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racing cop car kills 2 *link to video*

El Vergudo

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Usually when I see speeding cop cars flying down the block I tend to sit where I am till they pass.


That's just me though.


Probably anticipated he could make the turn. Unfortunately for all involved he was wrong.


much of this has been said already, but

1) with no lights on they probably thought it was jsut a regular car

2)the car was going 2-3 times the speed limit, so the driver, based on the how far away the cop car was, thought they had 2-3 times more time to complete the turn. speed can be incredibly hard to judge especially in the dark.

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Same kind of thing happened here a few years ago,the cop got off in criminal court scott free,but in civil court the family won a 15 million dollar settlement from the city,county,police department,and the cop.

and because of this,to pay this settlement the city is raising property taxes. I loathe the very sight of anything police related.

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yeah but he wasnt even arrested by his department, they just suspended him. the state cops made the arrest. i wonder why they did that, are regular city cops not allowed to arrest their own or did they try to just give him a slap on the hands and staties found out?




holy shit look at the forehead on the kid in the middle in the back! fucking huge


























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Dumb shit that hits entirely too close to home. Fuck cops who think they can ignore all the rules just because they're police officers. It would not surprise me if they come up with some "evidence" that the cops were responding to a call or some other retarded police technicality and he gets off on some bullshit charges and doesn't even get hit with manslaughter.


thatsexactly what happened to a friend of mine, she is a finance major who works for Merill Lynch and got t-boned by a cop who blew through a red light at an intersection...


they cited her with failure to yield on the spot, she took it to court citing the officer had no lights/sirens on. The PD claimed he was just responding to an incoming call and was just about to put the siren on... so therefore it was her fault... city insurance refused to pay her anything and she was left holding the bag for her toatled car

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thatsexactly what happened to a friend of mine, she is a finance major who works for Merill Lynch and got t-boned by a cop who blew through a red light at an intersection...


they cited her with failure to yield on the spot, she took it to court citing the officer had no lights/sirens on. The PD claimed he was just responding to an incoming call and was just about to put the siren on... so therefore it was her fault... city insurance refused to pay her anything and she was left holding the bag for her toatled car












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of course two teens die and not the fucking cop... ugh

i literally cant even drive when there are police near me. i pull in the next parking lot or some shit...

also, driving at that speed on a two lane street with traffic lights and entrances and exits at anytime is so bad. you can catch me driving asshole on the highway but never on a street like that... cops

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the only reason the police car recorded that was because the cruise that recorded that put his emergency lights on when the other police officer crashed... the onboard camera system when the lights come on starts recording the 60 second delay. This isn't the first time Milford had issues with police racing each other. BTW, the camera car was going 70MPH...

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