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31 Horror Movies in 31 Days


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"Frailty" is awesome, fuck anyone who says otherwise.

The only down side is the soft spoken naration has the ability to put me to sleep, kinda like the dialog in "Dune".



Milky G's list of 100 has some hot garbage on it.



I know I'm late but "The Burbs" is a fuckin classic.

Its on my wii netflix and my girl has never seen it so I might watch that tonight.

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Just finished Shivers. Anybody else even consider the 12oz list?


Shivers was alright, kinda slow and not much action, plus week characters and acting, but a lot of nudity and sex so thats a bonus.


Tomorrow's Movie: Rec (as recommended by fellow oontzers)




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Rec was pretty good, if you ever saw Quarantine, Rec is basically the same movie but in Spanish and set in Spain


its also much much better



with a better looking chick


seriously, I reckon REC is one of the greatest horrors ever created.


and fuck the LTROI remake

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I thought they were pretty much the same, unfortunately I saw Quarantine in the theater and rec at home on the computer so maybe I missed some subtleties, I enjoyed them both (and yes the chick from Rec is better looking, although they both look good).

I haven't yet seen Let the Right One In, but I did just see "Let Me In" in the theaters last Friday, and I thought it was pretty decent, not really what I'd call a must see or anything though.

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Qaw do yourself a favor and check the OG.


Today I watch Fragile.


Just by chance I caught Beyond Re-Animator last night. It was whatever, but the fucking ending had this hilarious clip of a severed finger and rat fighting it out. Fucking had laughing.

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So far I've watched:



Very, very good drama/horror vampire movie. I can't believe they've already remade this movie. Is the remake in English or something?



I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but it's set in the 1950's where zombies are being controlled to be servants/laborers. Not scary, but really funny.



Good vampire movie with only a bit of 80'sness in it.



The almost perfect blend of comedy and horror. Nothing at all like it's "sequal." I love a good werewolf transformation and this was awesome.


Today is:





To be honest I think I'm starting out too strong.

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I got important exams and shit this week on Wednesday and Thursday, so i'll have to wait till Thursday night to watch some shit. So far I've seen Let Me In and Devil in the theaters, later this week gonna check out:



OG 1987 Stepfather





Troll 2 - billed by many as "The Worst Movie Ever"

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Inspired by NOES and the well received showing of the omen this past weekend I've decided to go a little more public with it and picked out some dates for the rest of the month to have screenings for friends and friends of friends. Here's a little invite/schedule i made to hand out:




Tomorrow's movie: VIDEODROME


link: hxxp://stagevu.com/video/bnzykwvtbxql

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The Descent


Resident Evil: Degeneration



Tooth and Nail


Was worth the watch. Could have been really good but they failed hard at random spots in the movie. The girl from Bully was in it. That may have been the peak of her career.

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This has been, to date, the only movie that has actually scared me to the core. I am pretty embarrassed about this fact and don't wanna see it again cause I know it's just gonna be silly and terrible and not an ounce scary at all. But when I saw this in theaters, I couldn't look at a mirror for weeks afterwards.


Pretty much every other horror movie I've seen has induced jumps, cringes, and laughs, but not real fear.

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