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My paper boy is a gangster!


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I used to do a paperround when I was about 12/13 was easy money man, you could steal so much stuff just being out early in the morning, people would just leave deliveries outside shops, so would be getting free cakes/magazines and drinks.


Would wander around smoking a joint delivering the papers listening to music, this was so long ago it was when people left money out for the milkman, they quickly stopped doing that tho.


I remember milk money lol, when we moved out of Manchester to this shite-arsed town called Rochdale, I was fuckin incredulous, like "What? People leave money on the fuckin doorstep? ". I felt it my duty to educacate the gullible fools in the ways of the world by pocketing it.


Until the milkman and two of his minions gave me a few slaps. Happy days.

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used to be a 5 15 wake up every morning get to the shop load up the papers around 50 houses and off id be on my little bmx.


come back get the next 50 and off i go for the second time get home dressed and of to school..i got paid £18 a week for doing 100 houses every morning because they were always "shorthanded" hence why i have the legs of a mule .


i stopped delivering papers to people if the letterbox was smaller than the paper because i used to get shit for leaving it on the door.also you can steal thier milk,juice and what ever else people used to get delivered i just used to take if i needed a drink.


fuck paper rounds.


i did exactly the same when i was 12. used to carry a tin in my bag and also steal peoples milk etc.


I used to do a paperround when I was about 12/13 was easy money man, you could steal so much stuff just being out early in the morning, people would just leave deliveries outside shops, so would be getting free cakes/magazines and drinks.


Would wander around smoking a joint delivering the papers listening to music, this was so long ago it was when people left money out for the milkman, they quickly stopped doing that tho.


and this.

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never subscribed to papers so i dont know how they work...do they deliver your papers in the morning...and then recieve payment for their services from the subscribers? i would think the company would pay ...just saying this cuz the dude shit on car for the 2 bucks thing?


Some people pay the company, some people leave cash for the paperboy. The people who pay cash, that's your's to keep. The company also used to pay me something, but it was some ridiculously tiny amount that I can't even remember, I'd get checks worth a few bucks at most

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they do fucking mug you off over here aswell so stealing the peoples milk and juice and what ever else was just bonus pay..i mean it was agreed id be paid 20 which was never paid to me always 18 then 15 and houses kept being added especially just one or two houses that are rediculously out of the way but close to other shops.


christmas tips were brilliant though i used to write down other peoples routes and houses and make sure id be up way early around that season so i could pocket a few other kids money...also i was legally not allowed to deliver papers before sunrise yet the shop still made everyone do it regardless of us getting hit by a car.


i remember a sunday morning with a bag full of daily telegraphs and daily mails as thick as a book and my shitty mongooses tyre popping so i picked it up and walked back to the shop(30 minute walk) explained the situation and was told to walk the route( a good 10 or so miles all togther)for this i asked if i would be paid extra seeing as i wouldnt be done till miday and was met with a "you've got legs use them you greedy bastard"down went the papers over the counter went the bike and off i went with my money seeing as he liked to pay me before i left.



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Christmas tips on a paper route are amazing, I was fucking shocked. I only did Sundays, in the middle of the hood, and I still got almost a grand total.


KGP had a Sunday route in a really rich town, and I think he said he got around 3 grand



i worked the richest route in my area and made enough when i was 14 to buy my first complete deck / mixer / amp / speaker set up just from xmas tips.

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