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The best reasons to believe that there is a God


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I think I've reposted this on 12 oz before, but in case I didn't it's still relevant-


In my opinion, religion is the original code of law The Man used to keep people in line...and since I don't particularly like being controlled, I have no problem with letting the agents of The Man know that when they get pushy- cops, Mormons, Witnesses...it's all the same to me.


I do believe there's some kind of force or higher consciousness out there, though I'm reluctant to define it or even give it a name. Sometimes I feel it, at times I've seen it in action and have no explanation for what I experienced or saw nor am I really looking for one. I don't expect anyone else to believe me or care enough to say "show me proof", so I keep my mouth shut about it and I don't push my views on anyone....and I believe that has been my secret to staying out of mental hospitals thus far.


I've read the Bible, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Bhagavad Gita, and some of the Koran. That pretty much covers the main ones and there's a lot of interesting stuff in all of them, but I don't look at them as some kind of map or blueprint. I think they're mostly allegorical and based in myths and parables that are recurring in many different cultures...if you read through them all you find a lot of common themes- a creation myth, a great flood or cataclysm, a prophet or person who's wisdom/enlightenment points to some connection to the divine, an end game or Armageddon or Judgment Day, an afterlife consisting of "heaven and hell" or some parallel thereof, etc.

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yea if a god was the alpha and omega and knew everything and could do anything, then of course he knew what was/is going to happen and the influence the devil(or evil) would have on it.


if u believe/read the bible or whatever it says sin/evil saddens God, but it could be argued that that is a product of his decision to give us free will. he knew it would happen. But if only good existed, it would be boring. For us and for him-he wants life to be interesting for us because we dont know anything other than this life. That is unless of course all we knew was good and that no alternative way(evil) existed, but the devil/evil existed before humans did (if you read Genesis/believe that). Also Revelation talks about the end of evil, and how good prevails, so in the meantime we as humans can enjoy life and choose to believe in it all or choose to not to because it makes us uncomfortable to even think about.


Maybe its a learning process..so in the end we understand good and evil and the consequences of choosing one or the other.


Id say if god does exist, then he is submissive to noone/nothing. He was always here...but got bored and wanted some action so he created imperfect humans he could have a relationship with and help in his scientifically perfect created world. He will always be too tho, so after the fall of evil, he can spend eternity with his beloved human creation that chose to believe in him in heaven..YAAAAAYY. Sounds like Sunday school i know. Just an idea tho.


Forgive my unorganized belief ramblings ahead of time

I'm thinking along the lines of Moon's idea also. If God exists, and created man as flawless creatures, then he would theoretically be making Clones of himself, as a exact clone of God we have his power to do anything possible. In doing so we would all be gods, and reality as we know it would be subject to whatever we individually made it to be, if we are an exact perfect clone we would have to make life exactly as God did before us, since his design is perfect. We would make multiple perfect Utopian existences(alternate realities if you will), because we are innately born perfect. Now if life is perfect in all of our created realities, then a cycle of perfect multiple existences with no other outcome would constantly be made, from every cloned perfect creation and it's offspring, and the cycle would infinitely continue.

so millions have suffered atrrocities and unspeakable suffering cause god wanted to spice things up a bit. thats a belief system I can get behind.


In response to Ski's post God had to create Evil/Good (flaws/imperfections in life). In doing so he gave everyone free will which breaks the infinite cycle of perfection(Makes him the only single perfect being, that with infinite power can explain, create, destroy, or hide anything from humans). Success, or actual progression can not be made if your already at a state of constant perfection, you can't have perfection without imperfection it is a contradiction, because perfection must be reached, or by humans at least attempted to be reached. Which they can't unless they receive it from a higher being.


Good and Evil are counterparts that can't be in existence without one another, and free will is what allows humans to lean towards Good/Evil actions. These actions are trials put on Earth by God, and it is a humans choice to react and act accordingly to tragedies and great moments in life.


Science and Faith can't explain what occurs before or after life they can only assign speculations, and if God Exists perhaps life is just a interview by God to see what he will do to you once you die. As for God's Judgment day in the Book of Revelations, if everyone was giving free will from the beginning of time, and was given rules to follow ahead of time to follow, then the idea of all evil (imperfection that falls away from perfection) being destroyed, and all good( imperfection that strives to be perfect) being finally being brought back into the presence of perfection(God), except without his powers, sounds plausible to me.


In short I think if God exists he is perfect, and is all knowing. He knew ahead of time nothing could be perfect accept him. Therefore his children/creations can't be perfect or we would be exact replicas of him, and would do exactly what he did. I could fall behind a belief system where a higher being knowingly created humans with flaws to either strive to be good or evil, rather than cloned perfect beings, which logically to me perfection can't exist without imperfection.

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Good and Evil are counterparts that can't be in existence without one another, and free will is what allows humans to lean towards Good/Evil actions. These actions are trials put on Earth by God, and it is a humans choice to react and act accordingly to tragedies and great moments in life.


Science and Faith can't explain what occurs before or after life they can only assign speculations, and if God Exists perhaps life is just a interview by God to see what he will do to you once you die. As for God's Judgment day in the Book of Revelations, if everyone was giving free will from the beginning of time, and was given rules to follow ahead of time to follow, then the idea of all evil (imperfection that falls away from perfection) being destroyed, and all good( imperfection that strives to be perfect) being finally being brought back into the presence of perfection(God), except without his powers, sounds plausible to me.



good vs evil ,black vs white, yin and yang - i follow that. but most things aren't good, or evil. they're in between. know what we call in between white and black? grey.


we all live in the grey area. anybody who says definitively otherwise is a fucking moron.


no good deed goes unpunished. very true. for every good thing there is in the world, there is a bad thing behind it. many men had to die for the luxuries i take for granted, for instance.


science and faith do assign speculations, the latter more than the former. i do agree that it's plausible that we all may face judgment when we die, and that this life is "screening process" to keep the assholes out of heaven... after all, who wants assholes in heaven?


but it still seems like a control mechanism. you believe there's an "all seeing entity" that judges everything you do, tallying up everytime you wore womens panties or jerkd it in the Quiznos bathroom, then weighing it versus everytime you held a door open for someone or you donated pocket change to that asshole with the red bucket who rings the bell in front of Walmart???


who are you, Morel Orel? getthefuggouddhaerewidabuuushit

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Forgive my unorganized belief ramblings ahead of time

I'm thinking along the lines of Moon's idea also. If God exists, and created man as flawless creatures, then he would theoretically be making Clones of himself, as a exact clone of God we have his power to do anything possible. In doing so we would all be gods, and reality as we know it would be subject to whatever we individually made it to be, if we are an exact perfect clone we would have to make life exactly as God did before us, since his design is perfect. We would make multiple perfect Utopian existences(alternate realities if you will), because we are innately born perfect. Now if life is perfect in all of our created realities, then a cycle of perfect multiple existences with no other outcome would constantly be made, from every cloned perfect creation and it's offspring, and the cycle would infinitely continue.



In response to Ski's post God had to create Evil/Good (flaws/imperfections in life). In doing so he gave everyone free will which breaks the infinite cycle of perfection(Makes him the only single perfect being, that with infinite power can explain, create, destroy, or hide anything from humans). Success, or actual progression can not be made if your already at a state of constant perfection, you can't have perfection without imperfection it is a contradiction, because perfection must be reached, or by humans at least attempted to be reached. Which they can't unless they receive it from a higher being.


Good and Evil are counterparts that can't be in existence without one another, and free will is what allows humans to lean towards Good/Evil actions. These actions are trials put on Earth by God, and it is a humans choice to react and act accordingly to tragedies and great moments in life.


Science and Faith can't explain what occurs before or after life they can only assign speculations, and if God Exists perhaps life is just a interview by God to see what he will do to you once you die. As for God's Judgment day in the Book of Revelations, if everyone was giving free will from the beginning of time, and was given rules to follow ahead of time to follow, then the idea of all evil (imperfection that falls away from perfection) being destroyed, and all good( imperfection that strives to be perfect) being finally being brought back into the presence of perfection(God), except without his powers, sounds plausible to me.


In short I think if God exists he is perfect, and is all knowing. He knew ahead of time nothing could be perfect accept him. Therefore his children/creations can't be perfect or we would be exact replicas of him, and would do exactly what he did. I could fall behind a belief system where a higher being knowingly created humans with flaws to either strive to be good or evil, rather than cloned perfect beings, which logically to me perfection can't exist without imperfection.



The term god that you speak of keeps you in a very closed view of life. You better ask for forgiveness or it will punish you cause it got mad. And he will always be above you. That is all mind control. You are right that the creation, as i call it, created everything with free will, and 2 ways of experiencing. Helping others or help yourself. But either or, you experience on both paths. And you help yourself on both paths, cause if everything came from "god" then we must be the same thing. So helping others is really helping yourself, and helping yourself is really helping all. Because all is one. There is a god but that god is not the god society knows. You are god, we are god, because we realize we are one at the present. Therefore mentally tapping into "godly" knowledge in your plane of existence that your in. What do you think gut feeling is, or mothers instinct. Everything is connected.

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"Do you see this watch I have on my arm (nice gold watch)? Would you believe me if I told you that I made this watch myself. I got a shoe box, put scraps of metal in there, some springs i found, some glass, some screws.... then I sealed up this shoebox real tight. Then I shook the box. For days and day I shook this box. Everybody I met I had THEM shake the box. For over a year I shook the box. Then one day I opened the box... and pulled out this (he shows the nice gold watch again). Would you believe me?"


I said, "No."



what if you had an infinite number of boxes?

but anyways...the logic of that argument is flawed. it's like asking "if i put a pencil and a book in a box and shook it around, would i eventually end up with the next tarantino script?" of course i wouldn't, because those are not the conditions on which a script is written. much like a watch is not able to be assembled without focused attention. the construction of this planet is not reliant upon the existence of a higher power. out of all the galaxies and planets, (known and unknown) is it so hard to believe that maybe earth just happened to fluke it? don't confuse the time you have to ponder life's trivialities as some sort of divine calling. we've simply made life (survival) so easy for ourselves that all we have left to do is imagine that we are somehow part of something that is logistically implausible.


for arguments sake let's say there is a god/creator.....good work bro but what have you done lately? stop kicking back and copping praise and start making the surf better and the ladies hotter.

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for arguments sake let's say there is a god/creator.....good work bro but what have you done lately? stop kicking back and copping praise and start making the surf better and the ladies hotter.



real talk.


see it's comments like this that I envy. there are far greater things to worry about than why you exist. like, how to exist the most awesome way possible.



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existing the most awesome way possible for me is, knowing my existence. Knowing what i know is the truth. And thats where im at. I enjoy every second my existence, no matter the situation, all i feel is love. all is one, *sparks bowl.

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If you can believe that there is a beginning to everything, and god has so-called ever-existed. Then, why do you find it so hard to believe that there is/was a beginning to the Universe, and all the matter & energy in the Universe has ever-existed?

Same concept right?


And what set it off?

Ever heard of the big-bang, big-crunch, big-bang theory? I know its not the /actual/ term, but I cant think of it off the top of my head

Its a theory that states that, the Universe has ever-existed in this bouncing sort of pattern. After the big-bang, the Universe collapses in on itself, down to a singularity of pure energy. Where, the pure energy de-stabilizes, the Universe explodes in a big-bang, afterwards, it collapses, and the process repeats.

Is that hard to believe?


And to add on, you

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what i beleive is that the creation was there, somehow, no1 knows, but at one point, the creation or all there was became aware of itself, and the first thing that happened was love. Love is the verbal vibration some1 chose to name this feeling that makes us whole. A see wont sprout without the sun, the sun wouldnt be there if something didnt create it, and so on. Love sparks life, love is the 1 thing that unifies us all. The sun is a physical manifestation of this feeling or emotion or connection.

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what i beleive is that the creation was there, somehow, no1 knows, but at one point, the creation or all there was became aware of itself, and the first thing that happened was love. Love is the verbal vibration some1 chose to name this feeling that makes us whole. A see wont sprout without the sun, the sun wouldnt be there if something didnt create it, and so on. Love sparks life, love is the 1 thing that unifies us all. The sun is a physical manifestation of this feeling or emotion or connection.


nah thats some bullshit holmes.


love is a human-created concept, like most of the things we use to explain things that occur in the human experience. humans, and most other animals, are social creatures that psychologically need interaction and connection with other humans. love, friendship, community, etc., are all aspect that foster this connection.


but, with that said, i think the ultimate goal of life is to achieve some authentic, sustained happiness, and the best way to achieve that is through genuine social connection and love. but thats only on a human level man, thats the chemical process in our brain. thats not the building blocks of existence, you're trying to attribute meaning to something where there is none.

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nah thats some bullshit holmes.


love is a human-created concept, like most of the things we use to explain things that occur in the human experience. humans, and most other animals, are social creatures that psychologically need interaction and connection with other humans. love, friendship, community, etc., are all aspect that foster this connection.


but, with that said, i think the ultimate goal of life is to achieve some authentic, sustained happiness, and the best way to achieve that is through genuine social connection and love. but thats only on a human level man, thats the chemical process in our brain. thats not the building blocks of existence, you're trying to attribute meaning to something where there is none.


maybe what we call love is just the beginning of the soul trying to connect to the collective conscious of the world an all of its people. that's why there is such a blurry definition of love (monogamy, polygamy, horse fuckers, the chinese guy who married a video game character he made, etc).


You just defined love as human created concept. Conceptually, love is what we make it. Maybe what is love to you, somebody else totally wouldn't understand. But the absolute truth is that love does exist. It's hardly understood, so we as humans perceive it to be a concept. And why wouldn't it be? why do concept cars never get put to manufacturing for broad use by the public? Because it's only a concept, and to be popular, must be accepted by everyone.


For as long as there is war and greed, the popular opinion of the masses will be to fuck each other over, instead of breaking bread with your neighbor. Love is real. It's the convoluted mess of a human existence that we cling to so dearly that's fake. You need open up your eyes.

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my man, im not saying love isnt real. it definitely exists


i am saying that love isnt when "the creation or all there was became aware of itself, and the first thing that happened was love" as some dude said. i think loves a very powerful emotion and concept, and like i said, i think its one of the primary, if not the sole way to achieve lasting happiness, but all of that is chemicals in the reward center of your brain and dopamines being released and received.


the collective consciousness idea is cool, but thats contingent upon that fact that a) we have souls and b) that we have an oversoul as a species/planet/existence. i think the oversoul idea is really cool, but thats more of the pantheism to me.


love boils down to happiness and chemicals in your brain though, i really dont think theres magic involved

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further more, love is a human created concept. it is attributing spiritual or mystical meaning to an evolutionarily developed element of animal existence. like i said with humans being social creatures, we need to be around other people and make connection to those people to function and thrive. its the same as with wolves and deer and ant colonies and all that shit. human beings are genetically programmed to eat, and stay alive long enough to reproduce so we can make more of ourselves, that is it. everything else is superfluous, its shit we've built up, created, or attributed exaggerated meaning to so we don't feel like we're existing without meaning. thus, love has been built up around the social connection aspect of our specie's existence. this doesn't mean it doesn't exist, because we define as love clearly does, but to say that it is the fundamental aspect of existence and that it is an absolute, divine language of God is just humans attributing meaning to shit. again, we're just organic machines who eat, fuck, and make more of ourselves, so we can eat and fuck more to continue to survive and exist. thats the bottom line

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love boils down to happiness and chemicals in your brain though, i really dont think theres magic involved


so love triggers the same pleasure centers of your brain that, say, chocolate does. That's true, you can read about it in scientific journals.


what you fail to understand is the "why". why does love trigger dopamine in the brain?


for you see, it isn't the "how" that's asked for in this thread, it is the "why".


therein lies the magic sir.



if love could be purchased, to quench our human desire for affection, then it would be. but that's the magic, you can't force people to be in love. love knows no bounds, therefore love is unique to everyone - regardless of the scientific "happenings" of our brain when we fall in love.


to me, love is powerful. it's easier to find hate than love, so love is a challenge. i think it's THE challenge, to be honest. wouldn't you give the shirt off your back to your newborn baby boy? that's love. now why can't that transcend to your neighbor, or even a person thousands of miles away?


it's because you're conditioned to think of those closest to you first - it makes sense, seeing as how its gotten us through the primitive stages of our existence (only the strongest survive type of thing). now that we are all connected, and can share ideas, money, information, and goods - all with the click of a fucking button - it seems ridiculous to think in such a small scope.


the consensus amongst "civilized" nations, is that we all deserve a chance to live - this is why we don't kill retarded babies (sad but true). and, if we all deserve a chance at life, and THIS is the majority consensus, then why should we be fighting over basic essential needs (food water shelter)?


yet, here we are. trapped in between living primitively and living peacefully. somebody always has to lose in order for somebody to win - this is the model for all forms of government (capitalism, communism, fascism, any other ism). in order for someone to prosper, someone must faulter. this is why we have countries like Ethiopia, poor as fuck living gutter, cuz we raped them of their wealth and natural resources, to sell to the highest bidder in China (just an example, don't wiki this, lol).


Love will conquer all my friend. It is that which brings us together. It's the only thing we know the moment we're born. Somewhere along that line it gets corrupted and lost. Greed has a big part to play in all of this. Greed is a learned behavior. Love we're born with.

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again, we're just organic machines who eat, fuck, and make more of ourselves, so we can eat and fuck more to continue to survive and exist. thats the bottom line


what you point out is scientific observation you hold to as the truth. when these are mere things that have been recorded over time, to HELP explain our existence. all of these things you mentioned can be observed with an untrained eye. our similarities to other living organisms on this planet go on for days. we ARE like ants. we ARE like bacteria. we ARE like animals. but what we really are is something far more interesting, and capable.


you try to downplay what you clearly know is larger than yourself. it's fine, I was 16 and angry once, high on my own knowledge. but life is more than simple self-preservation. you need to recognize that or you'll be missing out on the good stuff.


if the main objective was to eat fuck and survive, why do we get mad at bitches with 7 kids on welfare? isn't she helping the cause with her super vagina? oh wait... thats right... there is MORE going on than fucking and eating. i see now...


I appreciate these comments, I do. I imagine you're the type of kid that's learning guitar tabs in your parents basement. If not, that's when your mental capacity stalled. Good luck out there in your meaningless fucks-capade.

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so love triggers the same pleasure centers of your brain that, say, chocolate does. That's true, you can read about it in scientific journals.


what you fail to understand is the "why". why does love trigger dopamine in the brain?


for you see, it isn't the "how" that's asked for in this thread, it is the "why".


therein lies the magic sir.


if love could be purchased, to quench our human desire for affection, then it would be. but that's the magic, you can't force people to be in love. love knows no bounds, therefore love is unique to everyone - regardless of the scientific "happenings" of our brain when we fall in love.


to me, love is powerful. it's easier to find hate than love, so love is a challenge. i think it's THE challenge, to be honest. wouldn't you give the shirt off your back to your newborn baby boy? that's love. now why can't that transcend to your neighbor, or even a person thousands of miles away?

word man absolutely. trust me when i say i fully recognize love as probably the single most powerful thing that humans can experience. for all intensive purposes, it is the meaning of life.


but, what im saying is, which i think is getting misconstrued, is that what we think of as love is just an evolutionary adaptation of social connection. we have given it all this extra, built up meaning, when it is merely a device of natural selection for humans to care for one another, to help us achieve happiness, procreate and survive. granted this is all my opinion and i dont have the scientific studies to prove this, but it makes sense to me and im sure it isnt magical cause theres no such thing as magic man.


theres definitely things we dont understand, but thats like the people back in the 1600's saying that people were getting sick because of witches and voodoo, not because of viruses and bacteria, ya dig?



it's because you're conditioned to think of those closest to you first - it makes sense, seeing as how its gotten us through the primitive stages of our existence (only the strongest survive type of thing). now that we are all connected, and can share ideas, money, information, and goods - all with the click of a fucking button - it seems ridiculous to think in such a small scope.


the consensus amongst "civilized" nations, is that we all deserve a chance to live - this is why we don't kill retarded babies (sad but true). and, if we all deserve a chance at life, and THIS is the majority consensus, then why should we be fighting over basic essential needs (food water shelter)?

thats society's built up ethics and sense of morality. retarded babies would die in the wild. just like wounded deer get picked off by wolves. survival of the fittest homie. as a person, i completely disagree this way of thinking, but in reality shits the truth.


yet, here we are. trapped in between living primitively and living peacefully. somebody always has to lose in order for somebody to win - this is the model for all forms of government (capitalism, communism, fascism, any other ism). in order for someone to prosper, someone must faulter. this is why we have countries like Ethiopia, poor as fuck living gutter, cuz we raped them of their wealth and natural resources, to sell to the highest bidder in China (just an example, don't wiki this, lol).

word. i hear ya man. suffering gives pleasure meaning. hate gives love meaning.


Love will conquer all my friend. It is that which brings us together. It's the only thing we know the moment we're born. Somewhere along that line it gets corrupted and lost. Greed has a big part to play in all of this. Greed is a learned behavior. Love we're born with.

the statement "its the only thing we know the moment we're born" is up for debate. babies crying wanting food, wanting attention, i dunno if love is the only thing they know from the moment we're born.


what you point out is scientific observation you hold to as the truth. when these are mere things that have been recorded over time, to HELP explain our existence. all of these things you mentioned can be observed with an untrained eye. our similarities to other living organisms on this planet go on for days. we ARE like ants. we ARE like bacteria. we ARE like animals. but what we really are is something far more interesting, and capable.





bro, we're just animals. we have incredible mental processes. we are not divinely ordained any more than anything else in existence.


you try to downplay what you clearly know is larger than yourself. it's fine, I was 16 and angry once, high on my own knowledge. but life is more than simple self-preservation. you need to recognize that or you'll be missing out on the good stuff.

torched. ya got me man, ya got me.


if the main objective was to eat fuck and survive, why do we get mad at bitches with 7 kids on welfare? isn't she helping the cause with her super vagina? oh wait... thats right... there is MORE going on than fucking and eating. i see now...

again, society's ethics and morals. and over population. and greed. and people dont like giving money to crazy bitches. etc.


I appreciate these comments, I do. I imagine you're the type of kid that's learning guitar tabs in your parents basement. If not, that's when your mental capacity stalled. Good luck out there in your meaningless fucks-capade.

again, shit ya got me bro.. generalizations are fun. not helping you highlight your point about love bring us all together tho dawg.

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as state earlier in this thread, Science without religion is lame, and Religion without science is blind (i think is how the quote went).


the two must coinside in order to properly explain the things we can, and cannot see with our five senses. you don't have to live on this earth for too long to experience something that you couldn't explain. it's the unexplained that has science searching for answers and religion searching for rhetoric to help explain why.


there is something bigger going on here. explaining it might be an effort in futility, but for those too weary to discover themselves, religion has your ticket punched - just get in line.


all religious doctrine should be viewed as you would the History channel. take what you can from it, just as you would take notes in a college classroom. formulate new ideas. live a life of your own construct.

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what you point out is scientific observation you hold to as the truth. when these are mere things that have been recorded over time, to HELP explain our existence. all of these things you mentioned can be observed with an untrained eye. our similarities to other living organisms on this planet go on for days. we ARE like ants. we ARE like bacteria. we ARE like animals. but what we really are is something far more interesting, and capable.


you try to downplay what you clearly know is larger than yourself. it's fine, I was 16 and angry once, high on my own knowledge. but life is more than simple self-preservation. you need to recognize that or you'll be missing out on the good stuff.


if the main objective was to eat fuck and survive, why do we get mad at bitches with 7 kids on welfare? isn't she helping the cause with her super vagina? oh wait... thats right... there is MORE going on than fucking and eating. i see now...


I appreciate these comments, I do. I imagine you're the type of kid that's learning guitar tabs in your parents basement. If not, that's when your mental capacity stalled. Good luck out there in your meaningless fucks-capade.



I think that's a bit rude of a position to take.


Again, I don't really think YOU grasp how such simple rules can lead to complex things.


Simple self preservation is a mandate that can easily lead to the social complexities of contemporary life.


I'm gonna try not to make this so pointed of a response as to come across as dickish as you in your last few posts, so bear with me.


But really, go take some classes on decision theory or just do some reading to understand how altruism and other complex emotional states can develop as just another means of adaptation and evolutionary one-upsmanship.


Even some fish use altruism as a means of group expression. I'm not really gonna get into the example, but suffice to say such complex actions are not merely functions of being human.


But yeah, all these things that you feel suggest something "larger than us" can still be accounted for in an emergent system set on self sustaining existence alone.


Look man, we can talk bout this stuff endlessly, but there is no need to be a dick about it. It doesn't make your arguments better and it just makes people smarter than you think you know even less than you probably do.

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Without something to kick-start everything even basic rules wouldn't be able to create something as complex as humans. I think that you have to look at it from a mixed perspective. I believe that the world has evolved according to the scientific point of view, but there must have been some 'God' to start it at the very beginning.

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and yet something as complex and vast as a god was just able to create itself? what kick-started the kick-starter.


word. thats the conundrum isnt it. dunno how long it'll take to actually comprehend how everything came into existence, what existence is, etc. like its so counter-intuitive and incomprehensible to think of something coming from nothing, and thinking there was nothing at some point. our whole concept of time depends on a beginning and an end, so maybe thats where the flaw itself is.

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