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DIY legal wall


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Where I live there are not very many good walls to paint pieces. There are a few, but they're at least an hour away on the bus, and in the sort of nieghbourhoods that you don't want to be hanging around in by yourself.


I'm not working right now, so practically every day I want to go out and paint a piece, but because other writers are busy on weekdays, I'd be by myself, I end up not doing it.


So, my solution is to hook myself up with a legal wall.


I have a plan, and I just want people's opinions on whether it could work:


I get 3 big sheets of ply, like 8ft by 5ft, and take them down to this piece of waste-ground near where I live. I attach them together, into one continuous piece, so I have a 'wall' 15ft by 8ft; big enough for a piece. I then proceed to paint a burning piece and go home happy.


The practicalities of actually constructing the wall are not the issue, just go with me on that, what I need to know is:


Am I breaking the law?


See, it's my plywood, I can do what I like with it. The land in question has no building on it, it's not even fenced off, it's just waste ground, so I don't think it belongs to anyone. Surely this would make it legal? I mean, I'm just a guy painting some wood that he bought from a store...


I live in the U.K. and I know most people here are from the U.S.A. but broadly speaking, the laws are similar, and if it's illegal where you are, it's probably illegal here too.


I know I'm going to get people calling me a pussy for all this worrying about legalities, but I'm talking about blatantly painting in the middle of the day, in full public veiw. I will be seen by the police, I need to know before that happens if I'll end up in bracelets.


It might seem like a stupid plan, and lots of effort to go to just for somewhere to paint. But it's summer, and this would be like my own private wall, if this plan works I could paint it like every single day. And it would save me the hassle of tecking to the chill spots that are miles away. The way I see it- one afternoon spent knocking this thing together could save me hours of travel in the future.


But really, I'm not asking you whether you think it's a good plan, I'm asking you whether you think it's technically legal: that's the advice I need.


Has anyone else attempted anything like this and did it work?

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Yeah, no property is just a "waste-ground"; somebody has to own it. So technically you would be trespassing... Could you do this on your property? If not you can try a city-owned park or something.

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Thanks for the replies, nah, I can't really use my own property, for various reasons.


I take your point about nothing being technically "waste ground", but I'm not talking about jumping over any fences, I mean the sort of place that people walk across all the time, just a bit of ground with nothing on it.


Your idea about going to a city-owned park is interesting. I could do that, but then again, I don't know if I'd be in breach of some rule about what you can do in a park.


The reason I want this plan to be 100% legal is that I just know the police are going to try to stop me, I am going to look like I'm breaking the law, so I need a rock hard excuse when that ineviabley happens.

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Aww, that's just some really clever material there, "play getting up", now that's a knee-slapper.


You're a comic genius.


Just because I want to know about a legal wall doesn't mean I don't also bomb.


But I'm not talking about bombing, I'm talking about painting for hours in the middle of the day while people walk past.


You always get a few idiots who act up on the internet. As night follows day, I ask about a legal wall, I get told to play Getting Up.


You ever been on the "Brick Slayers" section of this forum? You know where 90% of the burners in there were painted? Whisper it... legal walls.


Why don't you go in there and call them all pussys, while you sit in your mother's basement watching Buffy and getting doritios all over your face.

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Why don't you go in there and call them all pussys, while you sit in your mother's basement watching Buffy and getting doritios all over your face.



:lol: This entire thread is pure gold


Bojangles, you have a thing or two to learn! :lol:

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I'm not starting beef with anyone, he's the guy that was ripping on me, I just gave some back.


As for me getting the plywood, that's done, don't worry about that.


People seem to be hung up on this idea of trespassing, but I really don't think it's an issue. I'm talking about the sort of place people take their dog for a walk, the sort of place kids throw a ball around, not some piece of pre-development real estate. This is like communal land, it it's never had anything built on it, ever.


And I know bojangles is a mod on here, and probably a good writer, but fuck it, he was trolling, what does he expect?


I can see why people think this is a dumb idea, I kind of do aswell.


But how many people out there wish they had a better spot to piece? Probably the majority of writers. What I'm saying is, you can easily get that spot, if you're prepared to spend a little bit of money and a little bit of time putting it together.


Skateboarders and BMXers are constantly doing things like this- finding spots and building kickers and dirt-jumps on them, and they usually don't get any hassle


There's not a whole lot of difference between what they do and what I'm talking about doing.


I bet the older heads who think 'this shit is hilarious' spend most of their time painting either chill or legal spots, so don't act all sarcastic about it just because you're on the internet.


But we're not all lucky enough to live somewhere with easy access to good spots, so I'm trying to do something about it.



And if people think this idea is totally unworkable, can you give me some advice as to how I can get a legal wall set up in my city? What's the story behind the places you paint, how did they end up as legal walls, and how can I follow suit.


Thanks to all the guys leaving genuine replies, even if you do think it's a dumb idea.


No beef, I'd just appreciate it if people would try to resist the urge to shit on a writer who's just trying to get somewhere decent to paint.

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okay first of all you're a fucking moron. i'm sure bojangles has painted more pieces than you have fingers and toes plus years you've been alive. he wasn't trolling he was giving a stupid answer to a stupid question.


second of all. this is a bad idea. why do you feel the need to paint infront of people? this attracts unwanted attention from people. now the public knows you do graffiti and i hope for your sake you weren't thinking of painting your actual word on there instead using a legal name. bringing plywood somewhere is legally okay as long as you don't leave it there. the land probably has some kind of rubbish dumping law. in reality its just unwise


if you are passionate about this set something up AT HOME. plywood works okay but sheets of steel is better.

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Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the advice even if you do think I'm a "fucking moron".


I don't want to paint infront of people, that's not the point, what I'm saying is I won't exactly be hidden- so people will see me, whether I like it or not.


And no, I wasn't going to use my actual word.


As far as using my own property, I've tried that, but people in my building were complaining that they could smell the fumes when they had their windows open, so that's not a option. And before someone says: no, that won't be an issue with this other spot I'm talking about.



You say that the only legal barrier is the rubbish-dumping laws. That sounds about right to me.


It's kind of hard to explain, but it's the sort of place that is totally deserted at night, and it's not like right outside anyone's house, so I don't think I'd get in any trouble with the rubbish dumping issue because I don't think anyone would notice that it'd been dumped. There's some jumps and ramps that BMXers have built there that have lasted for years, so I think it'd be ok.


You say it's unwise, I take that on board, do you have any other ideas that you think would be more workable?


Just to clear up the Bojangles thing, He may be a very experienced writer who's far better than me. That gives him the right to say what he likes, but if he's obnoxious, he can only expect some retaliation.


I respect older writers, but it's not like I have ever done anything to provoke Bojangles, maybe he thinks this is a stupid idea, that's fine, if he's just straight-up about it I'll take that on board and respect his opinion as a more experienced writer.


But if he's just sarcastic and offering no help whatsoever, even if it is just to say "bad idea" then I'm going to stick up for myself.


Anyway, it's nothing personal, it's just the internet.

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yes, find a shop owner and tell them that you are an artist, talk to him about how your art will attract more attention to their store, its a good form of creative expression ect ect, you might even want to offer to do some kinds of characters that have something to do with the store, make them feel like you are doing them a favor and you should be all set

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Thanks for the advice guys.


I've had the odd piece of work commissioned before, but I've never been able to get somewhere that will let me paint whatI like when I like.



work yr soul


I live in a pretty big city, and there are places I can paint, which I often do. But these aren't really places that you want to go by yourself, so I only really get the chance at the weekend when other peolpe are coming with me.


It's not that I can't paint pieces in this city, it's just that it's fucking awkward and not much fun when you're spending the whole day by yourself in a muddy tunnel under a subway station.


I want somewhere I can paint outdoors, maybe have some music and bring some food, enjoy myself while I paint. Instead of having to look over my shoulder for crackheads and gangs wandering about behind me.

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Smartmouth, I dunno where in the UK you live but in my old town there were plenty of legal walls/skateparks etc.


How is it at skateparks in your town? Surely you can get away with painting in those.


Other than that, I suppose setting up on wasteground isn't that much of an issue, you would be surprised how much wasteground is provately owned but finding the owners is a fucking nightmare, I used to work for the local council and sometimes the owners have just vansihed, it is nuts.


If you really want to check the legality of the issue, give them a false name and say you are doing a project on land ownership in the area about what is council and privately owned, you would be surprised how easy councils gfive up info when you say it is for some degree course or something.

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Really heplful, appreciate it.


Yeah, there are some spots like skateparks, but I'm trying to up my game, and none of them have a surface that would really allow me to go all-out.


I'll defo look into the ownership of land though, see if I can't find a suitable place.


Ear To The Ground


I hold my hands up, there's not much difference between what he does and what I want.


But let's be honest- anyone painting a legal wall may as well be an old guy doodling some flowers in a garden.

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Here's a real answer big man.


Go do what real writers like myself did. Go scope out your area for underpasses, sewer viaducts, alleys, abandoned buildings and do your thing. I rocked some of my best pieces (OR "full on burners" as you would say. Which is madd hiphop yo.) *GASP* illegally back in the day.


Nothing wrong with legals. I'm thirtysomething and rock them all day now. But I did my dirt in my city and got respect for it, so when I DO show up at legals, I don't get treated like some herb that painted the same 3 boards for 10 years straight.


P.S. My momma's dead, so no basement there playboy.


I've been out on my own since 16 living this life...so nice try.

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You are right about cops rolling up, there prolly gonna drive there car up onto the "wasteland" u speak off and try to take u out. Be calm and dont run, when they ask you what the fuck u think your doing. Try to reason with them, tell them that the guy you spoke to from the local council said u could do it as long a no paint gets on the ground (put a piece of carpet or whatever you can find under the boards to protect the ground from the buff drips) if you are lucky they will tell you to pack up your shit and get the fuck out. Or they will take u down the the local cop shop and book you. If i were you i would prolly just skectch more and paint when possible. Its better than getting booked for something stupid as this. :)

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I don't know - I've considered this idea but dismissed it due to the fact anything large enough to paint on properly is gonna be too heavy to move easily by yourself. I found in my time int eh Uk you had to sniff around and look behind fences. Little pockets to paint in everywhere.. just open your eyes...

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Thanks for the replies, nah, I can't really use my own property, for various reasons.





kill your parents, then you'll be able to paint on your property.




and a tip when you paint: I know you mentioned gangs....dress in all red or blue. they won't mess with you.

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