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doesn't your hs have college counselors? i'd say your best bet is to go to them, not here.


Yes my HS does have college counselors.:rolleyes:


I'm asking here because I don't want to hear the typical from them, and I also want tips from people who are out there doing it right now.


Anyway, I might look into doing the junior college thing or at least stay in the state.

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junior college saves you a ton and i believe colleges look at junior colleges before people out of highschool




Instead of suffering from "refrigerator child syndrome" go to a CC get an A.A. in Liberal arts or some other wide open bullshit. Do good/party and at the same time not be burdened by the stress so many have: "this fucking "prestigious" 4 year has me by the proverbial balls".

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How poor is your family/ how much financial aid can you get?

I am not paying for college right now. I have a couple of thousand bucks in loans...that's it.

I'm like lower middle class I guess and my mom and dad are divorced and I have three brothers. They give me more money than the actual tuition bill and I get e check each semester for however much they go over by. Also you can get scholarships for basically anything. There are a ton of them just looking to be taken advantage of.



yeah, i went and got my associates for free because i qualified for a full free ride. i decided to go to an expensive private school after that and took out a ton of student loans. then i took out more for other things...haha. but that is a good move or you can always go this route:








"To achieve his dream of attending Harvard, a pampered teen poses as a young black man to receive a full scholarship."

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Instead of suffering from "refrigerator child syndrome" go to a CC get an A.A. in Liberal arts or some other wide open bullshit. Do good/party and at the same time not be burdened by the stress so many have: "this fucking "prestigious" 4 year has me by the proverbial balls".


This is pretty solid, and I would recommend going for a BS over a BA. Probably the hardest thing about college is paying for it, so get that shit figured out before hand.. spend a year after HS working and saving if you need to, and look into moving and establishing residency out of state if you can find a better or cheaper school.

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What matters most is what you make of your time in school. If you're a dumb ass, go to harvard, take it semi-seriously; guess what? you'll still be a dumb ass.


but, if you're super smart, go to a state school and take advantage of your time, you'll still be super smart and will be much better off than the cat who went to harvard. especially 5 years or so after graduation. when you're years removed from college, employers dont give a shit what your gpa was or what school you went to. it's all about what you did since college.


point is, where you go is not going to fully define you. don't trip too hard, just take shit seriously. the more serious you take it, the better you'll be.



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What matters most is what you make of your time in school. If you're a dumb ass, go to harvard, take it semi-seriously; guess what? you'll still be a dumb ass.


but, if you're super smart, go to a state school and take advantage of your time, you'll still be super smart and will be much better off than the cat who went to harvard. especially 5 years or so after graduation. when you're years removed from college, employers dont give a shit what your gpa was or what school you went to. it's all about what you did since college.


point is, where you go is not going to fully define you. don't trip too hard, just take shit seriously. the more serious you take it, the better you'll be.




I'll add this: if you are super smart with rich parents go to the private college.. if not take a scholarship to the best school you can get into.. Call me crazy, but colleges/universities are not created equal, graduating from Harvard Business School with a 2.5 average is light years beyond graduating from say UMASS with a 3.7.. even though I doubt anyone finishes HBS with less than 3.0

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Fuck trade school. Go to a decent 4 year college, major in business or finance. Work towards being a financial or business consultant and make bank.


then jump off the 50th story in your city's financial center once the economy TOTALLY falls out, and the money that you handle isn't worth the paper it's printed on!



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I'll add this: if you are super smart with rich parents go to the private college.. if not take a scholarship to the best school you can get into.. Call me crazy, but colleges/universities are not created equal, graduating from Harvard Business School with a 2.5 average is light years beyond graduating from say UMASS with a 3.7.. even though I doubt anyone finishes HBS with less than 3.0


oh, you'd be surprised. you'd be VERY surprised. it's more if you can pay the outrageous fees than anything.

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What the fuck do you want to be? You said a nurse or pharmacist? Id be a pharmacist over a nurse, cause its more prestigious I guess, pick a school that has the options to do that.


fuck it, i wrote some shit but it doesnt apply to everyone, college is different for everyone i guessm shit i sound unsecure ..hmmm..


Everyone should click on Electricty Sucks's youtube link a couple posts above.

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You're like 15. You have a year or two before you need to start trying to decide where you want to attend school. In the meantime, get the fuck off 12oz. This is no place for underaged females. You can come back when you're an 18 year old drunk who gets blacked out and post pictures of your vagina.

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An ex-girlfriend of mine graduated from Stanford. (You're just gonna have to trust me on this one, 12 oz. I'm not gonna blow up her spot here.)


From what she told me, you pretty much have to fuck off like it's a paying job for four years straight to not graduate from a good four year school. LOTS of people get out of top-notch schools not knowing shit, but they work the connections they make in college to get to where they need to be, or to where they think they need to be...it's really a personal call, if you want to get by on personality and good looks and you got that going on then you just need to make it happen, but if you want to get somewhere based on your brains and achievement it takes a lot more than that.


So if you're prepared to deal with the stress of working your ass off right out of high school, it's worth it. Otherwise, take the JC route and spend the 13th and 14th grade carefully considering what it is that you want to do and tell anyone who tries to tell you different to fuck off.


In the interest of full disclosure, I'm a high school dropout with no higher education so you can write off what I have to say if you want...but I've heard the same rap hundreds of times over the past 15 years. I figure it's worth repeating if it might make a difference.

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the reality about college is that you are more than likely not going to major in your main interest. if possible find a major which you can make a decent living and possibly work for yourself doing. (not having a boss). but the most important things is make sure its something that you enjoy to a degree. you dont want to be stuck spending 20 plus years of your life you absolutely hate. at this point im just trying to figure out what that is for me.

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go to a school for what it's known for. some are known for teaching credentials, business, engineering, bio, etc. and get ur degree in that particular field.


im a full advocate of doing the toughest, and highest paid degree and going thru the bullshit at an early age for a better outcome down the line.


google what majors get paid the best out of college.

wanna major in psychology? ur ass better be focusing on getting a phd later on.

u wanna stay in school for that long? can u commit to the time/making no money for that long?

if you can, more power to u.

if not, and u want money straight out of college, get to something else.


now adays, BS/BA degrees are a dime a dozen. you need at least a masters degree to match unless

it's a scientific field (i'm pretty much just talking engineering here).

masters degrees are getting worthless also, esp. masters degrees matched w/ some shit like political science.


the main goal is to make urself marketable after school. the more niche, "hard" and "exclusive" degrees pay the best.


trade schools are good. my boy went to one, gets paid, but is also in major debt b/c of it.


furthermore, since i'm writing on this topic, everybody wants to do what they "really" want to do in life for a living.

that's awesome, if you can, even better - im jealous of you.

but, until that time comes and u can take that great risk of not making money, and being broke as fuck until you reached that moment of success, get a degree that pays well - even if it isn't ur first choice.. who knows, maybe you'll like it.


i've stated quite a few times on here that i'm an electrical engineer. i fucked around in HS, and buckled down in college. i had a goal of making money. big sized money. and i wanted it right out of college. now it wasn't the first thing on my want-to-do-list for life, but i enjoy it, i make good money, and i've met all my goals that i've wanted, plus more. if i so incline to take that step, and really pursue my no. 1 job choice (professional skateboarder) at least i have an awesome degree to back me up if i fail (and i'm banking on me failing for becoming a professional skater lol)


it's your life, but don't short hand urself. u'd be amazed on what u can accomplish. just remember to have a strong hustle. well, if ur hustle amounts to the pot head who lives at home w/ mommy and daddy, then ur fucked. but, if u can at least hold ur own the slightest bit, and esp. have the support of ur family, u can accomplish something quite rad.


do wutever u want, get money. that's what it comes down to. i'm not saying school is the only way. there's fools on this forum that hustle, and hustle hard. they make good money w/o going to college, and got their shit on lock. but, im banking on ur hustle not being anywhere near some of these dudes getting hood rich. it's not like they've taken the easier way out either. the time and effort for those folks making good money w/o a formal education amount just as much, if not more, than ppl who may go the education-route.


as far as colleges, JC are a good idea if u keep on track.

otherwise, re-read what i wrote above. it's just 1 insight to this topic.



or u can just slang coke.

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my major was biochemistry & molecular biology


worth every penny.


i put in about two years at a community college to take care of pre-reqs on the cheap.

had to work my ass off but i got a job shortly after graduating

almost ten years later i'm doing awesomesmsms. i manage a lab and have published over 15 papers.


accountants make money but what a boring job.

i'd look for an interface of something i was interested in and something that will get you a job (regardless of whether it is lucrative.. since some degrees will pay well, but not necessarily get you a job right away like an MBA)

of course you can't go wrong in computers if you're good at it.

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