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my life has been flipped up side down.


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i havent really been on the oonzt for a while just to check quick threads out but i feel like i just have to vent and i know there are guys out there that will give me back either good advise or shit that will make me laugh.


i was engaged to a girl i met my sophomore year of high school. we had been together for over 5 and a half years. and last month just when i thought everything was good in my life she busts out with she cant do this any more and that she feels like we are room mates. i do understand that we fight alot and mostly dumb shit. also our stress level is real high since we are both 22 and owned a home and had lots of bills to pay and not much money to have fun with. so we decided that in November we would split up. so all weekend i helped her move in to her new spot and i moved back with my parents. we are still cool wit each other so thats a god thing. we didnt leave the relationship with problems. we still talk and she is still going to be around. i didnt think it would be so bad but im starting to feel shitty about all this. all i know is this girl and now instead of coming home to her i come home to my lil bro, sis and parents. and i go from having a nice house to a lil ass room in the basement. and a long drive to and from work.


these are some reasons why we split.


she doesnt think she wants kids, i do

i like to blow money she like to save

her parents dont like me cuz im not christian

we fight alot

she wanted to get married so i bought a ring and everything now she doesnt because she feels we are to young


she thinks we will never get out of debt because of the house.

and other reasons that i cant think of


what would u guys do if u were in my shoes. i want to get back with her or should i just move on??? i dont know what to do.


end of rant

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if you get back with her she will probably have the upper hand now cause it seems like you lost alot more than she did at this point and she wants to be alone to figure things out..


im guessing the problem is her freaking out and not a whole lot of what you did.. ive been through this before, minus the house and engagement.


good luck with whatever you do man.

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Damn, i just went through something with my girl.... and things are looking up.


While, I am a year older then you and have only been seeing my girl for 2 years... she flipped on me and decided she couldn't do it anymore because it was not what she wanted.


You can't change someones mind, but if you really want to be with this girl show here that you can save your money. Girls like guys that are good with money man... i've heard it on several different occasions. Not saying you have to be rich, or going into med school... but as long as you can manage your money- girls dig that.


Sounds like there are a lot more issues though. Best advice do you would be to give her space... show her you can function on your own and be confident. Girl like that too man... confidence. Don't call her every night telling her you want her back, tha'd probably push her away...


Good luck man, and even if she does not work out... life goes on.

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still be cool with her. 5 years is a bit. no reason not to be cool. i'd take this as an opportunity to work on yourself and your personal goals. your 22. this is an advantage. you still have a long way to go. still talk to her ifs yous are like that but if it hurts for a bit then step off for your own good. for a bit anyway. go do something with your life.

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Pick yourself up and stop moping. You didn't lose her. She's there. Probably just waiting on you.


Engagement may have been what pushed her to do this. It's a ton of pressure on a girl. Give her space and time.


Ever heard that saying "If you love someone, let them go. If it's meant to be they will come back"? It's true in many, many ways.



Dust yourself off and get back in the saddle. The ride ain't over 'cause the horse bucked you off.

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these are some reasons why we split.


she doesnt think she wants kids, i do

i like to blow money she like to save

her parents dont like me cuz im not christian

we fight alot

she wanted to get married so i bought a ring and everything now she doesnt because she feels we are to young



I haven't read anything but your first post, but:





With the grocery list of shit I quoted, why aren't you out celebrating?


You're 22 years old! Jesus Christ! START YOUR FUCKING LIFE OVER!



I know she's your high school sweetheart, and at one point in time you thought she was the do all be all of broads, but that was then and this is now. You both have grown since you were 15, and lost out on a lot of those trial by error dating/mating rituals.


"she wanted to get married so i bought a ring and everything now she doesnt because she feels we are to young"


Yeah, she's right. You both never got to go out and plow multiple fields, instead you both stayed in the same backyard wacking the same damn hoe. Even if age wasn't the issue, look at how you start your statement. SHE wanted to get married so I bought a ring. So if she wanted to watch you rape a dead baby's eye socket, would you whip out your dick and ask for KY? You don't put rings on people's fingers because THEY want to get married. That's how you end up with 3 kids, a troubled mortgage, a shitty job, and a double barrel shotgun in your mouth.


So she's a fiscal conservative Christian who's parents don't like you, and you both fight a lot. Why the fuck would you want to spend the rest of your life in that situation? You'll probably have to fast as a sign of mourning when Pat Robertson dies! Fuck that! You should be happy right now. You got your "get out of jail" card, you pulled the ejector seat, you've landed in friendly waters, enjoy your life now. You have a fresh start. You can go out and bang whores every day, or maybe just on Thursdays. You can get drunk and feel what's it's like to wake up praying you wore a condom. You can get whiskey dick and let some dumb drunk broad you met at the bar try and suck life back into it for a half hour, while you watch family guy and eat a taco. You can do whatever the fuck you want! You're 22!


Or you can just start your quest for the woman you can truly commit to and WANT to put a ring on. Either way, get your dick wet and test many waters before settling down. Don't go blowing the next 8 years of your life with one broad you meet next month.



So yeah, go out, celebrate, enjoy your new found young man's freedom. You said shit ended on a good note? Good, run with that. She can be your "friend." Just don't let her convince you to come back. Stay away from this one man. Don't go back, just keep going in whatever direction you can lead yourself away from that relationship.

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I feel for you man...but sounds like there is a lot stuff you need to experience in life. Live it up, travel..meet new people, she probably wasn't the one for you. Happened to me...five years as well. She was all I knew thought she was perfect for me...until I got to know the real me and I'm so happy we broke up. I'm married now to the right one.


I agree with John Gacy...go fuck some bitches....

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yea doggy. Atleast you dont have my problems.

on top of a bunch of shit that would make the pope want to eat a bullet

i have an ex who will every so often start shooting me text messages. Usually

i just ignore them. Heres the trainwreck from today.


1) when are you moving west

2) when you gonna get your life right

3) i heard this and this and this


and to top it all off she goes on about how all this shit is going well for her.

Meanswhile i am 17K in debt to the circuit court and have no job. All i can think

is why the fuck do you care


i was gonna insert a kanye west in here but I wont. Hope you work your shit

out tho. Im the last person in the world to ask relationship advice from or any

life advice for that matter. I feel like im gonna have a heart attack and im

not even 30

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didn't read much of this, but did catch earl's oversized comment on your age, which I'll re-enforce. your list of reasons are enough you to be walking away from her. there just shouldn't be that much conflict. move on. you're still REALLY YOUNG. once you accept that, you'll be all good. hell, I'm 31 and feel like I'm still just getting started in life. you gots time.


unless you die in a tragic, gruesome, fiery death, which would just be awesome anyway.


beardo / move on

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You're 22 years old! Jesus Christ! START YOUR FUCKING LIFE OVER!



a fresh break up makes you feel like your world has ended. cliche i know but give it some time and you will let out a sigh and thank her for leaving you.

in the mean time, go wild out and have some fun. you're free!!!

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Me and my girl just broke up after living together for about a year. I don't really even know why she moved out, but we had been beefing like crazy for quite some time leading up to it.


You gotta just tell yourself your young and try to keep it moving. Also, I wouldn't recommend the staying friends bullshit...no good

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cut the high school sweetheart bullshit. go enroll in college, get out of mom and dad's, fuck bitches for 4 years, get a decent job and then settle down. every person i know who got married before 24 is divorced now. be thankful she broke it off before it became a legal matter or a baby was involved.


insert disregard females acquire currency picture

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My best friend was on the same path- with his high school sweetheart, dropped a ring on her finger at 21, were about to move in together, and then all the sudden they called it off and split up. He soon after banged like 6 of the hottest girls i've seen. Major league status man... and is now in a relationship with someone a year and half later.


It's hard to walk away from something comfortable, but really man... I re-read your post and don't know why i didn't comment on this in the first place, but you have been with this girl since high school and you're 22... that's all you know. Get your shit together, get a roommate, move outa moms place and start living. You're 22.


Shit'll work out for the best.

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