now experts are sayin it was an optical illusion!...i wonder how much was paid to this fuck for saying that.


and now the Pentagon is saying it was plane...


What wont the government cover up?











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I wish I had enough knowledge of projectiles to make a an educated decision on what the fuck this was, bu unfortunately all must of us have in the way of evidence is news feeds and websites that hardly give a damn about the truth. The most unnerving thing is that we should be expecting instances like this more frequently..........



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Was it an accident or what


fuck no....fuck no. words like "test, accident, trial, unknown" can almost guarantee to be lies. If the media wasn't in full knowledge of the news story they were speaking on, there would be no story. Government doesn't like to admit there are things outside of its understanding, and at the same time do a damn good job at pretending they don't know what the fuck is going on.

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Why are people so quick to jump to outlandish conclusions and conspiracy theories?

I've seen planes leave more impressive vapour trails in the sky then that.

Considering the air traffic in that part of the world, a plane is a more likely scenario.

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^the people i know that have turned to journalism are hardly in it to 'hide' things. Such a conspiracy would presuppose that people went into journalism to hide things rather than to reveal them. Not to say that it isn't true, but I do find it doubtful the idea that journalists exist to protect govt. secrets. just saying.


having said all that, it does look like a missile. most of the photos showing up on sites just show the contrail, not the image with the line looking like a missile as well. and of course, conspiracy theorists have just as much an agenda as any news organization might have. photoshop is a hell of a drug.

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Why are people so quick to jump to outlandish conclusions and conspiracy theories?

I've seen planes leave more impressive vapour trails in the sky then that.

Considering the air traffic in that part of the world, a plane is a more likely scenario.


again, calling shenanigans.

barring the harrier jump jet, which takes off vertically, i cant think of a single thing other than a fucking missile that would leave a trail like that.

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^the people i know that have turned to journalism are hardly in it to 'hide' things. Such a conspiracy would presuppose that people went into journalism to hide things rather than to reveal them. Not to say that it isn't true, but I do find it doubtful the idea that journalists exist to protect govt. secrets. just saying.


i imagine it would depend on the position of the journalist..i have heard many accounts of news reporters doing stories on relevant topics, and their superiors telling them to trash it, or rewrite it with different facts altogether. with events like missiles and other high priority scares, there MUST be certain levels of manipulation of facts...though i can't say i really know much of anything....

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thats blatently is a plane, i mean who doesnt know that planes take off by going straight upwards....




I flipped to Fox real quick to listen to their rendition of what had happened, and they spent literally 30 seconds of there 30 minute segment on it. It went a long the lines of "Officials at the Pentagon have confirmed that 'projectile' was nothing more than a plane. Case closed." From there, it went to story about Kanye West that lasted in upwards of 5 minutes.

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again, calling shenanigans.

barring the harrier jump jet, which takes off vertically, i cant think of a single thing other than a fucking missile that would leave a trail like that.


You're failing to take into account things like angle, distance, weather and light conditions, etc.

The fact is it is over the horizon, very, very far away. It is not directly over you hence it appears more vertical than it is.


Seriously, 5 minutes of critical thinking is all it takes.


It seems like some of you automatically assume a position opposite to Fox just because it is opposite to Fox.

Or the government

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