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Shhhit quit playing, you already fucked up by putting yourself on blast by posting those bean bags, and that chocolate chip shoulder, you're in the box girl 2 mins for flexing, fall back. Not even gonna start on that Lenovo..


Oh my god no, not my laptop!!!! Please don't talk shit about that. My self esteem would just be crushed!!! Just STFU you sound stupid, go makeout with horse face in a dark corner some where.

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Oh my god no, not my laptop!!!! Please don't talk shit about that. My self esteem would just be crushed!!! Just STFU you sound stupid, go makeout with horse face in a dark corner some where.

You posted your own pictures in the smash or trash thread (aka: thirsty nurgas who would fuck anything that doesn't have a dick) to try to raise your self esteem. You have no ground to stand on.



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No I posted it here because it was on this thread I was told tit's or GTFO for the twentieth time. Even before I discovered channel zero I was being told that shit on my photo thread, so fuck you. I'm far from thirsty of I would have fulfilled the requests for full body pic's. Anyway again fuck you and I'm out y'all have fun.

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I figured a fat girl in ch0 would have thicker skin. Sorry guys.






































































































































































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