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Nancy Pelosi


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if you live in cali you NEED to vote this bitch out of office in 2010....she is a fucking psycho who wants to imprison americans who dont want to pay for illegal immigrant hospital visits...she wants to control your life in every aspect. Obama aint the one, its pelosi you gotta worry about!


end rant...

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i can't take politicians seriously. it just gives people somebody to blame - which is probably the reason we elect someone in the first place, to place blame when it all fucks up.


It's kind of like a quarterback in football. win and he's a hero, lose and it's all his fault. Field general.


anyways, stupid thread is stupid. and people who know politicians by their full names are just as full of shit as the politicians they dispise.


go read books and help out this world with a clever way to do something better or easier. the grown ups are playing dictators. your opinion is irrelevant.

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....she is a fucking psycho who wants to imprison americans who dont want to pay for illegal immigrant hospital visits...


Oh no illegal immigrants! Those dirty brown people from the South whose economies and societies you have relentless destroyed for several decades! They are trying to get in so that they might feed their children whoops I mean rape American women.

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Oh no illegal immigrants! Those dirty brown people from the South whose economies and societies you have relentless destroyed for several decades! They are trying to get in so that they might feed their children whoops I mean rape American women.



Yeah! Bankrupt our country instead of fighting for your own! whoooohoo!!


You know the government leaders in Mexico are mostly Europeans?

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Yeah the immigrants are the reason the country is bankrupt - another Ron Paul gem? I'm sure even he doesn't adhere to that stupidity.



No. It's not totally the illegals fault, but it doesn't help us at all to provide medical, schooling, etc. for non tax payers.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want to come off as racist towards Hispanics. Many are good people who are only doing what they think is best, but what they think is best is helping to

turn our nation into what theirs has become.


Why not stand up and fight for what is yours? Take your nation back, don't come here and

fuck us over. Mexico actually has a ton of precious metal deposits, oil deposits, etc. It could

be a very wealthy nation...but for the people in charge.

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Why not stand up and fight for what is yours?


Because when you do you are rewarded with machetes and hollow points payed for and supplied by uncle Sam or did you miss that little thing most of us call 1950 through to 2000? Seems like a yes.


Take your nation back, don't come here and

fuck us over.


Yeah the illegal immigrants are destroying the country! If only we could live in a Ron Paul paradise where the 2% of the nation that control almost everything already could control... absolutely everything.


Mexico actually has a ton of precious metal deposits, oil deposits, etc. It could

be a very wealthy nation...but for the people in charge.


So except for the US and the Mexican elite - what an easy obstacle to redesign! Don't come here to feed your children stupid Mexicans just attempt to redevelop your society and cross your fingers about things that are unlikely to happen like mass capital flight and AR-15s pointed at your head.

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Because when you do you are rewarded with machetes and hollow points payed for and supplied by uncle Sam or did you miss that little thing most of us call 1950 through to 2000? Seems like a yes.




Yeah the illegal immigrants are destroying the country! If only we could live in a Ron Paul paradise where the 2% of the nation that control almost everything already could control... absolutely everything.




So except for the US and the Mexican elite - what an easy obstacle to redesign! Don't come here to feed your children stupid Mexicans just attempt to redevelop your society and cross your fingers about things that are unlikely to happen like mass capital flight and AR-15s pointed at your head.



You are some kind of dolt. Revolution is always bloody. It's not some pretty little flower parade where you get to have balloons and cake afterward. You are a fool and a weak

hearted person....except when it comes to standing up to the white devil, huh? You want to fuck "the man" up, but you're too pussy to stand and fight for your own?


Our revolution against the kings tyranny was met well. The kings army was large and well armed. The American people who fought were less than 20% of the peoples and what happened? We won. We fought the redcoats and Hessians well and drove them out of our nation. And you complain about some fucking guns and grenades? Fuck you. You are weak.


I never said that illegals are destroying our country, but they certainly are not helping matters.


Have fun being a little bitch about everything and thinking the United States citizenry owes you something you fucking coward.

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You are some kind of dolt. Revolution is always bloody. It's not some pretty little flower parade where you get to have balloons and cake afterward. You are a fool and a weak

hearted person....except when it comes to standing up to the white devil, huh? You want to fuck "the man" up, but you're too pussy to stand and fight for your own?


Wah wah wah let the tears hit the floor little guy.


I never said that illegals are destroying our country




don't come here and

fuck us over.


Keep the tears flowing.


Have fun being a little bitch about everything and thinking the United States citizenry owes you something you fucking coward.


Dry those eyes little fella.

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American people have this sense of entitlement. Like they are born into something they're owed, and if it's at all unlike they expect it should be, there's a fucking problem.


Much like spoiled rich trust fund kids.


The good news is Casek is right. It did take only a fraction of population to spark revolt. We really only need 10,000 or so people in one place at one time to make a considerable change to foreign and domestic policy. Historically speaking of course.


And that doesn't include you red white and blue bleeding gun crazy pig fuckers. These guys always have this idea that someones going to come on their land and force them to change how they live. And that's good, cuz that's what we'll sue them for. But there aint a snowflakes chance in hell that any country or coalition of countries will ever "take over" and control America. Not with as many rednecks as we have.


Unless you mean the international banking cartels that run everything anyways... but half of you still think there's imaginary lines dividing us and them. Good luck with that, I'm stock piling ammo and canned foods.

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^^^ 3 percent.

one estimate is that only 3% of the population actively fought against the british during the revolution. 10-20% aided it or at least ideologically supported it. and 1/3 were loyal to britian. the rest were fence sitters or just minded their own business.


many people throw around ideas of the new american revolution, secession, etc. one group of thought called the 'three percenters' or 'threepers' believe that there is 3% of the population that will not give into tyranny no matter what and already have the line drawn.

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^^^ 3 percent.

one estimate is that only 3% of the population actively fought against the british during the revolution. 10-20% aided it or at least ideologically supported it. and 1/3 were loyal to britian. the rest were fence sitters or just minded their own business.


many people throw around ideas of the new american revolution, secession, etc. one group of thought called the 'three percenters' or 'threepers' believe that there is 3% of the population that will not give into tyranny no matter what and already have the line drawn.



Yes, of course that is correct. You'll have to excuse my thought process. It's both tied up

by the flu and my hared of this douchebag aussie, purple mushroom. (I did some homework).


Hey PM: how you like begging to get on Battlefield 2 clans on the internet? That goin' well for ya big guy?

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this shit aint abuot illegals....its abuot this bitch making us pay for shit we dont need and saying we must comply or go to jail...pelosi thinks shes the answer to all the worlds problems bitch is delusional as fuck and a psycho...california is so fucking retarded sometimes i would move in a heartbeat but prop 215 keeps me here haha

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i used to think Casek was magical. until I learned how to google info from v cards.


I only use google and vcards when I want a quick fix to a problem. Spammers and faggots

get that treatment. I make no secret of that. (I even told PurpleMushroom to turn his off)


I use various means to exploit stupidity, though. I keep that stuff secret so others won't use it to fuck people over as I don't trust most of you bastards.



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i used to write perl scripts as "image server" scripts, like for picture galleries on websites. I used one to call out this crazy bitch stalker, it showed her the picture, but in the background it copied her IP info to a flat file database.


so i sent her a link on AIM saying "check out this crazy shit click here" and she did and it showed her something really stupid. she was like "why did i click that?". so i read the logfile and traced her IP, she said she was in Oklahoma, the IP was traced back to Dallas.


nerd tech.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pelosi is a piece of shit.

Obama is a piece of shit.

Reed is a piece of shit.

Landreu is a piece of shit.

Bush was a piece of shit.

Cheney was a piece of shit.


They all care about thier own agendas and not you. ESPECIALLY Pelosi

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