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The best reasons to believe that there is a God


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"I don't see why it is so hard to acknowledge the validity of astrology when it is the forefather of astronomy"


and alchemy played a large part in bringing about modern chemistry, but is it valid? no.


just because an idea beget another idea does not make it so. how you believe this is beyond me.

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Just trolling threw. Iv been popping into this thread for a while every now and then. So I really havent been following it in detail.


Just asking this as its something I tend to find myself thinking about. Does anyone think that its posable that the human species / race is actually some sort of life derivative brought to earth by some other means then simply evolving from pimates?


In short im asking. Do you think Humans are here, where we are today, because of evolution alone?


Or do you think something else? Say perhaps any type of alien influence ranging from something as minor as a bacteria being introduced to are planets environments?


Or perhaps something as extreme as the plain of thought that are entire being of what we are today was brought to us from and becuase of another race giving or using us some sort of evolutionary boost with say, maybe some type of DNA research or testing?


As there is still seemingly a missing link in the studys of evolution.


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Astrology only deals with tendencies and influences, trying to coax hard facts from it is counterintuitive. These planetary influences do not determine actual personality. It is just influences. Free will has the ultimate say on personality, not positions of planets. Any good astrologer will tell you that.


The inconclusive quote refers to a previous study. Perhaps you should read more carefully.


You seem to be saying that Astrology has little use. Am I reading you wrong?

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mostly a joke, but yeah, honestly, i would prefer some people stay out of certain threads sometimes. not to sound like a fascist prick, but mostly the inundation of absurdest and incorrect information by certain people becomes stifling to those of us that want to hold an intelligible and factually based discussion of various topics. if anything YOU'RE the fascist.



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