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Memory Triggers


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As I was driving home yesterday a song came on the radio and caused a really vivid memory to pop into my head of the time my brother got shot. I've had this happen a few other times with things such as sounds (mostly music but other sounds as well), smells, or visual cues. It's usually some moment that I had completely forgot about and it seems like when it happens I can remember really specific details. I find it pretty interesting because years of alcohol and drug abuse make it hard to recall much on demand. I figured I'd share a couple times it's happened. Anyone else have this happen?


1. The song "Return of the Mac" brings back the memory of my brother right after he'd been shot six times and was first released to a private room from the ICU. He was watching The Box and this fucking video was on when I walked into his room. I can still remember really minor details of that room and that moment whenever I hear that song.


2. The song Closer by Nine Inch Nails immediately reminds me of smashing this femme in high school out behind a horse racing track in the back seat of a 1988 Pontiac Sunbird because she made me play it on the TAPE DECK! while we fucked.


3. The smell of Cool Water for Women reminds me of sneaking in the window of this Asian broads house in high school and getting a head case from her in her bathroom while her parents sat downstairs. She wore Cool Water because she thought it was classy haha. It's another one of those cues that makes me remember really small details like the fact that her wall was covered in her drawings of Manga characters and she had Hello Kitty bed sheets.


4. Every time I read the word CON anywhere it immediately reminds me of the very first graffiti related t-shirt I ever saw. It was a white CONART t-shirt and the logo was printed to look like a pencil sketch on the back and on the front were these three hood characters sketched and they all were holding 9-mm's.


The Pontiac looked just like this one:



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Guest Ginger Bread Man

for me memories are triggered via smells.


certain times of my life are closer associated with distinct smells and the memories are vivid and detailed beginning with what time of day and ending with what i wearing.


in short


everyone experiences this.

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outkast - 'the way you move' & 'hey ya'

when i was in the navy i was stationed in connecticut for my sub school and

mechanics school. they only had like 2 radio stations with good reception

and those two songs came out right during that time. those radio stations

would play those 2 songs all day long


the smell of popcorn shrimp or coconut shrimp

it reminds me of being on a submarine. they use a chemical called amine

that 'cleans' the air and it has a very distinctive smell, to me it smells like

pop/coco shrimp but everybody says it smells like something else. sometimes

i will be digging through my old stuff and i will open a book or something that i

had on the boat and that smell will hit me


the song 'rich girl' by gwen stefani

i was hanging out with a friend of mine and we went to this chicks house that he

had met on new years eve to party and when we got there it was just her...none

of her friends showed up. awkward. she played that song at least 10 times that

night. i ended up smashing, that was some good pussy now that i think of it...


i am sure some more will pop into my head

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once i was coming coming back from a music festival on a bus. everyone was sweaty as fuck, and no one had washed in aboot 3 days. it was fuckin' rank... i was on a come down and all i could hear over and over in my head was "play that funky music white boy!!!"


but just that line over and over again... for over an hour...


everytime i hear that song now i fuckin' cringe.

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I dont listen to some music a lot because it triggers too many memories, not bad, just old ones I dont want to think about anymore.


Tropical Skittles remind me of sex in my old truck because Id always stop by a gas station to get condoms and buy Tropical Skittles with them so it wasnt my only purchase. Also I never liked the girl to think that its all I wanted out of the night...so skittles was my cover ahahhah

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everytime I get up too fast and almost faint cuz the blood dont go to my head, i get reminded of my first girl i fucked or messed around with the sumer after grade 8, we went out for like 1 month or 2 but i swear i loved her...she was so down for watever yet to meet a girl like that. but yea when i almost faint and walk around like a drunk who got hit by a bottle i remember how i felt when we she kissed me or shit like that. like heaven papi. dam hoes aint thorough nowadays wats really good

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