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Another please vote for this thread


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This is to help a planning committee I am on to win a $1000 grant to help our project help make the city I live in more bike friendly.


Here's some info on it:


Go Bike! Rockford is a public festival that will promote the reduction of carbon emissions by establishing and maintaining pro-bicycle culture and urban food systems in Rockford, Illinois. Go Bike! Rockford endeavors to create a united public expectation that our city’s infrastructure and policy decisions will be developed in such a way that supports sustainable options for transportation. Go Bike! Rockford will work to holistically build a more sustainable and connected community in Rockford by weaving urban agriculture and youth leadership into the fabric of this event—generating multi-generational civic engagement and linkages between food and transportation as it relates to carbon emission.


Specifically, Go Bike! Rockford is a one-day fair uniting individuals from across the spectrum of our town in pro-bike and pro-local food culture. The event will feature a free bike clinic to ensure residents have bikes that are in working order. We also hope to feature instruction on storing bikes for winter and readying them for use in the spring. Riffing somewhat on the Bike to Work Day concept.


Go Bike! Rockford will include a BMX, or possibly skateboarding, demonstration to generate excitement around non-motorized transportation in its practical and sport forms. We will also feature an exposition of street art, wherein street artists will create original works on-sight. The event will culminate in two critical mass bike rides, one short (for families and novice riders), and one long (for experienced riders).






Otherwise hate,troll,and let what ever other shenanigans happen or just close this if it goes to shit.


Ill prop whoever votes till Im 24'd and catch you again when I can./nh

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Thanks to all that voted I propped everyone that voted I think.


Last I checked we are like 4 people voting behind(3 votes per person).


You skipped over me :cry2:


I love bike lanes because in the early hours of the day, skateboarding is much safer through downtown from the over night crazy cabbies. and there's rarely bikes out.

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