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story 1

i brought home this broad from a party junior year in college after a bunch of heavy drinking in a short period of time. we get up to my room and get started. i get her shirt off and had some nice tits so i started unbuttoning her pants and then reached in...


HOLY SHIT! it was a fucking jungle down there!


so i suggest she blow me and then i passed out cus she apparently didnt know what she was doing. she walked home from the townhouse i was renting 6 miles off campus.


story 2

i was fucking this chick and had to piss in the middle of the ordeal. i go to the bathroom and there's what i think is period blood on my dick. no big, deal, i've got my redwings before. so i go back upstairs and get back at it. after all's said and done, i mention that i'd at least like advance notice if she's bleeding. then she tells me she's not on the rag and that she had an abortion about 2 months ago and wasn't fully healed. dirty.

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Guest 50million

my roommate shaved her poonany. she got some ingrown hairs that got infected. they turned into cyst like infections and so she started putting hygrogen peroxide. shit was like right next to her clit, on the side. well the peroxide burned off all the layers of her skin and she had a gaping wound next to her pussay. turns out she had 5 kabunkles (sp?) there. fucking SICK NASTY SHIT. she said it was pussy and grossness.

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When I was really young this girl in my neighborhood wanted to suck my little hairless dick so bad she actually carved our names into a tree at the end of my street. At this age I could care less about sex as I probably couldn't even get an erection, so I called her a "fat bitch!"


A couple days later she lit the tree on fire with gasoline and the fire department had to come put it out, it was a pretty big scene.


Little kids are fucked.

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so here's the situation: my boy is working as an Auto Inspector at some mechanics shop. he gets invited over to one of his work buddies houses.


he arrives to the house with this guy named Chuck, and they get invited in by their other friend (we'll call him Bill). well, Bill invited them in. they sat down, started having a drink. that's when Bill started to tell them about how he fucks his wife.


Bill goes on and on about how they've been experimenting with different sexual shit to keep it spicy. Bill grabs a candlestick that was on the table and shows it to my boy and Chuck, he goes "Yeah I fucked my wife with this candlestick last night".... well right at that moment, his wife is walking in the room. she sees this and gets all embarassed and storms out of the room, mad. Bill starts laughing. then the uncomfortable silence. i mean, my boy and Chuck were thinking this guy was joking about fucking his wife with a candlestick, until she came in the room and got all pissed off at her husband telling his friends that shit. she could have played it off, but no, she got mad, proving Bill's story.


they leave shortly after, laughing their asses off.


I'm pretty sure housewives are the nastiest. They're bored, you're bored of fucking them, they're down for whatever.

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a friend of mine has been a manwhore as of late. pretty much smashing anything that comes his way. so a week or so ago we're kickin it and he's itchin his hands and arms like crazy. this is weird to me so i ask, and he goes, "i think i got scabies from so and so." i say gross and make sure to avoid any contact with him. sure enough, girl calls him 2 days later saying that her ex texted her like, "wtf you gave me scabies."


bitch had scabies. the doctor even said so. i didn't even think scabies was real. dude had to buy a hundred dollar cream to get rid of that shit. fucking gross.

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this thread brings back all sorts of fucked up memories.


i was seeing this girl in college for a little while who was completely batshit. codependent as all get up and weird to boot, but she looked good, fucked well, and could keep up with me when we were drinking. not even two months into dating her, she gets the bright idea that taking a piss or a shit with the door open is completely acceptable. that's not the worst part though...


we got hella trashed one night and went back to her place to pass out. we wake up in the morning and pull the covers off the bed and there is a GIGANTIC brownish red stain in the middle of the bed. she started her period and didn't know it plus her blood was thinned out from the alcohol. i slept in period blood. she washed the sheets and it never came out. she still slept on them after that. fucking disgusting. i can't even fathom why she was surprised that i cheated on her. oh, and she got an ingrown toenail while we were together that was gross as hell. trainwreck status.

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I once seen a picture of a girl lying on a dirty mattress with no bed sheets, except a greenish-brown pillow that was supposed to be white. There was trash & garbage underneath the bed, including Vitamin Water bottles, dirty clothing, bread crumbs, chewing gum, cigarette butts & ashes, and bags of Cheetos. Upon further inspection, I saw that the girl's feet were caked in an orange powdery substance for which I could not identify. The person that posted the photo bragged about the whole situation in a manner as if he fucked Scarlet Johansen on a Swedish waterbed inside a five-star luxury penthouse suite overlooking Midtown Manhattan.

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that girl reminds me of this chick my boy dated. he nearly killed this bitch one night, he woke up and looked down and saw sticky brown shit all over him, all over her, and all over his sheets. he nearly loses his fucking mind when he realizes it was just a chocolate candybar that she had from the night before.


the look on his face must have been priceless, "WTF DID THIS BITCH JUST SHIT ON Me!"

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  • 9 months later...

i know a girl who:


1. told me how one time she had anal and when her bf pulled out there was a hersheys kiss on the end of his dick

2. was getting plowed doggy and sharted on the guy (same girl, diff guy)

3. put her hand down her pants to check for her period. she had it, then tried to wipe it on my friend.


all the same girl.

the first two were within the last 3 years, the 3rd one was a long time ago.

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When I was really young this girl in my neighborhood wanted to suck my little hairless dick so bad she actually carved our names into a tree at the end of my street. At this age I could care less about sex as I probably couldn't even get an erection, so I called her a "fat bitch!"


A couple days later she lit the tree on fire with gasoline and the fire department had to come put it out, it was a pretty big scene.


Little kids are fucked.


this should be made into a children's book /nopedo

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*cracks knucles*

ok heeeeere we go.


so its new years eve 2007 im with this chick who is fine as hell beautiful,cute short thin just perfect(i would later find out she likes fucking so much she fucked my best mate and various others)we go to her town,meet her friends etc and get going to this chicks house for a little piss up .


so on the way we see this drunk ass dude stumbling around absolutly smashed out of his head big gash on the face,zig zagging the works.my girl who despite her trouble with sticking to one guy is actually pretty kind and makes us help the guy to a church where we leave him. ok off we go ..few hours of drinking girl whos party its dad comes up like do you guys know anything about this guy and so on..shit thats the guy we helped,,well he killed himself.


shit happens , me n my girl head up talk abit and get to it..halfway through me becoming a man we hear a scream..im up and clothed with a drawer in my hands ready for what evers happening,turns out the one girl was so upset(looking for attention)by randoms suicide she decided to lock herself in the bathrom and cut her wrists..ohhh shit you went to deep but you did it wrong anyway .


so now we have to stop the party and move her ass on to the hospital greattt we get back and leave her there over night for her parents to deal with.


i became a man.


about a year later after things went to shit with the girl i was seeing , suicide chick contacts me on msn..we talk for a few days she's all upset her boyfriend cheated on her etc.im just being a good dude like ok shit happens move on..out of no where she asks me to fuck her,ok i think ive heard good things about psychos being frisky so im down.


i decide i dont want her in my house and take her to the park fuck the shit out of her and then her mum picks her up with out knowing why her phsycotic daughter is limping.


i head off thinking nothing of what has just happened only to fin 128 messages in my inbox,phone,and voice mail that she's pregnant..


fuck .


so i get it together pretty quick and tell her im there for the kid only to get a "nah this is not happening im getting rid of it fuck you im killing myself"so i think no way in hell is this bitch killing my kid and after a few days eventually just give up and tell this slag to fuck off and call me when i can take my son or daughter.


this chick is mad,drinks like a fish cries rape,gets raped,attempts suicide etc..im not dr.phil and i sure cant work miracles.


nothing ...3 months later im talking to someone who used to be friends with her..the conversation leads to those events and i get told she got rid of my kid by way of drinking excessivly.fucked me up pretty harshly but fuck i moved on .again ive had to change phone numbers etc various times now.


im getting death threats and all kinds of shit because of the crap she decides to spew.but eventually it dies down and it goes a year before...


im in college the other day and wouldnt you know it there she is. i think nothing of it ..some chick adds me on facefaggot and we start talking me not realising its her. new look,name etc.


wouldnt you know it i get the " i love you and have since that day blah blah blah i need you i will die with out you " speech.


again fuck off i tell her but this cunt is persistant so today im standing and waiting for the train bitch comes up behind me and starts going ape shit im like what the fuck. and she starts swinging and pulls out a fucking box cutter i drop her in the jaw and people then react.im held down shes getting all the are you ok ?? from dumb people. i get free and am telling them she had a fucking boxcutter on me what the fuck are they doing. police get called i run get on another train off i am home.


walk in the door up on this get a message a few minutes ago from her sister calling me all sorts of shit so i just decide why the fuck do i care tell her what all her innocent sister does..apparently from the phone call i just got from a mate of mine nearthe psychos house theres a number of police there and shits going down between the two sisters..



moral of the story never give a fuck about a bitch.



only look out for the real women.


cool story bro i know but come on this bitch is fucking mental nasty/


bit fucked up right now sorry for the spelling and shit.

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When we were in eight grade during an assembly we were all sitting on the back wall(because that's where the cool kids sit) we were just talking shit to each other not paying attention to the assembly when of of us pointed out the two nasty bitches (one of which shit her pants at least once a week, from kindergarten to grade 8) are sitting in front of us realllllly close together.


so we tell the couple kids between us to move as they're just giggling about something involving the disgusting girls. they part like the dead see for us to all see the one scrawny pale ugly girl with her hands down the pants shitters.





Grossest thing I've ever seen. later in life she's become a wicken, no word on her shit exploits. the two of them stayed friends through high school as well as a few of the other disgusting, grossest girls from the other grade schools that all got together and started dating this fat ass warlock/wizard looking guy who wore a cape and carried a wizard cane/long stick like Gandalf. pretty sure they all had disgusting ugly person sex with each other and it definitely involved shit.

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