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Cant knock the hussle i guess...?

coffie crave 7

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o my god are you fuckin kidding me


wake up dood


you are on a graff site


negas being sent your way


boo fucking hoo.


chupa said it, a couple of you got real butthurt i didnt know dudes artsy shit here, i didnt realize i had to follow everyones lives beyond vandalism, guess i forgot i was "on a graff site." cry me a river homos.

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Some of you are fucking retarded. (Not you, bostonsnewestink.)


Someone on here asks a question I might be able to answer. I answer it. Now I'm a "name dropper." All right, great. Don't ask me to do any favors for you, then. In fact, don't ask me for shit. Don't respond, don't PM me, don't talk to me. Just don't.


There's some old SF heads on here that can vouch for me if they want. Beyond that, I don't have shit to prove to anyone, especially some toy from East Nowhere who just wants to flex so he can bump up his e-rep.


Also, I've gotten several PMs asking me if I can put people in contact with dude. I answered a couple but to save time I'm gonna put this out here for the record.


I never said I was friends with Barry. I met him a long time ago riding bikes and going to shows with mutual friends of ours, and my connection to him over the years has continued to be on that level. We're friendly, but he's a friendly guy. I contacted a couple of our friends to ask them what they thought, and I shared what they told me with the rest of you.


I'm not going to put complete strangers in touch with him directly, nor can I hook anyone up with deals on any of his work. (I don't have any either, so don't feel left out). You can try to get a hold of him through RVCA, that would be your best bet. So if you were going to ask, there's your answer.


I should have handled this via PMs but it was late and I was feeling helpful after having a couple drinks. Guess I should have thought twice.

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And I explained myself...oh well, I posted something without proofreading it. I usually do because EVERYONE else does and I owe it to them. And that should have barely even moved the needle on the Channel Zero Douchebag Meter.


Gee, sorry, I blew it. I hope we can all get past this.

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