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Youngest suicide victim in Oregon history


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that is just sad, I don't mind taking the piss out of teenagers/adults that kill themselves but this was a lil kid that probably didn't realise what she was doing, my son is only 5 and a half and he wouldn't have the foresight to do anything like this.

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that is just sad, I don't mind taking the piss out of teenagers/adults that kill themselves but this was a lil kid that probably didn't realise what she was doing, my son is only 5 and a half and he wouldn't have the foresight to do anything like this.





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As a father with a baby girl I can't imagine what the family is going through. Poor kid. It really makes you wonder where the hell the kid got the idea from, my guess would TV. Now let's hope people don't start fucking losing their minds, over react and trying to ban hanging scenes from TV now.


"Oregon to Ban TV" -CNN

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wait, only in oregon history?



and decy, i know what you were talking about. just a odd choice of words.


it was more towards the general humour in ch0 to laugh at stuff like this


Hater - next thing you know some 6 year old is gonna get sent to her room, grab her dad's gun from the box under the bed and blow the family away, shit is just crazy sometimes


Personally i don't see the punishment in sending my son to his room, that is where most of his toys are, I make him sit quietly in the hallway on a stool facing away from anything of interest for a certain amount of time. Boredom is a great way to punish a child.

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it was more towards the general humour in ch0 to laugh at stuff like this


Hater - next thing you know some 6 year old is gonna get sent to her room, grab her dad's gun from the box under the bed and blow the family away, shit is just crazy sometimes


Personally i don't see the punishment in sending my son to his room, that is where most of his toys are, I make him sit quietly in the hallway on a stool facing away from anything of interest for a certain amount of time. Boredom is a great way to punish a child.


How many times has that happened in America all ready. Too many tbh.

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i've read that way back in the day when people were publicly strung up

Friends of theirs would be present to pull down on their legs to help them

pass faster. Whereby the noose is supposed to break a persons neck it

usually doesnt go down like that. They would slowly suffocate.


Sad about a 6 year old tho. The parents should at the very least be

charged with the most intense child abuse charges available or perhaps

negligent homicide

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The parents should at the very least be

charged with the most intense child abuse charges available or perhaps

negligent homicide


guess you dont have kids... from what ive read this is in no way the parents fault. NO PARENT is able to watch the kid ALL the time.


..plus they already have to deal with this... if charges are added they'd prolly be next.

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