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Nov 2nd.


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Nah i wasn't saying it was all the dems fault.

i used "democratic gridlock" as in "democracy," our occasionally-misguided political system.


There's gonna be gridlock regardless of what happens today.. neither party has an especially good solution to fixing whats going on.


But you have to agree that obamas healthcare plan + the total collapse of social security (which has essentially been looked over) do not bode well for the national debt. At all. I don't agree with deficit spending; some do.... that may be an issue for a different part of this forum however.







We would not. In fact, what was done was enough that the USA will now bear witness to a special double-dip recession that will still affect us when my cousins graduate in 4 years.


Lemme say something first. I'm not a fan of the republican party. But I align myself closer to the red side than the blue side of politics.


But you're getting it fucked up...


The republicans destroyed the auto industry? And the republicans taught the auto industry that it's fine to not run a business like a business, and when you make cars that cannot compete on any level with those made by foreign competitors, that the government will foot the bill? And that grossly unrealistic labor contracts that would never survive in a real business, are just fine? Find me the republican that did that.


Find me where republicans are responsible for a ridiculously inefficient healthcare bill that will so indebt our country that it threatens the already sinking value of our dollar.


I agree that Bush left us with a lot of shit. And Barack Christ Obama came into office promising "change." Couldn't one of those changes have been to be try to maintain some semblance of fiscal responsibility? ESPECIALLY with what bush left us? But your boy had to pay back everyone who got him into office, of course. So here we are.

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they played ball all right.

played ball right into iraq

and in the US as well with the patriot act.

great ball game guys



They rolled right over and let the Republicans steamroll us into two wars that caused this deficit and near depression.

And the absolutely BIGGEST expansions on "big government" in the history of this country.

But god forbid the Republicans lose their majority and a black man becomes president, then they wanna throw 2 year old style temper tantrums and absolutely refuse to go along with the dems on one single fucking thing.


The Republicans got their shot for 8 fucking years, and they wore out their welcome and got voted the fuck out.

Now they want back in????



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Nah i wasn't saying it was all the dems fault.

i used "democratic gridlock" as in "democracy," our occasionally-misguided political system.


There's gonna be gridlock regardless of what happens today.. neither party has an especially good solution to fixing whats going on.


But you have to agree that obamas healthcare plan + the total collapse of social security (which has essentially been looked over) do not bode well for the national debt. At all. I don't agree with deficit spending; some do.... that may be an issue for a different part of this forum however.


There is no collapse of Social Security.

That's a Republican spun myth.

Theo already covered that in this thread.


And as for this ridiculous spending is concerned, I was saying the same shit when congress was granting Bush ridiculously unpayable amounts of money to go into Iraq on the basis of what I and most level headed people knew at that time to be a lie.

But Bush did get us into this shit, and Obama did what he had to do to at least slow the roll into a second great depression.

More needs to be done.

What all needs to be done to fix the deficit, I don't know. But going back to taxing the rich is a damned good start.

And cutting Social security, Medicare, THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. etc is not a good look at all.

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^^^ THAT.... thank you Theo




You do realize how much the deficit has grown and will continue to grow under Obama correct? And how much it will grow once Health Care Reform goes into action? :lol: Comical.


why do all political discussions go this way?




I mean serious, you act as if there isn't a way to pay off some debt. Maybe you dislike the guy cuz he's a nigger, THAT I could understand - blind hatred is common. But he's in a damned-if-you-do/damned-if-you-don't situation that NONE of you naysayers have the ability to comprehend.


Stop pointing out problems without coming up with a solution. It's a one sided jerk fest that wastes time and makes you sound like you can't formulate your own opinions, rather you retort with whatever Glenn Beck told you this week.



Fucking fail.

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One more thing to toss out, as a lone somewhat conservative advocate.


How much of theo's private sector employment graph has to do with cyclical behavior associated with depressions, and how much is due to other factors?


Given that Conservatives blame Obama for everything negative that happens on his watch, why would you cherry pick and then claim "other factors" are the cause of positives on Obama's watch?

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Given that I don't closely align myself with either side... calmate.


I intend to include things like his stimulus package in the category of "other factors." i'm highly skeptical it helped, based on what i know about it.


That was a legitimate question. Did it help?

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Given that I don't closely align myself with either side... calmate.


I intend to include things like his stimulus package in the category of "other factors." i'm highly skeptical it helped, based on what i know about it.


That was a legitimate question. Did it help?


I'd like to think it helped... but I've heard mixed opinions on the Stimulus. Some say (mainly Conservatives) that it only generated temporary governmental jobs, when private sector jobs weren't addressed. Economics isn't a hard-science and thus is open to various interpretation & theories. I mean, even today people still aren't 100% sure what caused The Great Depression. There are only prevailing theories at best. And there's still argumentation on whether or not The New Deal saved the economy, or if it was World War II. But Obama consulted a team of top economic advisors & professors and the consensus was reached amongst them that a stimulus package was the best solution. That combined with tax cuts for the middle class.


I think what's important is that job losses have been cut drastically. While it is very complex to try to correlate policy implementation with economic outcome, we should still celebrate the positive economic results. Various other factors could be tied in, like tax cuts for the middle class, extended unemployment benefits, Obama's Credit Card Debt Relief Bill, the removal of all major combat troops from Iraq, cutting defense spending (Obama blocked the payment for unnecessary planes), and Healthcare Reform (healthcare costs are the #1 cause of bankruptcies).

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Given that I don't closely align myself with either side... calmate.


I intend to include things like his stimulus package in the category of "other factors." i'm highly skeptical it helped, based on what i know about it.


That was a legitimate question. Did it help?


If it wasn't for the stimulus and tarp, we'd be in a second great depression.






















































































And the American Auto industry would be kaput.

And then we would have never have had any of this awesomeness.










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One thing I never understood about Conservatives & Republicans:


Government spending on wars & rebuilding that country's infrastructure = Patriotism


Government spending on rebuilding America's own infrastructure (Stimulus, roads, national parks, bridges, Healthcare reform, railways, public education, unemployment benefits, social security) = Evil "Socialism"

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One thing I never understood about Conservatives & Republicans:


Government spending on wars & rebuilding that country's infrastructure = Patriotism


Government spending on rebuilding America's own infrastructure (Stimulus, roads, national parks, bridges, Healthcare reform, railways, public education, unemployment benefits, social security) = Evil "Socialism"


We actually wrote into Germany's "constitution" that they were to have public healrthcare after we kicked their asses in WW2.

We basically gave them what we refuse to give to ourselves, and they've been good ever since.

Shit, when was the last time they even started a war since WW2???

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