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Taking Pictures Becoming Insignificant??


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I read this quote on another thread and it really makes sense,


I think I burnt myself out on shit like this. For a little while at least. I think my life is too connected to the internet. All the time motherfuckers are like "let me take a picture so I can upload it to facebook"

The picture has lost its significance to the upload for some people.

Useful though.


People take all these damn pictures throughout the day, and they think oh I will post them up on facebook/twitter/ whatever and tell you to check them out.


Truly I could give a fuck-less what you seen in a day, a bird on the pole, a bug in your soup, or a bum eating soup with a bug in it where bird flies down and eats the bug and pecks the bum.


"It happens rarely" and if everyone takes a picture of all there rarities throughout life then it loses its significance.


The point of a picture is to capture a part of life that only happens once or twice a year or even a lifetime. And then share them many years down the road to look at and reminisce with family or friends.


and to add, No one cares if you got poop on yer shoe, or there is a crack on the sidewalk, how much paper you have on your desk at work ( its work dumbass) quit posting stupid ass pictures.



I would post tits but I would like everyone to read this.


we will keep it PG



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The point of a picture is to capture a part of life that only happens once or twice a year or even a lifetime. And then share them many years down the road to look at and reminisce with family or friends.


Damn son, get out of the 19th century. Things have moved on.


Also, avoid 'day in pies' thread.



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this is a common trait for anything that people get desensitized to. unfortunately, i feel like this is more than just a passing fad, people are going to be doing this for YEARS, and eventually, a large percentage of people are just going to delete their facebooks/whatever because they're so damn sick of it.


if anything is overdone to death, it cheapens it. music, movies, fashion, and unfortunately now it's affecting other things. the internet has killed a lot, and now it claims another victim.

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yeah something that bugs me is when people who are no more than 'acquaintances' start taking photos of me on a night out. doing that 'facebook pose' where they hold the camera and point it at us both.


i realize that this probably makes me sound uptight like Rain Man or something but fuck it. i find it awkward and dumb. why do they want a photographic record of people they barely know? in some cases i had not even spoken to them prior to their attempt to get a photo - the fuck? its only started happening in the last couple of years. sole reason: facebook/internets.

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Digital cameras have ruined the house party. I can't get drunk anymore without some cheap fuck stalking around with a camera.


yeah this is a worry for me, although i tend to take my own camera to remember where i've been.

apparently someone has a photo of me drinking cider from a wellington boot...

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camera is for graff. i don't take pictures of people, mostly because my camera needs flash to take a non-blurry picture but the flash ruins all the pictures anyways. last pictures i really wanted to take were in high school. last year the only time i was happy i had a camera was for graffiti, this one 2 foot snow we had, and when i cockblocked my friend wearing a scooby doo costume.


i would also like to add this is the single least likely thread to have tits, and i definitely just opened it in class and scrolled slooooowly past those melons up top without realizing it until too late. three or four attractive girls sit behind me..


/just became a pervert to them oner. great.

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I always carry a camera, regardless, and I don't count my mobile phone.

But that is because I always have, and I always probably will, I have been taking pictures and looking at things since I was about 12, and have been carrying a camera as a habit since I was 16/17 about 8 years.

Apart from the people who I know who take pictures, nobody takes fucking pictures. People have cameras and act like they know about photography or whatnot, but those cameras never leave their cases. Girls carry cameras to take facebook pictures but their cameras are in cases at the bottom of their handbags. And if people happen to have a SLR and it is not in a case, then it is most likely switched off with the lens cap on. If I take an SLR out with me it will never be switched off, (the batteries will last for days), and it will be set perfectly for the setting I am in, with the lens cap off, cocked and ready to BANG.


Having a snap camera in clubs is LoL though but I rarely take pictures of people who ask me to, or if I do I will just point the camera at them without looking and shoot them. I treat my little lumix like a side arm for popping off niggas like this:



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i'm into pictures of everyday type shit.


think about it: the pictures from 1927 of the street you grew up on are dope to look at and are filled with value on a personal level.

i try to keep that in mind when out and about with my soul taker.


landscapes change

as do people.

so saying that "capturing an image of someone is not a 'rare occurance' type shot" is a flawed statement.

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I dig seeing what other people see, not necessarily the narcissism that's come with things like Myspace and FB. I know a lot of women who just fucking love flicking themselves nonstop.. I get it.. You can make faces for the camera.. Bugs me, but I get a lot more out of what they see and how they see it.


It could easily be said that books make so many things insignificant. Photo books as well.. I guess, I don't know. I never went to college, so I'll that up to you smart people to figure out.

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this is the time of everyone getting their 15 mins.. it was promised and its here.of course photos and videos would be a part of it.i think the photo mos def. is overlooked for what it is and meant to be,but it means different things to different people. i know some folks who take pics all the time just to capture moments with their friends and family and they have a SHITLOAD of flicks stored on computers. its really just what you do with it. some peoplecould care less and take pictures cuz they are bored. very little people appreciate the moment and for those people, its still the living art,past time.

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the still image is definitely on the way out - not completely - it will still be a niche market, and i think in an increasingly digital world classical works of art such as paintings and lithographs will become more prized as objects of value. So yes, eventually in the future regular old paint and ink will be replaced by super thin LED panels, but there will always be a regard for classical 2d still imagery

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When i was growing up, my dad had a camera on him at all times, taking photos of everything, from the family, to anywhere we visited, pets, whatever. I hated it at the time, and still get annoyed when i'm with him and he tries to get pictures of me, but i'm sure i'll be happy he has like 400 books worth of photos when i'm older and want to tell my kids or grandkids about my brother or parents or uncles or whatever.


Granted, the digital age made it easier for people to take 4000000 pictures of themselves making a kissy face, but that doesn't mean there isn't still worthwhile photography out there. When all the myspace/facebook whores grow up (assuming they do), chances are all of those pictures will be deleted from their computers never to be seen again. And quite frankly, if you don't want to see myspace/facebook photos, it isn't hard to avoid. Don't fucking go on myspace and facebook and browse through their photos.


"The point of a picture is to capture a part of life that only happens once or twice a year or even a lifetime. And then share them many years down the road to look at and reminisce with family or friends. "


Who are you to say what the point of a picture is? Thats for the person taking the picture to decide. If i want to take 1000 pictures of my cats to have down the road, and that makes me happy, what the hell does it matter to you? once again, no one is forcing you to look through said pictures. Obviously, most people these days overdo it, but sometimes overdoing it has its benefits. You ever know someone who died and you wish you had more pictures of them? Maybe you're lucky and had tons of photos of your family/friends that have passed away, but that alone is reason for me to not get too annoyed that people want to try to document life way too much. Sure, 99.999% of the time, its worthless, but who the fuck knows when you'll wish you had one last picture with someone.


In terms of photography as art, its fucking played out. But guess what, so is pretty much everything. As with any art, for every worthwhile piece, there are going to be 10 million that suck dick. That comes with the grounds of something thats so accessible these days. There were still plenty of shitty photography years before digital cameras, you just didn't see it as much of it because there wasn't the internet for them to share their shitty art on. Same thing can be said with graffiti, paintings, sketches, music, whatever.


/end rant

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I blame all you faggots who jumped on the myspace band wagon.

then when that wasn't cool any more hopped on the face book bandwagon and now are hopping on the Twitter bandwagon.

Fuck all that gay bullshit.


I enjoy browsing the day in pies thread but shit HAS BEEN gay for a while.

Why the fuck take a picture of your bowl of fucking cereal?

Goin to a concert? cool.

Goin to an amusement park? Cool.

Goin on a hike? Cool.

Goin to a museum? Cool.

Taking the bus to work? Who gives a fuck?

Walking your dog? Who gives a fuck?

give it a fucking break already.



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This is interesting.


One of the main reasons i don't have facebook is because of all that bullshit people mentioned above.

Same fucking pictures of the same people in the same 5 clubs doing the same damn thing.

Most people would agree that those week end picture albums are corny and not interesting.


On the other hand, threads like Days in pies have inspired me to work on 2 projects that are taking up most of my free time. It is personally one of my favorite threads in Ch0 the only one i actually subscribed to.


It's so interesting to see how other people around the world, who have similar interests as you, live. Thanks to modern technology and low prices on digi cams we are able to document our lives as we wish. Then when you are older, you can see what you use to do on a day to day basis and recap thousands of moments attached to the pictures.



The problem is the people not the pictures.

I enjoy photography and lifestyle documentation.

When im stoned and in the zone looking at some of the posts on days in pies i really get a rush. It fascinating, to be able to jump in to some one's life for those few moment and see first hand what the person was seeing.



Its not about what it is but how u do it alot of the times as well

Look at Boris for example: most of his flicks are taken around his crib, but every time he posts shit is mad dope.


All this to say, i also hate those gay ass club pictures and most people who live in Facebook or use it as the main lifeline for their real life. Thats why im not on facebook


But i love sharing my life with anonymous people around the world who have the same interests, thats why i only fucks with teh oontz.


Also i am very sad i have so few pictures of myslef growing up or pictures of my family.

The few a do have, are probably some of the most important things i own.



Edit/ Cosing what Chupacabra said 100%.

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I blame all you faggots who jumped on the myspace band wagon.

then when that wasn't cool any more hopped on the face book bandwagon and now are hopping on the Twitter bandwagon.

Fuck all that gay bullshit.


I enjoy browsing the day in pies thread but shit HAS BEEN gay for a while.

Why the fuck take a picture of your bowl of fucking cereal?

Goin to a concert? cool.

Goin to an amusement park? Cool.

Goin on a hike? Cool.

Goin to a museum? Cool.

Taking the bus to work? Who gives a fuck?

Walking your dog? Who gives a fuck?

give it a fucking break already.




LOL damn!


I agree on this as well!

If you are gonna do something mad boring at least try to make it look interesting.

Sometimes contributing just to contribute, you better off not contributing at all.

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