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Anyone got some EWSO?


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  • 2 weeks later...



um its kinda stupid of you to dis on this fool calling him a biter. YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS GUYS CAPABLE OF. personaly ewso is one of the most gifted artist ive ever known, and a cool ass guy.. you happend to have posted one of his not so hype trains.. dont judge him onthat... but hey thanks for your two cent...:o

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Guest fr8lover

that one is definetely not my cup of tea...but whatever brother, keep doing your own thing.


big up the articulated racks though!

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Re: Sorry...Hes a biter.......


Originally posted by Antihuman

Hey whatever hes a graff artist..Hes also a huge biter though...I seen his styles change like its a trend...Looks a lot like Lewis..to me..Sorry stay up folks..Never seen any trains or streets of his...:o :o :confused:


its kind of weird to hear some one call ewso a A2M biter, where the majority of that crew has graffiti gold fronts for biting.. be real lewis used to bite a lot of calli styles before they started putting more HM stuff in magazines... now all of a sudden "MUCH" has a lil bro named LEWIS..


makes you think ......:rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Re: Sorry...Hes a biter.......


Originally posted by thugmart


its kind of weird to hear some one call ewso a A2M biter, where the majority of that crew has graffiti gold fronts for biting.. be real lewis used to bite a lot of calli styles before they started putting more HM stuff in magazines... now all of a sudden "MUCH" has a lil bro named LEWIS..


makes you think ......:rolleyes:



i got some lewis that are on that cali shit it's unforgiven...but hey still puts in work...

but when he was doin that cali shit is when he had slim countings under his belt.......


but on the side note i remeber this kid doin that style before lewis

with apel ng..thru phenoix...

funny tho cause theres a kid that used to write euso back in the day..

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Originally posted by why me

i wouldnt say that its a west coast styl... and i wouldnt say that he bite lewis....but it falls in the same shit as guys like kine(gtb).apel(ng) type thing....cool if thats your flav..bump


i remember this kid doin that shit before lewis started to...thru phen

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