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Man I havent been in hear for some time. Ive been busy with life but have still had the time to doodle hear and there. I put up a lil 4 x 4 chalk board in my room to just throw some stupid quotes up from time to time. Ill just doodle a quote that I'll hear or like I dunno it makes for easy instagram posts. There is way too many to post but Ill post up a few of my favorites from the bunch.








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First 3 was a job for a wedding. There were 5 total, or was it 6, anyways I wish I could of gotten really good photos with them at the wedding.





Draft for a commissioned quote for the Indigo Lantern Oath. Lol I never knew the Green Lantern was one of many till I got this request. Ive never been big on comics but it sparked my curiosity when I looked it all up lol.



A commissioned business logo I did recently. Even though these all have been paid things I still see it as my "art." Hoping this one opens a couple of doors to get some more serious jobs rolling through.


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Last November I think it was I spent some time in my cold studio keeping warm in front of my foundry furnace as I forged and bent these metal brands. I made the "S" and "G" way before I dove into it serious and twisted out the whole 26 plus a "The" and apostrophe "S." I first had the idea to have letter inclusions to metal work. Keeping them simple yet giving a bit of elegant curve but yet keeping confined to a space. They all were 4 x 6 in. After a while I thought hmmm wonder what it would look like burnt into wood as a brand. Either way Im glad to have all 26 no matter what my direction.


P4HxDM.jpg MyI1TE.jpg 1s728M.jpg


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Thanks man. Its a good feeling. To be honest though I tend to find that most people dont understand the cost behind it. Ive slaved for a few, or mis quoted, and been like ughh Im getting shafted. Recent work Ive tried to maintain the creative focus as best I can while still pleasing the customer. It gives me a little bit of sanity along with leaving me with some actual Want to do the work. I thought more of the chalk from the start but it seems that the real business is outside of that world. Forget where I read it but one artist basically eluded to chalk work as childs play in the big world of Type jobs. Needless to say Ive been exploring other avenues or expanding my options on what mediums to use. Your work though is like ten levels higher than any of my stuff. You put out some seriously awesome stuff. You dont try and make a buck for yourself? I would even think the Pokemon one would get that area of the anime market jonesing for a print.

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Thanks dude. I've gotten a lot of views on my stuff, but only a handful of offers for custom work, and 0 offers for the originally posted work.


I guess I'm not sure how to promote myself really, besides posting on various forums, and social media sites.

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Word you deserve it man. What about Instagram? You mentioned social media but thats a bulk of many things. I find that I see a lot of letter work surging through instagram. Not to mention the "hashtag" advertisement is free so word it in the direction of your audience. So many artists tagging their work with the right hashtag to promote business. So many sites are over saturated with gabullee goop that any joe shmoe can dream up on Paint. I come from a family that has done internet business for the past 10+ years and its frustrating the people that want something for nothing. I had this dude in town want 55% on a sale if he sold my letter work, then another artist studio claimed 50% on a sale, and I about puked...not to mention wanting to kidney shot them for being so greedy when they claim to "support" the arts.


Not trying to turn the Art section into a business section but I feel that some use special words to sell themselves just to sound fancy. Recently stumbled across Giclee (shgee-klay) printing. Its a fancy word that once meant something serious but now because of the lack of proper control it can mean anything spat out from your printer at home. SO the stupid see it as special and so on...

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I am on instagram, and have a decent amount of followers (I think?) at ~600 or so. It hasn't helped me at all with making money however. I see some artists doing cliche quotes with bland ass brush lettering with 20k follows and 300 likes a picture, and I'm like wtf?

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Had to re-read my post last night...too much red wine....


Yeah I REFUSE to do anything with a brush pen or that haggard ink stick look. I just dont find it appealing. I know some people have been using instagram as a selling platform along with exposure. Theyll "list" the product on instagram with a price and leave directions to Direct Message pay pal info for payment. Ive been meaning to give it a try but I just dont feel like having to log in log out of multiple accounts. Lol I guess Im lazy.

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I know 1 or 2 guys who have their areas on lock with painted ads, almost entirely from hustling door to door. Some word of mouth too. They've made some business cards, flyers, websites to promote, but in the growing impersonal world I think there's something to approaching someone with some form of portfolio and putting them on to what you do. There's also a psychology involved with putting something into someone's hands to look at, taking something from you that you have made and viewing it. You start to break down the psychological boundaries they have that keep them from accepting a product. In the computer age this is a different, foreign approach to many, but marketers have been doing shit like this for years. And as you've noted, Instagram is dime a dozen crapola, it's overloading and overwhelming to a potential buyer.

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And Pert, the lettering is super tight and I do feel like I saw it on some t-shirt site. For that type of thing, I had the feeling that if you wrote the name of the newest popular rap song, or something like Maple Bacon Whisky Beard, you'd get a ton of buys. Not sure how satisfying that would be as the buyers would likely be douchebags, but it would be $$ in the pocket, LOL.

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Pause play pause play all day lol. I could never lock myself into a book. I got so used to doing sheets of paper and trashing when the vandal days were strong. Lifes pulled me away from such things and now when I do anything I still just use sheets. Plus reams of paper are cheaper than books. I havent done anything "real" in a while. Been working on stupid sayings to make money off of. Gotta kick something that means something soon. But Ill contribute something....




uD6fJ9.png wfslEx.png

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