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The Ruin A Wish Foundation


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granted,instead i break your nose.


granted but they al agreed on a 20 dollar limit and you went way over that limit buying lavish gifts for your family.you think that they will appreciate it but instead they go into a psychotic rage and chop you up with an axe and throw you into the fireplace in place of firewood.the smell is unbareable and makes all the people on the block(who are at this time snowed in after the huge blizzard you guys just had) go crazy and fight each other to get out of the house,in the process killing themselves and eachother.come spring everyone in your neighborhood has died and took all their family with them.your officially named the worst person on earth becuase you managed to kill all those people,posthumously at that.


shoulda stuck to that 20 dollar limit fool.


i wish i wasnt so out of shape.i mean im not fat or anything but i realised after running for my life tonight that im slow as shit.

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granted,the temp rises to a cool 76 degrees and you decide to break out your summer clothes.you go to the beach wearing your flipflops and swim trunks for a nice little afternoon swm.unfortunately for you the tempature drops in a freakish natural phenomenon and you are frozen in ice.you stay frozen for a week or more in the middle of the ocean.some how you manage to stay alive,though youve suffered horrible frost bite.the water under you is melting but you are still trapped you get your hopes up thinking you could get out of this alive.but no.this is hopeless your talking to.there is no hope for you...(hence the name) anyways fish who are under you begin to eat away at your legs and other parts that are still submerged in the water.it is very painful but you are unable to shake them off of you.no matter how much you try they keep knibbling at your legs..when they finally find you your hands and face are blackened from the frostbite and your waist down is completely bone.they even ate your penis.you somehow manage to survive all this and spend the rest of your life as some freak with no legs and no penis.



i wish i had a gun.

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granted but all you have now are cakes.















































urinal cakes.



i wish i had a real gun that shot bullets so i didnt have to run from people all the time.not that i plan on shooting anyone but im not trying to get caught slippin.

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