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Prop 8 Overturned


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im no expert, but i thought when you boil evolutionary theory down, it still doesnt explain where life came from... and since they deny a superior being/God created it, they are essentially left to believe that non matter can be turned into matter. since there is no proof of this being possible, it requires 'faith' to believe it.



Evolutionary theory does not have any view whatsoever on life from non-life. It doesn't explain where life comes from, because where life comes from is a wholly separate issue. God is, by definition, unscientific, so evolutionary theory does not have anything to do with that either. I think I have made it clear, there is no faith in evolution. Additionally, just because abiogenesis is not yet well understood, does not mean it cannot be understood, and it certainly does not require faith in God to be understood.


There is quite compelling proof that it is possible for non-life to become life, it happened. Considering God is not needed to explain anything else in the physical world, I see no reason why that would be the case here.

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Rights, religion, marriage: all living fairy tales that people make up, that are also not necessarily bad, but could come with a warning label that reads: "made-up." I pretty much agree with Christo-F, and it looks like he said the exact same thing.*


I used to think that there was difference between rights and privileges, but not so much anymore. Rights and privileges are the same, handed out by those in power of a certain group. The right to food, to water, to happiness and whatnot probably comes from our humane needs, which are not hurtful rights at all, but are still made-up.


Also, what I see as the paramount argument against using animals for food and things are not because they have "rights" or because life is "sacred." It's because pain, which is not a fairy tale, is not a pleasant experience and unpleasant experiences could be avoided.


The animal rights argument is what completely abolished the natural rights argument for me.


The greatest thing about fairy tales are that they can change. If gays want to join the pile of bullshit, why not.



*................ I just read page 7 and uh.. well, the animals will stay fucked for a long time if that page represented the world.

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The logic that makes nihilism not condone slavery and everything unpleasant in the world is that slavery and everything unpleasant is just as unnecessary as everything pleasant.


So no, I'm not going to enslave, rape and kill my neighbors because that would be unnecessary.


Life is just as unnecessary as death. Everything is unnecessary, but everything will still occur.


What keeps me going at life is the belief that I can lessen the pain and suffering in the world. I really don't give a shit about my own well-being, but don't really need to worry about myself because of many privileges. If I was less fortunate I would probably be Christian fundamentalist conservative or conspiracy theorist; generally a believer of fairy tales because thats what would get me through my day to day; "FUCK YEAH MY LIFE IS MEANINGFUL". (Which is what I was actually like when I was younger.)


So much of peoples ideologies come from their complexes. I think that most people don't overview the entire field of possible ways to think about something. At whatever beginning, our beliefs are formulated illogically, then we logically attempt, even successfully, to make sense of them. Beliefs are based on a mix between the ebb of history and personal history along with the human psych.


Sorry for the unnecessary text. Animals are still fucked. Carry on.

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there is a difference between rights and privileges, if you dont think there is then you are like christo and do not believe one bit in rights.

it is impossible to "grant" someone a right, you can only "grant" a privilege. 'granting a right' is an oxymoron. like a 'round square.' 'jumbo shrimp.' 'government intellegence.'


do you own your own body? if you do not believe you own your own body, (a stance a non believer in rights must logically hold) you are nothing but a slave and the slave master is simply just giving you permission to live. i believe we all have a right to life and since we own ourselves we have a right to do with our bodies whatever we want without asking permission. the same goes for property. if you own property, you do not need to ask permission to walk across it. all rights are based in property. even a 2 year old understands property. but by saying that there is no such thing as rights, how can one legitimately define what crime is? how can one be justified in self defense if no rights exist? if we are to rely on privilege, you cannot accurately and morally make these determinations.

just because a gang got together one day and said they are the supreme rulers, doesnt make their rule legitimate. might doesnt make right, even though it maybe the reality of the citizen/govt relationship these days.


if someone jumps in your car and steals it, do you say...'oh well, he is more powerful than me and he simply granted me the privilege to own a car, but since he is more powerful, its rightfully his?'


the one thing the people who dont believe in rights have right, is that governments monopolized just about everything and have monopolized violence in essence telling everyone what they can and cannot do. but this is simply a violation of rights. just because it has been going on for a long time, doesnt make it right. if someone continually rapes your wife every night are we just supposed shrug our shoulders and say...'well, they are more powerful and simply granted me the privilege of being with that woman, its not my place to intervene and my wife shouldnt either, because that guy is more powerful than her...'

this continual process doesnt mean there isnt any rights violations just because it happens often, continually or all the time.

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