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The best reasons to believe that there is a God


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whether someone wears a crucifix or dawkins' cock in their mouth--its all the same to me. cling to what you choose to believe.


a brand and a face, yes. if i need to break that down further, then you're already out of your element. basic english terms.


for the record. i am an atheist. if you were anything more than a troll and could follow your own arguments for multiple pages, let alone the entirety of this thread, you would know my stance.


science and dawkins are not interchangeable. i did not, and have not mocked science once. dawkins and his books i have problems with. its not a smear campaign. its cold cut.


yes, you are proclaiming you're better by calling what most of the world believes a fairy tale. you're so in, so modern, so 2010 to accept the last 300 years of learning. you're not smarter or better--you've been given a different upbringing and education, and the fact that you're latching onto dawkins as your source and inspiration furthers the fact that you're exactly the type of person who is looking to fill the gap that religion fills for everyone else.


serious question: at what point in your life did you proclaim yourself an atheist? were you raised as such, or was there a turning point and what inspired it?


as i said a few pages back, you really aren't worth my time or anyone elses. your arguments are base fodder that only support one idea w/o accepting or growing yourself. you miss the point of debate.



blah blah b;ah, you act like u got me coined, so be it, I dont have the energy to argue and I donlt care what you judge me as.


for the other question, I sorta figured out I was atheist around my teens when I would hear my friends do certain things and when I asked why, their answer was "just cuz, thats the way my family does things"


I was always raised to figure things out on my own and never had religion forced onto me, I probably went to church once as a kid when I stayed with my cousins during Easter and the whole thing just seemed like a waste of time, all this fancy dressing up on Sunday and acting all proper but then 6 other days out the week people acted like assholes. Thats the cliff notes version, but believe me, there's been plenty of times growing up I would think "thats pretty fuckin stupid" and not once did I tell theat person(s) "youre dumb, im better then you" I would rather ask "why?" and see if they even knew, and most times didn't.


You're confusing a lot of people into one type, and that's a shame. But so be it. spent on the debate but don't realize why you can act like a prick and it's ok, but I try to be civil and I got another man's dick in my mouth? But that guy's a pompous ass? but believe what you say right? Not him, cuz he's an ass. lol...

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For those interested


[b]Jesus Interrupted Audiobook [/b](m4b format)

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Product Description

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you're absolutely right.

i am generalizing the hell out of guys that read dawkins. i don't like him or his work and i think lower of folks that buy into his schtick.


just like i think lower of people that read and love dan brown books...


i don't have a problem saying that, i don't think there is anything wrong with that.




if you go through this thread and the 'nature of the creator' thread the most quoted writer is dawkins. every 3rd atheist that stumbles into these threads pulls out his work, w/o any knowledge of other atheist writers, or philosophical writers in general. my point is, and i think casek is getting at as well, is read more. don't settle on him. don't get so loud about one guy, or one facet of atheism. there is such a world of knowledge available to all of us. dawkins isn't a revolutionary, he isn't saying anything really new or different. he's just saying it in a really annoying manner.



and forgive my excess swearing and blunt method of saying the cock is in your mouth, if you want this debate i'll play, but i'm a soldier and i work with some thick skinned folk. we swear a lot and talk a lot of shit, i have a hard time separating that method of discussion from intelligent debate.

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I dont care if your atheism is better then mine, or how many books you read to come to your conclusion or what pedistal you sit on for reading 5 different versions of people who don't believe in god. I don't either. And I donlt believe I need to become a scholar just to prescribe to the idea either. You my friend take NOT GOD way too serious and need to ease up, if there's religulous types that are extreme, your my friend are on the other end of the spectrum.


Sit back, exhale, swear if it relieves stress... whatever you need to do, but you're wound up too tight.

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I feel as though the main problem with self-proclaimed and defined personal gods is that the definition of god reverts back to that of pre-scientific gods. These previous definitions are almost easily deconstructed by modern science. Thus, the invention of personal gods with definitions synoymous to modern science and it's findings. But, why not completely discern this outdated idea of god? True, man's nature DID revolve around this idea, but modern science did not exist. Just because it worked, doesn't mean it's always right.

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I feel as though the main problem with self-proclaimed and defined personal gods is that the definition of god reverts back to that of pre-scientific gods. These previous definitions are almost easily deconstructed by modern science. Thus, the invention of personal gods with definitions synoymous to modern science and it's findings. But, why not completely discern this outdated idea of god? True, man's nature DID revolve around this idea, but modern science did not exist. Just because it worked, doesn't mean it's always right.



Seems there is something wrong with those who would want to deconstruct the objects of someones faith. Same people who would probably take a shit in the pool during your 4 year old nieces birthday party.

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"Many women who do not dress modestly lead young men astray and spread adultery in society which increases earthquakes. Now if a natural earthquake hits Tehran, no one will be able to confront such a calamity but God's power, only God's power. So lets not disappoint God." -Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi Senior Iranian Cleric




Seismologists have warned that the Iranian capital Tehran is situated on a large number of tectonic fault lines and could be hit by a devastating quake soon.



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i liked that einstein quote. both of them actually.


basically says that we couldn't conceive even a portion of a fragment of the power that is nature, not in a million lifetimes. then he continues on to try and define the universe...? it's like the ultimate sudoku for geniuses i guess.


such a talented individual, shame he had to steal his ideas.

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