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americans + food. a rant.


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50, how about you show us your tits and make this thread 1000 times more interesting.



Boo hoo people dont eat good..

Boo hoo, people my age don't know how to cook..

Go complain to a 5 year old kid from Romania who lives in a tunnel and huffs silver paint all day.


Nice children underground reference (though I believe the acrulac was white). Shit's brutal.

That said, to you, forsit, theo and the others bitching about the thread; it's entitled 'a rant'. The kid is ranting about some weird shit, but if she wants to rant about flower-motif wallpaper, then fine. You want to see breasts go check out that thread, or the women threads. You were warned, quit bitching.

Otherwise. I agree with most what's been said. GMO is fucking awful for you, preservatives and additives like aspertame and high-fructose cornsyrup will kill you eventually. The problem is budget. My food budget is around $175 for the month. Do the math - eating one meal a day that is $6 a meal. Assuming I don't drink tapwater (which is bad for you) or cheap soda (also bad for you), that means I am out at least $2.50 for a bottle of sugar-free juice. $3.50 a day means not shopping at whole foods. It's not that I can't cook or bar-b-que, it's that you can't bar-b-que ramen (which is the worst fucking food on the market, nutritionally).

The larger problem is that people my age (that I have met or seen) can't do anything. Fix a car, cook, re-wire a circuit, etc. They have no practical skills at all, much less any intellectual ones. I'd go on, but I don't want to rant in someone else's reserved ranting space. Cheers.

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Having only skimmed the thread I apologize if this has already been touched on. One thing about the state of eating in this country that has always tripped me out is that poor people are the fattest.


Gas stations with hot-cases and poor fat folk ordering fried dinner for their family always make me a little sad for their children.


It seems to me that the cause for this is economic in nature. The simple fact of the matter is that to eat the way that poor people used to you need to be fairly well off now a days. When both parents are working full time no one has the time to sit at home and put three or four hours into a meal on a regular basis, leading people to faster, more processed meals.


I do not really subscribe to any fancy ideas about food such as organic, macro-biotic, vegetarian etc. The one rule I try and follow is to be able to at least envision how the food I am eating came to be. To follow the example from the first post about a pre-made stuffing, well at least I can sort of guess how the stuffing got made. Take diet coke for example however and I am lost, I have some idea how corn-syrup is made but I can not begin to really understand the process so I try to really limit how much I consume or my child consumes.


Learning to cook is process that many find intimidating, it is really not that hard however if a person is willing to commit themselves to it. I am a good cook but a lot of that comes from following recipes or having other people teach me how to make certain dishes, I do not have a lot of intuition when it comes to improvising or creating new things but I think that is made up for by the fact that I enjoy it and put product on the table on the regular.


For the young men on here, cooking for a female is a good way to 1) get laid 2) show them you are stable, which I think some females like more and more as you get a little older.


Long rambling post over.

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The sole reason poor people are so fat is because of government subsidies for certain crops. Almost ALL goes towards corn, which is why high fructose corn syrup is in literally EVERYTHING especially the cheapest food. This practice was done as a way to replace Cuban sugar as a sweetner in the 60s so we could flood the market with a far cheaper (and worse for you) sweetening agent. Sugar and tobacco are cubas main exports, and by replacing pure cane sugar with high fructose corn syrup as an industrial sweetening standard we hit them hard in the pockets in order to DESTROY COMMUNISM!!! This practice continued to snowball as do most government subsidization processes into the monster we have today where farmers are paid to not grow corn and other crazy crap.


Government subsidies are why you can get a bunch of high saturated fat dollar menu burgers for under 5$, but can't get cheap vegitables-the group of crops given the LEAST is vegitable crops. The government actually makes the WORST for you foods (particularly simple carbs and corn) the cheapest. It makes NO sense to make corn syrup the cheapest crop and vegitables the most expensive. It's also why it's far cheaper to buy soda an malt liquor than healthy non concentrate fruit juice - fruit crops are also some of the least subsidized. The governments meddling in the food supply for the past 60 or so years is clearly taken it's toll. It's easy for people not in this country to point and say "Americans are fat because they are lazy and dumb abou what they eat" but the fact is, if you are poor with a family on a limited food budget, fast food, processed food, and crap laden with artificial corn syrup sweetening is your best buy when you compare calories to dollars. This is why our poor people are so obese - because for the past 60 years the govt has made sure the absolute worst foods for you are the only ones the impovireshed can afford. Combine with increasingly sedentary lifestyle and you have our modern obesity outbreak... It's really fucked up...


If the governmen would just change what foods they subsidize to the healthier fruits and vegitables instead of corn for sweeteners it would make fruits and vegitables as cheap as dollar menu items... But there's already such a monolithic system funded by so much money it's unlikely the process will change at all...

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So basically, why I'm saying, is it's not poor peoples fault they are so fat - shitty over processed bad for you food laden with artificial sweetner that's subsidized to be cheaper (and thus driving up the cost of healthy alternatives in contrast) is a way better option than having you and your kids go hungry.


Don't try and understand how things work in America before you research how our government works us over. It's something industry loves too, for people to blame the poor citizens for not making healthy food choices... Fact is: poor people don't have a choice in what they eat - they get the cheapest most subsidized food they can in order to survive. You can't blame these people for bei ignorant, they just don't have any other viable options...

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I am not placing blame and certainly the massive government subsidy of all things corn is a major contributor to the problem.


The point I was trying to make was that with the demands placed on the poor in this country to simply survive there is often not the time to prepare foods healthful. Think of soup, the quintessential cheap eats, well the time it takes to prepare is not always afforded those who need to work 12 hours a day just to make rent.

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I would think prep time is a non issue, considering if the government subsidized vegitables and fruits instead there would be big ass salads for a buck at mc donalds. Sure; it's obvious someone working 12 hrs a day is getting a better buy at mcdonald, since not only can they buy thousands of calories for their family to intake for under 5$, but you also are afforded the luxury of not spending an hour to cook up burgers yourself, which is also a huge purchase for poor people... But f the subsidies were different so too would be the content of the cheapest dollar menu items.



Honestly, now that we are movin towards a more socialized healthcare system, it's retarded to continue on this process of making the worst for you foods the cheapest... Those foods should be the most expensive since they take the highest toll on our nations health. If were all payig into the same system, the govt needs to dischorage people from eating crap that is bad as hell for you.

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360, i enjoyed your post about the corn syrup, but, ive been monkeying around in europe for the last couple weeks, and it doesnt seem that veggies are any less expensive over here than they are in the US. maybe ive been shopping at the wrong spots, but the price seems pretty darn comparable.


with the exception of london, i can probably count on my fingers the amount of obese people ive seen in the last two weeks. and im sure there are plenty of poor people over here....it boggles my mind. i know im going home in a couple days, and im going to be fuckin blown away by how many fat people there are.


im blaiming the goddamn soft drinks that americans seem to love so much. sure, people drink them in europe, but you rarely see a giant soft drink at a store or a vending machine. all the times ive ordered a soda, its 10 or 12 ounces TOPS. ive yet to recieve a soda in a pint glass, like im used to getting back home in oregon. ive yet to see a fountain drink machine with 40 oz cups or crazy shit like that that i see at every 711, am/pm, and dairy-mart back home.



i was smoking a joint with a kid from chechnya in amsterdam, and he was shocked that i didnt include tobacco in the joint. i asked him why europeans include tobacco, as it seems to take away from the delicious taste. he told me, "you americans want everything big! big houses, big cars, big burgers, big coca colas. we europeans dont need all that, we dont like to waste., so we add tobacco to conserve our weed."


i told him he had a good point, then sparked my lighter.


his retort cracked me up - "*****, we are going to smoke this motherfucker detroit style, yes?!?"


"fuck detroit, were gonna smoke this oregon ducks style"

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Their European food supply isn't subsidized, since vegitables get almost ZERO govt dollars, it follows in suit that world veggie prices would be standardized, while corn syrup is clearly more expensive over there as cited by your observations on serving sizes. This is the case almost anywhere else in the world, because corn syrup, while still the cheapest sweetner, isn't heavily subsidized outside of America... So it costs more


with no govt interferance vegitable prices are evened by natural free market tendancies - but the relative cost of bad food is a far greater price difference in America, so the relative expense of vegitable options over processed food is far greater. Expense is not he same as price.

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Right and the agribusiness lobby's staunch protection of high fructose corn syrup is contributing on a grand scale as well. The farm/ag lobby is scary.


Sugar when eaten in as high caloric intake as hfcs does not contribute as much to obesity.



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i was smoking a joint with a kid from chechnya in amsterdam, and he was shocked that i didnt include tobacco in the joint. i asked him why europeans include tobacco, as it seems to take away from the delicious taste. he told me, "you americans want everything big! big houses, big cars, big burgers, big coca colas. we europeans dont need all that, we dont like to waste., so we add tobacco to conserve our weed."


Putting tobacco in a joint is the most vile tasting shit I've ever smoked. Dust tastes better. Europeans fail in this respect. To conserve weed? That's like mixing good beer with a cup of sock sweat to makes your beer last longer.


Ugh, anyway. Back to fat people and corn.






Whoa, hold up. HFCS has mercury in it?

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I'll take a sirloin over a filet any day,


a sirloin isnt a very good cut of meat..

the only reason why i could think you would want one over a filet because typically its more meat which means more food...


just curious as to why you prefer a sirloin over a filet..:confused:

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im glad people brought up the issue of poor people not eating properly. Growing up alot of my friends straight lived on chinese food, honeybuns, 50c sodas, and kennedy fried.

To them the notion of vegetables,fruit or cooked meals is completely bizaare. Its a mixture of ignorance as well as an economic issue.


However i am convinced that the government/industrial elites, which for the most part are really one and the same as many politicians hold considerable shares in lots of companies, enact policies that are malthusian in nature. They WANT to create unhealthy standards of living all around from healthcare, to our manufacturing methods, to our diet. Everything is extremely regulated towards the purposes of mother fucking killing you!!


As a friend of mine from spain once said about our food "i look at all the ingredients in the food here, its like their trying to kill you!"

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i remember the first time i watched style wars, thinking "holy fuck, all these people are hella skinny". and most of the ppl in that movie (im assuming) didnt come from wealthy families. so obviously something has happened in the last 30-40 years...hhmmmm. did the popularity of physical activity die down with the rise of computers, video games etc..? me thinks.


food for thought (pun obsolutely intended)

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There was a chart in Food INC that pretty much summed it up - it showed a representation of the order of most subsidized foods and compared it to the food pyramid, and it was almost completely the opposite! That movie actually made me cry, about that little girl who died, and I'm a bitter motherfucker, I don't think a documentary has made me actually cry ever. I deal with this shit with my son tho. I had to get on my baby mommas dumb ass you don't feed a fucking 1 year old crap like spaghetti os... But meats are the real freaky shit, thinking he could eat the wrong burger and die in a week... Also they touched on another aspect - since when the fuck do plants have salmonella?!? When the fuck did we pull that shit, transferring a food borne illness present in meats to vegitables... Through a mutation caused by feeding livestock corn feed... There wasn't any salmonella in anything but chicken when I was growing up... Now it's in spinach, tomatos, peppers, WTF





Soda doesn't have sugar in it (unless it specifically says so)

all major sodas have HFCS, jones soda has a line of pure cane sugars that are actually not that bad for you

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