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Fuck Yeah! America!


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I don't care who's "offended", or how many who agree.

This country is full of those who scream Liberty! at the top of their lungs who don't even know what a demonstration is. Who bump "FUCK THE POLICE" through their systems but turn down the bass when that dual tone car is behind them knowing the sound-law in 32 states of this country.


Every time you pay sales tax, or don't lie on your W-2 you admit its okay to kidnap those at gunpoint who smoke or sell marijuana or countless OTHER harmless drugs or commit non-moral crimes which we know the DEA and other local law enforcement only ban or bar because they get payed hundreds of millions in their salary to look for these "DANGEROUS" substances, and "HORRIBLE" acts, is this "just fine" to you?


heres the question, "from someone who can't obtain a visa due to a battery on a leo charge"


what makes you scream, "AMERICA...FUCK YEAH!!!"


P.S. if your american and you realize this, better make it known, cause everyone else thinks otherwise!

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Re: Fuck America!




A lot of us know of the problems in our nation and we don't like it. Some of trying hard to change things whether it's by writing letters to our reps, making phone calls, talking to strangers and informing them, talking to law enforcement and military, running for office, etc.


We're trying damn hard, but it's an uphill battle when your enemy has entrenched itself so deep in local, state, and federal government.


Regardless of all its problems and shortcomings, I love my country.



Maybe this will give you a better idea of what the war on drugs really is:



Also: "America" refers to a continent. That's why this country is named "The United States of America"

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Re: Fuck America!


I don't care who's "offended", or how many who agree.

This country is full of those who scream Liberty! at the top of their lungs who don't even know what a demonstration is. Who bump "FUCK THE POLICE" through their systems but turn down the bass when that dual tone car is behind them knowing the sound-law in 32 states of this country.


Every time you pay sales tax, or don't lie on your W-2 you admit its okay to kidnap those at gunpoint who smoke or sell marijuana or countless OTHER harmless drugs or commit non-moral crimes which we know the DEA and other local law enforcement only ban or bar because they get payed hundreds of millions in their salary to look for these "DANGEROUS" substances, and "HORRIBLE" acts, is this "just fine" to you?


heres the question, "from someone who can't obtain a visa due to a battery on a leo charge"


what makes you scream, "AMERICA...FUCK YEAH!!!"


P.S. if your american and you realize this, better make it known, cause everyone else thinks otherwise!




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Re: Fuck America!


Casek said it best.


There is some of us out there that DO fight for civil rights the best that we can.

Have had friends that have ran for local offices

That really do give a shit.

but corporations have their talons so deeply sunk onto the things that we(the people who care)

that it is always an up hill battle to fight the smallest issues.Only to either get arrested or battered

by the state sanctioned fascist gestapos.

america is a dying dream and Im ready for a change.

but the way it is now with the paranoia and hysteria that the media portrays and how many idiots believe it all.


unless more people stop being skerrrrrred and stand up and say/DO what is required of them to ever make a dent of difference in even a local government.

end punk/anarcho rant..... negs on the way.




excuse my terrible everything I am druuuunk.

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Re: Fuck America!


Try getting out of Florida. Trust me, it's not going to be perfect anywhere else but start with somewhere fairly progressive.


Somewhere like...Seattle. Nice people, beautiful surroundings, kind of boring but it's really what you make it. The added benefit being that when the rain starts you'll have a whole new appreciation for home.


Or you can jump neck deep into the shit and move to Detroit, AKA New Mogadishu. No gods, no masters...you can even buy a nice house for seven grand, just be prepared once the snow starts to fall.

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Re: Fuck America!


Casek said it best.


There is some of us out there that DO fight for civil rights the best that we can.

Have had friends that have ran for local offices

That really do give a shit.

but corporations have their talons so deeply sunk onto the things that we(the people who care)

that it is always an up hill battle to fight the smallest issues.Only to either get arrested or battered

by the state sanctioned fascist gestapos.

america is a dying dream and Im ready for a change.

but the way it is now with the paranoia and hysteria that the media portrays and how many idiots believe it all.


unless more people stop being skerrrrrred and stand up and say/DO what is required of them to ever make a dent of difference in even a local government.

end punk/anarcho rant..... negs on the way.




excuse my terrible everything I am druuuunk.


Funny when an anarchist and a Constitutional conservative agree on something.


I'm all for erasing the labels and standing as one people united in the fight against tyranny, though.

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Re: Fuck America!


Wishing localmartyr could understand this "your enemy has entrenched itself so deep in local, state, and federal government."


Also lord_casek=Alex Jones.


Not many people can understand that. They think I mean the whole government is the enemy which isn't the case at all.


Not Alex Jones. He's a character all to himself.

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