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The Walking Dead.


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Most useless character on the show. This past episode did wrap some shit up so it was interesting enough, and yeah that explosion was weak as fuck, this show has all kinds of problems but I see it getting better next season.


So far the best episodes were 1 and 6


definitely agree on the best episodes, heres to hoping they pull it together for season too

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*was the black lady that stayed behind dudes wife? or girlfriend? and how do y'all feel about it?


me personally. if that was my "wife," i'd drag that bitch out by her hair more than likely.

talkin bout "oh honey ima stay.........." PHSSSSSSSSST!


i also had another question about the place self destructing until i realized that i'm an idiot.



and the "almost rape scene" was okay. they really captured the severity of the situation. any bitch that really doesnt wanna get raped is gonna do some kind of physical damage. i thought homeboy was mad retarrd for making akward eye contact with the bitch

the next morning.

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i don't know what was scary in this series so far


it's more like a drawn out bad love story with an occasional zombie


Some girls get really freaked out by zombies. I just have to say corpses when laying in bed with my girl and she flips out. I rarely do that now though.


The next season should be awesome with what's his face just being like no, this is how it's going down, you're all fired and I'll do it my self.

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I knew this show would go completely to shit, all i had to do was sit around and watch it unfold. Im glad the director fired the writers, that was his only shot of redemption. You can' tell me you didnt see all the silly dumb shit goin on in EVERY episode..... it was str8 humor. And you Zombie hipsters where umad to the point of epic levels in the earlier pages.

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