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I just sharted.


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I did this for the first time last week walking back from the toilet in a bar after having a piss. I couldn't believe it had actually happened. I went back in and got my boxers off but they didn't have a bin or anything so I just stuck them behing the toilet. I felt a bit bad for the cunts working there but what can you do? haha

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Reading some of these posts reminds me of a time I was driving to Boston. I was half way there and tried to fart. It felt like a little balloon popped underneath me and smelled like hot death. Then the temperature in the caboose went up a little too much so I grabbed a newspaper I had in the front seat, threw it underneath me, and drove the half hour home thinking I had full blown TB. Got home and it was nothing but swamp ass.


The human body is full of jokes.

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Not shart related, but poo related & I'm not starting a new thread for it. I took my dog to the beach today, threw the ball around for him to chase, guess he swallowed a bunch of sand each time he picked it up. Guess sand also goes right through a dog, he's beeen making sand doodies all day. And I mean that, horrible farts, but sandy turds coming out that are like wet sand and crumble into littl sand mounds if you try to pick it up, lol!!


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Last time the shart happen to me (3yrs ago) was the morning after a raging party, didnt sleep drank and drugged it up. We had one kid pass out early so we painted some hershey syrup poo-poo stripes on him. We see him wake up go into the bathroom, he cleaned himself up but didn't say nothing. Dude passed back out, so we did it again. This time he metion somthing, how he must have eaten somthing bad, then went passes back out. This time we do it big all over his hands, face, the couch, made a real mess.

The next morning he wakes (we're all still up) feeling real embarrest apallogizing to everyone and the whole bit. now at this point I'm laghing so hard that I nonchalantly fart...........and at that moment the joke was no longer funny, irony struck, I sharted. After that i never made fun of somebody shitting their pants. I kept that lil accident a secret for a while.....shitty!

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