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Niggas do some dumb shit...


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WHATS GOING ON?!??!?!!! CoS was on Smash But mod's saved him?!?!?! good looking out, care bear ass nigga's


live in the matrix faggots. 10th grade is sooo bogus. Some real mutha fuckas here though.... thats Y I give props... WTF is with all the tweenster luv... faggots.


Real dudes in here though I know first hand... WTF you give props too faggot 10th graders??? shitz a disgrace... call mee out CoS. I already called you out and you shut up. Bitch. One post writing, square azz suburban bitch. Get off the internet faggot.


I'll jock slap you.

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are you fucking joking me? where th fuck did that even come from... i was on "smash" for what? posting to much oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo. for that thread, that i never made? where i asked poz to edit it cause i called mods security guards and came off like a douche, but really wasnt being a douche? and so the same mods, who according to you i was burning saved my ass?? yeah the thread got deleted, cause the thread was useless and UNincriminating.


and when did you "call me out" amnd when did i "shut up"


and when have i EVER been "one post writing"


bitch lease. yyou speak pretty loudly for someone sitting on the sidelines tryin to drag me into, whatever it is your trying to drag me into.


heres a newsflash fool:


your the one gettin lit up all night. have you not noticed? and you keep coming back to rant n rave. umad? cause i can take a couple shots, i give em out all day long and respect em in return.


you make a wack as thread and got "jockslapped" in return you fuckin dummy. get in the know fool, you in outter space.



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Look at this CoS mofo lurkin. Aint no such thing as half way crooks.

You gotta reply bitch?? you gonna stand there bleeding???

Wheres your thread??


i was writing my reply you fucking moron.


youv been the 12oz punching bag all night and i barely said two things to you. in fact i have no idea or care on who you even are, yet you have clearly put alotta thought into me.


i like that, fanboy... just make sure you wear eyeshadow, i like to make my bitches cry.


so i can see they tears runnin down they faces. in black.

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You act like I'm the only one though.


How many mofo's called you out for weak shit??

TreySix was owning your azz.


Mod saving bitch.


I don't even know you, that the gayest shit I heard of though.




i dunno dude, im assuming yer new here and havnt figured out i dont give a shit about bein the same as everyone else on here yet you got my name stuck in yer mouth like i was teeth.


me n tre have always butted heads and always will im quite sure.


the fuck are you talking about "mod saving" dude im public enemy number one around here. i tried getting my old name back, the boss said he wasnt opposed to it as long as the ones who regulated me were cool with it. i never pressed it hard but did ask. the answer was no. i made an off/site comment and poz thinking he was doing me a favor made a thread about it. that i asked HIM to be removed from the first post because it showed poor taste that even brought the situation up outside of the people inmvolved, me and the mods.


that thread, was never asked to be taken down. and you can quote that.

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you know what i think? i think you like(d) reading my posts. i think you can tell i dont give a shit about what i say in terms of trying to fit someone elses mold.


and you know what else i think, i think your just really sour because i neg'd you. and thats where all this is coming from. you even brought it up. prolly thinkin on some "yo that cos guy is funny, fuck all the rest of these dudes" and then i tamponed you while you were gettin pile driven into the ground.


well guess what dummy, dont take the shit so seriously. its the internet, like you stated.


fact is, tho i do read/skim most of the posts on here i almost never look at the names first unless its a persons statement i always check. shit i cant even keep track of all the people that proped me and then i burned on the boards, if i did id feel like an asshole. but why would it, you fucking cares.


its a godamned internet forum.

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(watch the whole thing)








shout out all my people, boris, gzoo, lvl 75, CoS and gasface for appropriating using the sean p gif. anyone else i forgot i'm sorry, god bless. thank you.

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