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very rad edoggg. lets see shots of the finished work on the paper itself.


and shortfuse...thanks alot dude. of course the work is scanned and thrown into photoshop for some leveling and contrast but besides that every detail is done by hand. i appreciate the good words.


i still need an idea for a new painting...im thinking something with a dinosaur...


threesomes with a fucking triceratops


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can i bump my own shit to the next page for crits? FUCK YESS


:D :D

a few quickies




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and with these i had this grand plan of, for an upcoming show, taping off some bristol board on a wall and painting a piece. end result- i have cool randomish segments of the piece to hang. the paper wasnt thick enough (they were out of bristol) so it got a little messy. im doing touchups atm.

process anyways




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Skroez, dope shit man, on the addictions painting I would just add a dirty mattress on the floor and maybe some empty bottles and garbage strewn about


Cheers mate, Yeah I think thats what I'm going to do man, I think if I add to much things to the painting it will become to busy and take your eyes away from the main feature being the guy shooting up into his femoral vein..


I'm working on this too, Along with a few other paintings for the addiction series.




Pasty skinned crack addict, in a club..


anyway thanks..


Great stuff Edoggg..That bird is dope Hayabusa...


Nice one...

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well heres what i came up with. like i said, they needed some touch-ups which of course takes from the 'integrity' of the original plan, but theyre fun to look at so im not to bummed. the pink ones were fromthe piece i painted, the blue/cream ones are just shapes. i cheated- there was no original piece haha.




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they came out very joker-ish too. which is fine with me cuz i love his work :)

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im gonna post them here because it is my first time going away from more cartoony chars, and I never draw anyhting but letters normally, let me know what you think






just doodles from work but thinking of putting the chars onto smaller canvases with watercolour and maybe indian ink


edoggg those sections look dope, reminds me of Jokers abstracts (not in a bad biting way your use of colour is much different)

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gnarwalker that storm at sea is dope i like it a lot


Word!, I second that, Really feeling that painting and the other, But the Storm one is Kicking..

Iloveboxcars, Looking good man, Its not as easy as it looks drawing/painting bottles etc. Good work man..


Decyferon, Feeling your drawings too, also Been clocking your outlines, Coming correct man!!

I might post some outlines up in that thread in paperchase..As I'm not painting due to this damn Arthritis, and other health problems, I hate it..


Anyway Cool things in here..great thread..

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ILoveboxcars, No problem mate, I was also drawn by your Drawing, as you got the cylinder? Roundness, of the wine bottle true to form, You know, keeping the roundness in proportion, as well has the vase type shape of a wine bottle, Lots get it wrong, but you got it, Including the other bottles and glass,and the shadows.

Just one little thing which I think you may of done, but could of got lost in the charcoal dust, Would to get a sharp pointed rubber/eraser and rub out sharp highlights in until the white of the paper came through, on the bottles and glass, then next to the highlights, just shade it that bit darker to make the highlights pop out more and give more of a illusion of glass or a shine look..


You prob know all this anyway, Please I hope I don't, sound like I'm practising you or anyone..

Nice one..


Hayabusa, Man that's truly Raw!!!!!!!, you caught this breed with the eyes perfectly, and the shading/blending, with all the tonal values is so damn dope.

Did you work from life?

Man the drawing is up there man, You'd be an amazing animal, wildlife illustrator/artist.


Love it man..


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Thanks. It was a pretty involved process.

Feel free to skip over this if you don't give a shit internet people:


I took fourteen images of different icons (e.g. Mary of Magdeline, Buddha, Quan Yen, etc.) and super imposed them in photochop. I then took that image flattened it and repainted it with watercolor. Shrank that and reprinted that image on cheap photocopy paper.

It was for a school assignment on time and sequence.

I was trying to make a comment about religions and philosophies and the simialrity between them and the fact that they are dressing it up in all of this opulant bullshit but it's still just a copy (i.e. a whole lot of arrows and no good letters.)

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