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Teenager banned from the U.S.A forever


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A British teenager who sent an email to the White House calling President Obama an obscenity was banned from America for life, The Sun reported Monday.


The FBI asked local cops to tell college student Luke Angel, 17, his drunken insult was "unacceptable."


Angel said he fired off a single email criticizing the U.S. government after seeing a TV program about the 9/11 attacks.


He said, "I don't remember exactly what I wrote as I was drunk. But I think I called Barack Obama a p***k. It was silly -- the sort of thing you do when you're a teenager and have had a few."


Angel, of Bedford, in central England, said it was "a bit extreme" for the FBI to act. "The police came and took my picture and told me I was banned from America forever. I don't really care but my parents aren't very happy."


A Bedford Police spokesman confirmed they had spoken to Angel about the email. Officers will take no criminal action.


Joanne Ferreira, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said there are about 60 reasons a person can be barred from visiting America.


She said, "We are prohibited from discussing specific cases."



What kind of a pussy ass country are we running here when a kid can't get drunk and call obama a cunt.

He's a teenager and you're going to keep him out of the country forever for that? That's some sandy vagina silly nonsense bitch shit right there.

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Holy shit, even George Bushes staff of douches wouldn't pull that shit, everyone talked shit on that idiot.

What a bunch of fake hope and change talking, same gestapo tactics using, over the top pricks.

Pretty sad when the best thing you can say about him is he'd be better than McCain would have.

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I can't help but laugh when anyone is shocked by anything that happens in politics or by a politician. Seriously... there are that many people who still haven't figured out yet that none of it matters? They're going to do what they want regardless of what we say... they just add the nifty slogans so that society will swallow rather than spit when getting throat fucked. Sadly I'm an optimist and hope that someday it might change.

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You know Mercer. I still hold out a little hope but one man against nearly every other politician in the country that's too weak to make a tough decision and do what's right for everyone in the long run... well he's up against big odds. But I might just be naive.

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