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I like graffiti because people jump all over shit when you say you've been painting for 10 years. When in fact you haven't been painting for 10 years, just interested in it off and on for 10 years.


Bitches just wanna bitch....haterz just wanna hate...12oz is not graffiti culture, graffiti culture is outside of your monitor.



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I like graffiti because people jump all over shit when you say you've been painting for 10 years. When in fact you haven't been painting for 10 years, just interested in it off and on for 10 years.


Bitches just wanna bitch....haterz just wanna hate...12oz is not graffiti culture, graffiti culture is outside of your monitor.




you're a fucking retard. people called you out coz you said you painted for 10 years. if you haven't been painting for 10 years why even say it. you were asking to get exposed.

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I like graffiti because people jump all over shit when you say you've been painting for 10 years. When in fact you haven't been painting for 10 years, just interested in it off and on for 10 years.


Bitches just wanna bitch....haterz just wanna hate...12oz is not graffiti culture, graffiti culture is outside of your monitor.





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If the thread was still up you'd have seen I never said I painted for 10 years.


I'm not mad about getting found out about how toy I am. Im pretty toy. Never claimed I was great.


You will find a way to argue your point with anything I say anyways. I have people asking why everyone's hating on me in PM's....even they see it's fucking stupid.

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its developed for me to the point where it isnt even about the graffiti anymore. its about how i got in and got out of a spot. all the obstacles to get to my destination. the graffiti is more of a "look where i got to" thing for me rather than a "see me up" thing.

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If i wasnt gunna lie to all of u i would have said somethin like that^



I like totally love to make videos of me gettin up in my black book and on some plywood in my backyard with belton and montana gold! Then i go home and edit it all fancy put it on youtube and then comment on every UBUV video tellen em so check out my hot new rap letters! I get up so hard on youtube, like u dont even know!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was fascinated by the hand styles I would see going to school as a kid,

and have always been artistic. Considering my surroundings, it was destined to be.

Probably saved my life, though I've brushed death a couple times through it..oh well

I wouldn't change a thing If I could..

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I like it for all the same exact reasons why I like breathing/sleeping/eating. I like it because it is the universe, essentially. It is what brings an absence to a great and vastly dull void - nothingness, blank walls. I really like it when I see it over corporation's art work as well as US GOVERNMENT property, they are both business-like entities trying to brainwash a boatload of idiots who DOES AS THEY ARE TOLD until they die from it. I enjoy the kick you get from absorbing something that you can personally relate to. I like the fact that we have nation full of woolen-eyed morons who actually believe they still have rights, and at the same time look at graffiti as bad idea thing.

I really enjoy the fact that graffiti is no less threatening to me then a prank phone call. I like how it really pisses certain people off who could never take a joke. I enjoy seeing the expressions on peoples faces when they look at something done illegally, that changes their life in a profound way whether they want to deny it or not. I love how graffiti makes a difference in the society we die in.

I like how when I hear the 1st couple lines in the bible: In the beginning there was light (then I think of that light as being graffiti) make me dream of it.


I like how most people in the graff scenes through out the world feel its just a name/fame game, when its really much more then just that. I like graffiti because it can be free to the person who does it as well no cost to the visual user of the the mark.

The Anonymity and the IQ of some of these folks out there still doing it never ceases to astound me. The very dumbest and brightest participate in the same medium - there's no exclusion or discrimination - I like how it happens on the streets and the trains, where anything goes. I like how it makes its way into the papers and on the tv screens - I like how anyone who can see it doesnt know that they are deeply in love with it. I like how you can use it to say anything almost anywhere. I like how a lot of people are afraid to do it, not knowing how easy it really is. I like how it has been here all along waiting for the people to use, but all this development has taken place in the mean time. Buildings and large cities had to grow to such an extent that the masses began to realize that earth was never supposed to look that way. I like how some graffiti writers have a knack for setting off certain spots first because they were the most observant. I like how its acts a therapeutic form of release. I like the stats we got so far on those more violent criminals/thugs who resort to violence and murder - when we know better than that. I like how it took like 30 years until some knuckle headed thugs to come into in our writing scene to make it appear as if we were all angry at each other. I like how Graffiti revolves around love for all humans existing on earth. I like how certain words are more offensive then others..I like graffiti due to the fact that it is connected to all that is pure and natural looking in a way unnatural looking place we now call ours. I like how it sends a clear message no matter how ugly or threatening it may be - the message is always clear - this marking does not belong and neither does the surface its resides on for that matter, have a nice day!

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