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Buried in Filth...


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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - For years, no one on Crest Drive paid much attention to the little white house with pink trim.


The front yard was overgrown with shrubs and three cars sat motionless in the driveway. Neighbors on the quiet street knew the owner, a retired psychologist named Carina DeOcampo, was an odd, private person — even her family would leave bags of food on the front steps, then quickly drive away.


But folks here were shocked in early October when police forced their way into the home and discovered the 72-year-old DeOcampo dead, surrounded by six feet of garbage that packed the house.






gross :sick:

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apparently there was an old cuban man who lived in our apartment two tenants ago.

he seemed normal at first but then his marriage fell apart and his wife moved out and he started hoarding and never leaving.

after several years, he was evicted due to the smell, and everything was so disgusting they had to renovate the apartment.

for that reason, our unit is a lot nicer than pretty much everyone else's.

tina the aging and intrusive puertorican super really loves telling me about it.

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my great aunt was in a concentration camp in germany for pretty much the whole of WWII.

When she got out she brought her survival spirit with her. She couldn't throw anything away because of her time of having literally nothing. When she died and my dad and unkle went through the house they found a box labelled 'bits of string that are too short to be of any use to anybody'.

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the woman upstairs from us was a hoarder. pretty much the same thing happened. she died, and it took a few days/weeks before they found her decaying. it didn't smell so bad that we smelled it, but one day mad BPD officers were walking up and down the front and back, we were scared shitless. the next day a guy in a truck goes upstairs and started to clean the place out, and he explained that this woman was a REALLY smart and accomplished woman, but had an immense problem with hoarding. i met her once before, but only briefly when one of her cats wandered into our apartment. when her apartment was cleaned out by her friend's son, he actually gave us a lot of cool stuff. i personally got like 50 or more books on spies, and A FUCKING BEAR COSTUME, WHICH I PROMPTLY WORE EVERYWHERE FOR THE NEXT DAY.

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