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doze just got here and he's already gotten more ups than it took for some of u guys to get in a year. dont hate on his shit cause his "gay stencils" look better than half the throwies ive seen here. Keep doing ur shit doze, we need to go out one of these nights and hit up some heavens.



DSCN2247 by formerONE, on Flickr



Untitled by formerONE, on Flickr[/


Hahahaha, what makes you think you get to have an opinion? Whos going to take you of all people seriously as the authority on what looks good or not? Kids these days...

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This guy, always stay hating on the "kids" that are actually going out there and bombing. Meanwhile, you're continuing to hit up chill walls and trains which then leads to your ego-boost and you come on here trying to act like you deserve respect. get the fuck outta here. acting like a pretentious, pseudo-elitist writer wont have people handing you the honor u feel like you deserve because of ten years of train writing. and ive noticed, SINCE i took a break from this autistic-fest of a forum, ive actually gone out and bombed more without having to sit down and read all the same beef everyone tries to start with each other because of minuscule shit. lol. Again, Doze, keep doing ur shit. Beef n broc, im not sure your why ur pissed but ill talk to you about that later.

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This guy, always stay hating on the "kids" that are actually going out there and bombing. Meanwhile, you're continuing to hit up chill walls and trains which then leads to your ego-boost and you come on here trying to act like you deserve respect. get the fuck outta here. acting like a pretentious, pseudo-elitist writer wont have people handing you the honor u feel like you deserve because of ten years of train writing. and ive noticed, SINCE i took a break from this autistic-fest of a forum, ive actually gone out and bombed more without having to sit down and read all the same beef everyone tries to start with each other because of minuscule shit. lol. Again, Doze, keep doing ur shit. Beef n broc, im not sure your why ur pissed but ill talk to you about that later.


no ones hating on the "kids". the hating is happening on new jack toys who run through this city do a few whack throwys or straights or even worse, stencils, and act like they've earned the right and put in enough work to talk down to old heads. the only kids in orlando that are actually doing it and doing it proper and gringo, jesor and feo.


also, if you honestly think that freights are a chill thing to paint and matter less than you have a lot to learn and you wont survive out here long with that toy mentality.

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ilns: Its not the right to talk down to old heads (i dont mean any disrespect), its the wherewithal to actually defend themselves. and not take shit where its not needed. if the old heads were in any way, helpful, then yea absolutely there wouldnt be any of this nonsence. and what does "doing it right" mean anyways? because your definition should not standardize how everyone should go about doing their style. That not only lacks creativity and diversity, but it leaves orlando the same way it has been the last, god, who knows 20 years? maybe more? As far as trains are concerned, not that they matter less, but you know they you have more of that extra time to do a sick burner as opposed to doing that same burner on the corner of one of busiest intersections in the world.


grasp: i can assure you, i havent done nearly half as much as yo son, thats odd that u would come out with such a comparison. Also, ive paused piecing on chill walls because:

1) it doesnt bring the adrenaline rush that bombing does.

2) lol u post pics and people come quick with a "wowwww anyone can do a chill spot. go bomb" UNLESS YOUR OV RIGHT?

3) bombing has just become a personal preference. and i know i can go back and rock a chill wall but it wont serve justice that seeing a name everywhere does.

and what about cameo?

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doing it right as in doing fill ins in visible high profile areas.


the older heads would give out advise and constructive criticism and have tried to many times, but are always met with the same "yo fuck you, yall just some haters." attitude instead of taking the advise given.


just because its "new and different" doesnt mean it looks good or is innovative. graff has been around for a long time and none of you are doing anything new. if you dont see something being done, there's probably a reason for it...

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YoSons free graff tag tip of the day:

how to avoid getting your feelings hurt 101.


is being terrible at graffiti getting you down? have you been painting a full year now and not receiving the daps, props and bumps from your internet peers that you feel like you deserve? Well, follow these 4 easy steps and in no time flat you will surely become the next member of msk or, even better, the ever so popular Bansky, king wizard of street art:


step 1:

shut up.

no one wants to hear you yet. A toy talking about graffiti opinions in a public forum is like driving up to a pack of hells angels on a pink vespa and talking about how you prefer the ride of a sportster over a fatboy....dont expect to be taken seriously/expect a negative reaction.



stop posting your own shit, especially if you know that you're wack.

If youre not sure, someone is bound to tell you and its probably going to be me. The self promotion on this thread is disgusting. its rare to see any people in this thread going out, flicking other peoples stuff and tossing it online. its all of the "kids" that paint something one second and post it on 12oz the next that drives people (not just me) up the fucking wall. Let people find it/flick it/post it themselves. If it doesnt get posted chances are it was wack and noone needed to see it in the first place. sorry.


step 3:



and most importantly;


combine steps 1 & 3:

shut up and paint. MORE.


seriously...follow these 4 easy steps and in no time flat (4-5+years) you will be getting all the high fives, bumps and ass pats from dudes and bros that you can handle. I hope that was helpful. See you in 2016, maybe you can come paint a chill wall with me.

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and what does "doing it right" mean anyways?


for a newjack, stick to your fucking self and get your shit down

dont just hit 3 spots and flick them, then think your the shit and feel like you can talk shit to others who BEEN putting in work before you were into your "street art".

not sure if that makes since kindof barred out..

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