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TV Shows or Movies that would be completely different if you change 1 letter


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Slow night at work, so we played the game "TV Shows or Movies that would be completely different if you change 1 letter"


Feel free to add your own or derail the thread completely:


Here are a few for starters


The Family Gay

Hippy Days

The Big Bong Theory

The Beer Hunter

Star Bars

Apocalypse Cow

Bar Games

Family Lies

Love Goat

Fall Metal Jacket

Magnum G.I.

How I Wet Your Mother

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I never played this game... we did however spend many a nights developing porn titles with character names. My favorite was Star Whores starring Hand Solo, Luke Skycocker, Chewcocka, The Darth Invader, Princess Lay, r2Pee2, and cPeePee0 (watersports). We could never figure out a good one for Obi Wan though. Oldy Wand was the best we ever got.

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