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Technology Traps.

Crocodile Tears

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Technology just makes us dumber. I don't remember

phone numbers anymore and if it wasn't for facebook

I wouldn't get the numbers again. Relying on a calculator

completely fucked my up my math skills, multiplication,

sometimes subtraction, and negative numbers now

always screw me up.

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you mean a walkman?





id trade an ipod for a sony tape deck, one of those thin metal ones with the volume control on the headphones any day of the week.


i like this thread.


i lost my phone a while back, the first day was stressful not having any numbers or just thinking that i wasnt contactable but after that it was really really nice to be limited to the few numbers i had stored on paper.


google maps on the iphone has saved me hours on a few occassions before....

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I wish I could remember phone numbers like I used to... I used to use a number one time and remember it by heart. However now, I can't remember numbers of a friend(s) I have known for years.


The thing I hate the most is my lack of understanding basic English... My punctuation is fucked, I have run-on sentences all the time, my spelling is fucked as well. I have wanted to fix it but, I honestly I don't even know where to begin. This is the only thing I wish I had actually paid more attention to in school. I am a fairly intelligent person but my vocabulary and sentences make me sound like a fool.

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Haven't had a cell phone in over 2 years now. Landline + answering machine has me covered.


Just recently upgraded from satellite internet to "fast" internet. (Moved)


Never had a GPS. An atlas is good for general lostness, but I usually look up where ever I'm going on google maps and print it if it's in a town/city.


Living in rural Vermont directly after Tokyo made me realize how dependent on technology I was.





Although, now that I've experienced instant netflix, it'll be very hard to give up fast internet.

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I forgot to pay my internet the other week so went 4 days without the internet, that was quite nice, I always have my phone on me but I rarely ever use it, mainly for my wife to get hold of me if she needs me. It is pay as you go and I can't remember the last time I actually put credit on it.


All my important numbers i remember, hell I remember phone numbers from friends from over a decade ago.


never owned an I-pod, GPS or anything like that, never saw the need. If I need to get somewhere I will check it on a map and remember where I am going. If I get lost fuck it, never know what you will find when you are lost.


Dunno if it is an American thing that kids aren't taught cursive but my son is in his 2nd year of school now and he is being taught cursive.

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well "script" sucks, but thats not the point.


the point is we depend so much on some of the stuff i mentioned and dont even realize it, meanwhile its square-rooting every year, and getting more "convenient" but in reality you're helpless without it. the world is different place then just 10 years ago, but it has been the same for humans for hundreds of years in some stretches.


i made it to the wedding with out missing a beat and i didnt have anything but technology at my finger tips.

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... and getting more "convenient" but in reality you're helpless without it.



Well then, take extra precautionary measures to not be without it.


I really don't understand why so many people complain about this. Occasions where you are "helpless" without technology are unbelievably seldom compared to the times where you are empowered by it.

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Well then, take extra precautionary measures to not be without it.


I really don't understand why so many people complain about this. Occasions where you are "helpless" without technology are unbelievably seldom compared to the times where you are empowered by it.


Perhaps I'm not articulating myself properly.

its my contention that today society relies so heavily on technological advancement it would totally collapse if even a small part of the system/satellite/informationweb/powergrid were damaged or compromised. Many of the things we use to just live would no longer allow us to sustain basic life functions and many of the vehicles/paths we use to just stay alive would be rendered useless.


Almost as if man were thrown into a jungle type cast-away situation, how many people could really survive.

Now I'm not drawing a hunter gatherer comparison but, most of us would be almost helpless with JUST the loss of a phone bc none of the information is kept anywhere but the phone, not even in our head.


So apply that exact equation/theory to the use of a map. "Yes at one time humans used maps"--- the same way we used spears."Now we have GPS's" at one time we had startecs now we have iphones...


---remember when we talked on phones? (thanks mercer)


At one time we wrote things down, had records, tapes, CD's, we had books etc.


We are conditioned daily to rely on things that require no real energy and no real work, and they are provided to us by a system, that if failed, would paralize us bc we were conditioned to use and accept it the way we get information/directions/contacts, basically out communication. we never learned or forgot how to do it in a way that we could survive on our own with no other means.



You catch my drift now?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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I think it's more interesting that money has become an intangible idea.

Like first it was barter, than someone decided gold/silver would make things easier.

Gold and silver are pretty much worthless metals other than for jewelry or trade.


Then they decided to make pieces of paper that could be cashed in for gold/silver.

Someone can just write a check, essentially making a worthless piece of paper any value, all based on faith.

Then money could no longer be cashed in for anything like gold and silver, it's purely philosophical in it's worth.



That brings us to electronic banking, electrons on a hard drive in some banks server is what most people use now.

Like the shit doesn't really exist at all now, people let you swipe a piece of worthless plastic and give you goods and services.

Or through direct deposit and online bill pay it never actually exists, it's all electrons basically.

That shit is pretty crazy to me that someone might be in a mansion with servants, or out sleeping on the street, based on the sequence of a few electrons on servers.

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Perhaps I'm not articulating myself properly.

its my contention that today society relies so heavily on technological advancement it would totally collapse if even a small part of the system/satellite/informationweb/powergrid were damaged or compromised. Many of the things we use to just live would no longer allow us to sustain basic life functions and many of the vehicles/paths we use to just stay alive would be rendered useless.


Almost as if man were thrown into a jungle type cast-away situation, how many people could really survive.

Now I'm not drawing a hunter gatherer comparison but, most of us would be almost helpless with JUST the loss of a phone bc none of the information is kept anywhere but the phone, not even in our head.


So apply that exact equation/theory to the use of a map. "Yes at one time humans used maps"--- the same way we used spears."Now we have GPS's" at one time we had startecs now we have iphones...


---remember when we talked on phones? (thanks mercer)


At one time we wrote things down, had records, tapes, CD's, we had books etc.


We are conditioned daily to rely on things that require no real energy and no real work, and they are provided to us by a system, that if failed, would paralize us bc we were conditioned to use and accept it the way we get information/directions/contacts, basically out communication. we never learned or forgot how to do it in a way that we could survive on our own with no other means.



You catch my drift now?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry






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I think it's more interesting that money has become an intangible idea.

Like first it was barter, than someone decided gold/silver would make things easier.

Gold and silver are pretty much worthless metals other than for jewelry or trade.


Then they decided to make pieces of paper that could be cashed in for gold/silver.

Someone can just write a check, essentially making a worthless piece of paper any value, all based on faith.

Then money could no longer be cashed in for anything like gold and silver, it's purely philosophical in it's worth.



That brings us to electronic banking, electrons on a hard drive in some banks server is what most people use now.

Like the shit doesn't really exist at all now, people let you swipe a piece of worthless plastic and give you goods and services.

Or through direct deposit and online bill pay it never actually exists, it's all electrons basically.

That shit is pretty crazy to me that someone might be in a mansion with servants, or out sleeping on the street, based on the sequence of a few electrons on servers.






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I get you Croc, but I feel as though for a good amount of time now, we've been creating and applying systems that, in the case of failure, would appear to create havoc in society. And these scenarios have been present and thought of for decades, yet none has come to pass. It's fine to have them in mind, but it shouldn't influence too much your decision to accept and rely current technology as an incredibly useful tool.


It's a nice thought experiment to wonder how people would fare if cast into the jungle, but it's moot cause that will just never happen. Also, there's really no information that's held inside a phone instead of your head that would be of use in the middle of the jungle. Knowing phone numbers, internet access, and GPS are pointless when surrounded by a hostile environment... your phone will never double as a knife or drinking water.


Like someone said, you figured your way out of the situation, and I think most people would eventually, even if they initially felt helpless and confused. I don't believe in total societal collapse if a small leg of the system fails.

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That brings us to electronic banking, electrons on a hard drive in some banks server is what most people use now.

Like the shit doesn't really exist at all now, people let you swipe a piece of worthless plastic and give you goods and services.

Or through direct deposit and online bill pay it never actually exists, it's all electrons basically.

That shit is pretty crazy to me that someone might be in a mansion with servants, or out sleeping on the street, based on the sequence of a few electrons on servers.




i made a similar analogy to this chick one time about music.

first it was only heard live by someone playing it.

then a language was developed for it so others could read and duplicate it.

then it was able to be copied to be played.

first on a record

then tape

then CD

now invisible.


all i got was a face like this.


then dead air.

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I get you Croc, but I feel as though for a good amount of time now, we've been creating and applying systems that, in the case of failure, would appear to create havoc in society. And these scenarios have been present and thought of for decades, yet none has come to pass. It's fine to have them in mind, but it shouldn't influence too much your decision to accept and rely current technology as an incredibly useful tool.


It's a nice thought experiment to wonder how people would fare if cast into the jungle, but it's moot cause that will just never happen. Also, there's really no information that's held inside a phone instead of your head that would be of use in the middle of the jungle. Knowing phone numbers, internet access, and GPS are pointless when surrounded by a hostile environment... your phone will never double as a knife or drinking water.


Like someone said, you figured your way out of the situation, and I think most people would eventually, even if they initially felt helpless and confused. I don't believe in total societal collapse if a small leg of the system fails.


well it the situation in question didnt really influence me to not rely on the technology its self, it was more like my own mini epiphany, that i wonder if others had taken into account; being totally helpless on one hand, then being able to just press a few buttons and have total control fully restored freaked me out.

like i had a remote to my life.


and yes the phone thing would not help you in a jungle scenario, as an archaic too but its got everything on it to help you out a faux jungle type situation, i.e. today.. the answer to just about any question or fact/factoid is available on your person at all times. so why bother to take any precaution, and that leaves us 100% vulnerable if the fail safe fails.

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It doesn't leave us 100% vulnerable. It's not like humanity has discarded all previous options. If all of a sudden you find yourself without means to access the answer to any question at the palm of your hand, you undertake an alternate process, guided by logic, that eventually yields what you're looking for, even if it takes a lot more effort and time. It will just seem crazy and you'll feel vulnerable because the situation is unfamiliar, and you can't solve it with the immediacy you've come to expect, but it's not critical and alternate solutions are nearly always available. What I'm saying is, situations with literally NO solution without technology are incredibly rare, there's no need to freak out and feel overly afraid of handing off specific knowledge to our devices, because doing so is beneficial 99% of the time.


We've built a pretty massive set of redundancies as we layer new technologies over each other. One fails, there's dozens of back ups.

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100% might have been too strong, but it would certainly alter your life a great deal at that point in time, if your main source of information and connection to the world were no longer in use.


i was more freaked out at how easily i overcame the problem, then being helpless. meaning i was more amazed at how easily a crisis was averted, bc of technology, which lead me to believe it would be exponentially worse if that same technology were not there.


thanks for the input meng.

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